Backlit tree with difficult colours

and a b&w version:

_MG_7830.CR2.xmp (10.0 KB)


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@s7habo @shreedhar I think you would be interested. I would be interested in your takes.


_MG_7830_02.CR2.xmp (13,3 KB)

A more dramatic version with strong colour contrast. Done with darktable (3.3) and GIMP.


It’s not the mask: it’s channel mixer (it clips values).
I think the way masks work is not taking the image as it arrives to the module in the pipeline, preparing it for the module (colour space conversion, if needed, plus clipping, if the module does that), processing all of it, and mixing it according to the mask with the input of the module from the pipeline; rather, the last step is mixing it with the ‘prepared for the module’ version of the input. Since the channel mixer clips values, the ‘prepared for the module’ input is already corrupted. Just create an instance of the channel mixer, and turn it on with neutral settings; I’d bet the image changes immediately.

You should do one of your YouTube videos on your method for this photo!

ART parameters embedded

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_MG_7830-2.jpg.out.pp3 (14,2 KB)

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Inspired by @s7habo, I took photoflow and came up with this:

_MG_7830_dramatic.pfi (56.2 KB)

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_MG_7830.CR2.xmp (12.7 KB)

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Thanks @afre.

Very interesting shot @corneel_van_maele, I went for some painterly style on this one with RT 5.8.
_MG_7830.jpg.out.pp3 (12.4 KB)

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Beautiful shot and I think @agriggio already pretty much nailed the processing on it. Here is a slightly different take in portrait.

Portrait orientation allowed me to get rid of the distracting bush on the right but cost a lot of really pretty sky. I think at least for the portrait crop I would have shot a bit lower to compress the foreground and move the diagonal of the hill up the stem just a bit more maybe I’d also a step to the right to create just a bit more distance between the sun and the tree.

_MG_7830.CR2.xmp (26.6 KB)


Dt 3.2.1 _MG_7830.CR2.xmp (10.7 KB)

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This is my first attempt at Play Raw. I feel like I cheated a little bit with a 3dLUT, but it’s at reduced opacity.

_MG_7830_01.CR2.xmp (15.6 KB)

Edit: I originally uploaded the LUT, but on reflection, I realized it would be better to link the page I found it on, instead of posting something that wasn’t mine. I used the “Velvia” one.

hah, nice. looks exactly like


Ah, I think I know what you mean: the tree as a symbol of life and the dramatic sky as divine light.
Where did you find this pic? I think it’s not the official poster of the movie. Is it a still form the movie?
Btw: it is a really interesting question where this motif/subject comes from. I am sure that is this not one of the oldest depictions of a tree with a dramatic sky but I am annoyed that I did not find a much older example in the net since yesterday evening. It would probably require at least some days research in libraries.
There is this but it’s not quite the same:

@Jonas_Wagner did you know the pic hanatos shared? Or another similar pic that inspired you?

Nice shot! Here’s my take:

_MG_7830.CR2.xmp (33.6 KB)

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@betazoid I did not have any photo in mind in that case. Just tried to get a pleasing composition (to my eyes anyways), deal with the dynamic range and to bring out the color contrast a bit. So I guess the similarity is a bit of coincidence.

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hm i just know it as a poster that was hanging in our hallway at work. i think it may be on the cover of the soundtrack?

I love your take on this, but what did you do in Gimp before taking this into Darktable? When I load your Darktable sidecar file, the image comes out very over exposed for me.