ART new releases

Hi everybody, I’m planning to release version 1.7 before Christmas. Here are the main news:

  • improved usability of the brush mask, now strokes are smoother (you can go faster and still get a continuous stroke) and if you have a drawing tablet the brush radius and/or its hardness can be made pressure-sensitive
  • added support for lens correction parameters embedded in EXIF metadata (stolen from here but adapted to work with exiftool)
  • improved batch renaming, now supporting also moving to different directories
  • added support for Fuji GFX 100 pixel-shift files (both 4- and 16-frame), in combination with the make_arq tool.
  • added support for using the “fast float” plugin of LCMS2 for (significantly) faster color space conversions
  • plus various bug fixes

If you have a chance of testing it during next week, it will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!