ART v1.0 is out

yes, if you have a gentler curve in the jpg, the auto-matched one should follow. on any case, you can also pull down the whites and/or highlights slider in the tone equaliser: did you try that?

Yes, in high-contrast scenes OOTC images sometimes are blown too. I’ll try with Portrait mode in camera and with the Tone Equalizer in post-processing. Thanks a lot!

It doesn’t work ( no fall back to exiftool) with your libexiv2 dll but works if I replace it with the version from mingw-w64-x86_64-exiv2 0.27.2-2 [installé]

For dev builds, perhaps you should use “-dev” suffix

That is really strange, since this is that version installed by my build scripts. From the Travis CI log:

looking for conflicting packages...

e[0;1mPackages (16)e[0m mingw-w64-x86_64-brotli-1.0.7-4  mingw-w64-x86_64-c-ares-1.15.0-1
              mingw-w64-x86_64-curl-7.68.0-3  mingw-w64-x86_64-jansson-2.12-1
              mingw-w64-x86_64-nghttp2-1.40.0-1  mingw-w64-x86_64-zstd-1.4.4-1
              mingw-w64-x86_64-exiv2-0.27.2-2  mingw-w64-x86_64-fftw-3.3.8-1
              mingw-w64-x86_64-lcms2-2.9-1  mingw-w64-x86_64-libtiff-4.1.0-1

What is the most simple way to test this?

I just changed the build script, next package will have the good suffix…

Hi @agriggio, thank you very much for making ART possible. I never got familiar with RawTherapee, but i immediately felt “at home” when using ART (i’m a long term silkypix user). I’ve been using it for a few weeks and it works like a charm and fits well into my workflow.

As i’m using the arch-based Manjaro i’ve adopted a PKGBUILD-definition from RawTherapee to build ART on a arch-based system:
Feel free to link or pull into your main repo. Any comment is greatly appreciated.
Currently there’s only a version to build the latest master, i may look into a version to build the latest release as well.


Hello @guzzisti, I’m on Manjaro, and your building method is working very well. For updates, just do "sudo pacman -U that’s it? on the other hand, on the “classic” build version I use the Balckfoxx theme (created for Rt but works for Art), and when I install this theme in the Manjaro build theme file, it doesn’t appear? do you know why? On the other hand, is the Manjaro build supposed to improve Art’s performance? I haven’t noticed any faster module processing. Thank you for your clarification and your work.

Yes, I retested with same conclusion! I observe that all your dlls have the same size as mine except libexiv2 where yours is 2738ko instead of 4288ko.
So there could be a bug in the build of the exiv2 package you use? So, I can suppose you don’t use the same package repo as Msys2?

I notice that you have libjemalloc.dll in your dependencies. How you link to it? Is it beneficial?

To be honest, i have no clue how theming is working in ART/RT and if your issue is related to how ART is build. I’ll have a look later.

Regarding performance:
You compare to the AppImage-build provided here? Afaik the AppImage is built with “generic cpu optimization” while the PKGBUILD uses the native cpu optimization for your system. This may or may not gain a performance increase, depending on your CPU and the used compiler version. I have no experience how much of a performance gain these optimization can deliver - if there’s any.

On my system the PKGBUILD-version is noticeably faster on startup, but i haven’t done any comparison about image processing.

The whole point behind doing this PKGBUILD was to have a binary that uses the latest versions of libs and tools (exiftool, …) provided by Arch/Manjaro and to learn something about PKGBUILDs. :wink:
I’m hardly using those bundles things like snaps, flatpaks or appimages…but thats just a personal preference.

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Hi @guzzisti, thanks for your efforts. Do you plan to put your PKGBUILD on the AUR?

I compared the results with Rawtherapee’s manual compilation method (with Morgan Hardwood’s script)…

I guess i should do so. :wink:

Having ART in the AUR would be the logical next step. Unfortunately i have never messed with the AUR as a contributor. I guess some additional steps need to be taken before submitting the PKGBUILDs.
I will have a look at this the next days. Any help, especially testing and package review or advise by an experienced AUR packager is greatly appreciated. I’ll track progress in this issue.

As there are the same build optimization applied on both, there should be no difference in performance.

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  • I had to downgrade the mingw64package:
$ pacman -U /c/msys64/var/cache/pacman/pkg/mingw-w64-x86_64-cmake-3.15.6-1-any.pkg.tar.xz
chargement des paquets…
avertissement : retourne à la version antérieure du paquet mingw-w64-x86_64-cmake (3.16.4-1 => 3.15.6-1)

mingw-w64-x86_64-cmake-3.16.4-1 crashes on a segmentation fault.

  • Is there somebody that ever succeded to build with LTO option on MSYS2? is it worth the effort? How did you proceed exactly ( compiler, linker, options…) ? Are there some problems in the source that can preclude use of LTO?

AFAIK I am using the official MSYS2 repository. Here is link to the pacman configuration I am using to install the MSYS2 packages:

As a check, I took the official package, extracted it an checked the size of the libexiv2.dll library, and I get 2.8 MB:
Screen Shot 2020-02-14 at 6.37.00 PM

So this seems to be consistent with what the library that is present in my bundles.

Should I use a different MSYS2 repository?


I think this comes from the RawTherapee packaging, I vaguely remember that the developers suggested to include it…

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I am really puzzled :flushed:
You use the same repo as the same official package repo, you use the last version, the size in official repo is as you say!
So I surely did something but what! I have to search.
I had a discussion with @agriggio on this subject. Perhaps he remembers.

@Carmelo_DrRaw, the official exiv2 version in Mingw seems broken, or at least miscompiled. it seems it doesn’t properly raise exceptions on error. if I compile it myself, everything works. I think @gaaned92 does the same now after we talked about this.

Thanks @agriggio. With age we loose memory :face_with_head_bandage:

edit : I was only able to build the tag 27.2. It failed on last master and on 27.2-maintenance.

@Carmelo_DrRaw: I can send you the good dll if you can copy it in the build.

Can you elaborate at bit more on what you are doing?
I just placed the css into the base folder /usr/share/ART/themes/ and blackfoxx appears in the preferences dialog - but i’m not sure if that is the right way to add a theme to ART/RT.

Yes, that’s right. I did that, too, but it doesn’t show up in the preferences dialog and i don’t know why…!??

what’s your gtk version?