Apply manual registration offsets

I’m in the middle of attempting to process my monochrome comet images. I’ve run into an issue that I can’t solve.

Before doing LRGB composition, I have to register my stacked LRGB images, of course. The only way to do this with stacked images of a comet, as far as I can see, is manual registration - the comet registration doesn’t work because I’ve lost the timestamps, these are stacked images. So, I can manually register my images… but now I need to do level matching and other work on the images. To do that, I need to apply the manual registration data. But, there’s no option to do that. As far as I understand, the only thing you can do with manual registration data is stack it, but that makes no sense when your images in your sequence are LRGB channels.

Is there a way that I can get Siril to apply the manual registration offsets to my images, so that I can continue processing them? At the moment, I’m thinking the only option to do this will be to export them to another program, eg Gimp, and do the alignment there.


you can use Apply Existing Registration which will… well, do as advertized:

You can also choose Min framing so that all the frames are cut to their common area.



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But it doesn’t. The Apply Existing Registration method doesn’t take into consideration any offsets set by manual registration. I’m not the first person to ask about this, and the response then was:

When performing a manual registration I am assuming (probably wrongly) that I use ‘Apply Existing Registration’

Nope. This is not how it should work. Manual registration only compute shifts, no transformation matrix.
So once you’ve done it manually, you just have to stack your sequence.

I haven’t tested on 1.2.4, but it should work as @cissou8 told you.
However, you also can export the sequence (it will apply the shift) in the sequence tab.