applying lut to image commandline

hello, people.
i am trying to use gmic from commandline in order to apply luts.
i have read the manual, and even found the handbook.
so, when i do lets say, for a test,

gmic -input test.jpg clut analogfx_soft_sepia_ii,48,0 -output test2.jpg

or just

gmic -input test.jpg clut analogfx_soft_sepia_ii -output test2.jpg

or choose any other lut, i get two output images - one is the copy of the input, and second is the lut image itself, i guess.

but how i can apply the lut to image?

Hi @inky and welcome!

See here:

Have fun!
Claes in Lund, Sweden

Probably like:

$ gmic test.jpg map_clut analogfx_soft_sepia_ii -o test2.jpg

thank you very much. already found it out from the @Claes’s link.
converted a couple of images using all profiles by small script, to look, which luts I like more, and if they look similar to the luts I have.

btw, how the film luts were made?
with color checker, under reference light?

was that the dedicated project, or where all those lut come from?

and then, how do i use other, already existing luts in .csv or .cube formats? lets say i have downloaded fuji’s eterna lut profile, can I apply it commandline?

so my tests are

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what about applying a custom .cube lut from commandline?
i actually did not find it in gui either, some old youtube videos reference user-defined settings, where it is possible to choose the cube file, but now it seems it is gone.
anyway, it is more interesting to find the commandline because i am applying the luts to all the photos in a directory via script, to not make it with each photo.

thank you.

@David_Tschumperle @Claes sorry to tag you, just i am not sure you got the notifications. and i am not even sure this is possible.

Something like:

$ gmic image.jpg clut.cube map_clut[0] [1] o[0] output.jpg
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ok i’ll just leave it here, that it doesn’t exactly work, and i don’t understand from the manual what are these [0] and [1] and o[0], but thank you!

Those are the image indexes, the order of your inputs (unless you change it with another command). In the example, [0] represents image.jpg and [1] represents clut.cube. map_clut[0] [1] means you are applying [1] to [0] and o[0] means you are outputting [0]. o is the shortcut for output.

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