Artifacts in the treetops

Hi, I’m just learning photo editing, so please bear with me. In the image below, I wanted the sky to be covered with heavy clouds to add drama to the image. I put on a parametric mask based on the brightness channel, lowered the exposure, and in the color balance module I also lowered the global glow and added color in the highlights. I noticed a light (white) dust jacket appearing on the tops of the trees. What am I doing wrong and what is the cause of these artifacts?

Of course, it wasn’t reality, but it’s all about having fun and learning Darktable :smile:

P1030537.RW2 (22.5 MB)

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Hi @Damian_J,

Please upload the pertinent .xmp as well.

Have fun!
Claes in Lund, Sweden

Should that be .xmp for darktable?

@damianj I’m only on my phone right now, but I think the white bits are bits of sky that were not included in the mask, so were not darkened with the rest. Perhaps the feathering slider in the mask adjustments might help?

@123sg Of course. And I thought I corrected it in time — but evidently the abstinence-because-of-503™ made me too slow…


No no, me too fast😆

Spontaneously, before having studied your .xmp: how about trying feathering radius and his partner sliders?

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I tried to adjust the mixing of the mask, but without good results

Where can I find this file?

Try in the folder/directory in which your RAW file is.

We should be able to use your Jpg I will try … the info is saved in the meta data of it… note the pinned thread for uploading Jpg to the site… yours is quite large…

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You can tweak the mask and your brilliance settings in CB are too extreme…this leads to artifacts…be more subdued with the brilliance changes and use other means to darken and boost the color contrast… using the blue channel in the color and brightness tabs in CC can work nicely on your sky… also enable lens corrections and denoise it seems to help a bit with the masking… lost my edit toggling back and forth too quickly DT crashed on me but if someone doesn’t provide an example I will go back and recreated what I did with experimenting … I also used the details slider…masked the trees and foreground and then inverted to get the mask for the sky rather than the other way around…

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My version…

P1030537.RW2.xmp (17.2 KB)


I think you lowered the exposure throughout the frame. I wanted to
lower the exposure only in the sky :slight_smile:

I would use a drawn mask. Why don’t you add a license and make this thread a Play Raw?


But anyway, something like this? Maybe I got too carried away. :wink:

P1030537.RW2.xmp (9.8 KB)

I thought I added a RAW file. I’ll do it as soon as I’m at the computer

I think it is easier to set the sky exposure with “tone equalizer” (mask + guided filter),
Then “color balance rgb” for sky contrast and color shift (also with a mask).
Also “filmic rgb” can be used for general contrast and highlights reconstruction.

P1030537.RW2.xmp (28.6 KB)


You did! :slightly_smiling_face: What Tim meant was to add the licence that makes the image free for others to play with - if you’re happy to of course. It’s suggested automatically when you set a new topic to Play Raw.

Of course I agree. How can I do this?

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It’s only a formality really, but a good one. The easiest way is just to open a new draft thread, set it to Play Raw like my screenshot above, then copy the second paragraph, the licence text. The you can edit your post here and paste it in. Or actually, you can copy and past it from here if you like, just take the whole line:

This file is licensed Creative Commons, By-Attribution, Share-Alike.

If you’re interested, you can follow the link to see the other variations on Creative Commons licences. I don’t know a lot about it, but it seems a well thought out system to make sure that people know what the creator is willing to let others do with their work.

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