Better color rendering?

I have difficulty to render the colors of the petals of that peony. This is what I could achieve using Darktable Especially, red color of the left petal tips over to unnatural color tones, if played a little bit.

Any suggestion is welcome. I took the picture with Fuji X-T20. I attached the RAW file, too.

_DSF5730.RAF (22.1 MB)

Mustafa K.

You’d get more exposure as a PlayRaw ( Plus, a licence that allows people to create ‘derivative works’ is required.

Also, if you wait a couple of weeks or so (or you can build it now if you’re keen), darktable 3.6 will give you much more control over the rendered colours.

Hi @Redbrook,

switch on color calibration and get the white balance e.g. from the white tips of the flower, change hue (edit: to your taste) with color zones:

History in jpg.

Here’s my attempt, with darktable 3.6:

_DSF5730.RAF.xmp (12.6 KB)

Thank you, Chris and pass712. It was difficult for me to get the right white balance for that picture. I try in most cases modules white balance and CAT of color calibration, alternatively. I like your darker green in the background that I get through brightness of color calibration (green channel).

I think I used “detect from image edges” in color calibration to get the white balance.

Yes, this helps! This looks better for me now.

Chris, how do you achieve the sharpness of staminal (yellow part)?

I used the contrast equalizer along with the new (darktable 3.6) details masking feature. I have the sharpen module active too - I maybe overdid the sharpening a little on my edit.

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My take with usual Fuji settings

In 3.6 using the rgb color balance module you will be able to pull back the color a bit to remove the over saturated parts.

WRT to WB I often let the CC module calculate the default wb and if I feel its not quite right then I select custom as the illuminant…nothing changes by doing that initially and then I use the hue chroma sliders. Just tweak the chroma a bit and you can usually dial in a WB that will hit what you remember from the shot.

The takes on the color with slightly different edits

Hi, Todd!

thank you for taking your time and showing three alternatives with an explanation of the method you prefer. I like the last one. It has most natural colors.

I assume WRT (abbreviation of?) is a module or submodule inside version 3.6.

I work mostly with the modules filmic RGB, color calibration and color balance.

It means “with respect to”

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My try

_DSF5730.RAF.xmp (7.0 KB)

With extra sharpening in Gimp

Sorry for the shortform…as Chris noted…“with resepect to”

Easy to make it ‘pretty pink’ but who knows what the original color was … or do we really care.

Those look very natural close to the original flower. I like the rich colored (yellow) staminal that is convincing. Also, the petals have nice transition of colors. I will check your processing via xmp. Thank you!