ART version 1.0 release candidate 2

Not sure I have got my head round the HSL mode in colour correction.
How does selecting different hues for slope and power work? Does it mean the slope or power correction will act more on that particular hue? Sorry if I am being thick…

the hsl mode works exactly like in darktable, which in turn works (as far as I know, I might be wrong here) exactly like color wheels in video editing software, except that you have hue/saturation sliders instead of an integrated wheel. under the hood, HSL adjustments get translated into slope/offset/power adjustments in RGB. so you could obtain the same effect by using the ‘rgb channels’ view, only the UI is different

Makes sense, thanks…

Thanks both for your suggestions . I will do as you suggested.

Here is the last version of the french translation file.
SergeFrancais.txt (150.8 KB)

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Black image at export:
Using this raw and color corrections with masks, although the image was OK within ART . Unchecking Texture Boost allows to export the file as expected. playraw-art-2.jpg.out.arp (11.1 KB)

playraw-art-1.jpg.out.arp (11.1 KB)
using RC2-9.
A link ti the raw


thanks, I’ll take a look

I can reproduce with the same raw file, but not with one of my own images.

should be fixed now.

It works perfectly, what a great job you do :+1::+1:
Many thanks

Honestly, in this case, it was you, who did the great job by properly reporting a bug and providing information how to reproduce the bug!


Hello, here is the Dutch translation of ART rc2. A cleaned-up version will follow. (This site requires me to change the file name from Nederlands to Nederlands.txt…).Nederlands.txt (109.6 KB)

Regards, Paul.

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thanks, added!

Salut Serge, found a little typo in your French translation: onglet Effets spéciaux - Noir & Blanc, should be Noir&Blanc.
Regards, Paul.

Thanks a lot Paul, corrected in the next version.

@agriggio @paulmatth
Thanks to Paul , a slightly improved french translation file.
SergeFrancais.txt (150.8 KB)

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Updated Dutch translation, even better! :wink:
Nederlands.txt (91.8 KB)

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Bravo @srgmro . Je trouve que la traduction française est vraiment bonne. Hormis peut être ENCODAGE LOG qui est peut être assez obscur encore que… :+1:

Merci, ne pas hésiter surtout à relever les erreurs, les fautes d’orthographes ou autres. @sguyader à largement participé au tri à partir du fichier RT. Pour Encodage Log le texte à été modifié en Mappage de tonalité log après discussion. J’ai maintenu le terme Log pour signifier le caractére non linéaire de cet outil.

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Génial c’est beaucoup mieux je trouve. C’est d’ailleurs comme ça que des utilisateurs et moi l’avions renommé :rofl: