ART new releases

@agriggio sounds good; I have simplified the bundle structure for RT, which eliminates the need to give /bin/sh full disk access in the latest macOS. So I will have another Macintosh PR for you in a short while. Great job on ART, Alberto!

Optimized binaries for Skylake architecture
uploaded at

Bravo, Alberto :+1:

AUR-package for Arch & derivatives now builds 1.1 :slightly_smiling_face:


AppImage package for 1.1:

I have not tested it yet… if anyone could give it a try, I would appreciate very much!

Downloaded the exe file. Could not find the Brush Mask Tool in local adjustment.


The mask brush is not yet in the release builds.
You need to find a build from the “drawn-masks” branch.

Edit: there’s a build here ART feature requests and discussion - #89 by gaaned92

thanks! I’ll test ASAP.

btw, turns out the interpolation in log space can produce artifacts in the shadows for noisy pictures, so I’ve now changed that in master. just FYI since you said you were interested

Test here on Kde neon 18.04, all is OK. Also fit into the menu on installation.

quickly tested, no issues found. Thanks again!

v1.1 is supposed to include the Brush Mask I suppose? I don’t see that one in your AppImage 1.1.

Version: 1.1
Branch: releases
Commit: 2642d9b
Commit date:
Compiler: cc 7.3.1
Processor: x86_64
System: Linux
Bit depth: 64 bits
Gtkmm: V3.22.2
Lensfun: V0.3.2.0
Exiv2: V0.27.0
Build type: RelWithDebInfo
Build flags: -std=c++11 -Werror=unused-label -Wall -Wuninitialized -Wno-deprecated-declarations -Wno-unused-result -fopenmp -Werror=unknown-pragmas -O2 -g -DNDEBUG -ftree-vectorize
Link flags:
OpenMP support: ON
MMAP support: ON
Build OS: Linux
Build date: 2020-02-18T21:55:59Z


not really… have a look at the list of features in the op

perfectly functional! Any problème on linuxmint 19.3. :+1:

Ah, my fault, sorry for the noise.

@srgmro @paulmatth @carafife @agriggio thanks for checking, and glad to hear it works!

Next step is to compile EXIV2 from sources in the win64 build , instead of using the (broken) MSYS2 package.


I also check it on a 20.04 daily build of Kubuntu and it works, only the icon is missing in the menu but seems to be due to gtk lib.

I have prepared a new Win64 test build (from the master branch) with a self-compiled EXIV2 library:

@gaaned92 @agriggio could you check if exiftool works properly in this case?


Unfortunately, It doesn’t fall back to exiftool.
Your exiv2 is 2.7MB instead of 4.3 for the one I build on MSYS2/GCC9.2

Could be due to a difference in the tool chain ( GCC9.2 #GCC8.2…)?

What error are you getting? I have tried to run the bundled exiftool with wine, and it worked…

when I tried with a packaged exiv2 the problem was that it was not raising an exception on error, so exiftool was never called… maybe you are using some build flags that cause this?

When I open a CR3 photo, I don’t get any exif data in ART. So It seems that the exiv2 doesn’t raise the exception.