Better color rendering?

I think you get a fair idea from the unprocessed raw or you could pull out the JPG…with flowers there is always lots of room for creative edit for sure especially vibrant ones

Why do you prefer to sharpen in GIMP rather than in dt? Which tool do you use in GIMP?

This was no"standard" sharpening but “freaky details”, see here.

my version - maybe sharpened it a little more than usual (using contrast equaliser) but the stamen seemed pretty soft? i pretty much used my standard process (i shoot a lot of flowers - was taking some of the peonies in my garden just this morning ; )

_DSF5730.RAF.xmp (35.0 KB)


_DSF5730.RAF.xmp (36,1 Ko)

darktable 3.7 with diffusion module (not yet merged).


@aurelienpierre - damn i was quite pleased with mine until you came along with your new and improved 3.7 version : ) :slight_smile: i like the colours in mine but you squeezed out a lot more definition - nice job!

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We’ll have shiny new toys under the Christmas tree :slight_smile:


just right (to my taste) ! can you reproduce basically the same with 3.4.1 and post the xmp ?

No, I can’t, sorry. The code necessary to do it is not in 3.4.

Noticed this…

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the horror ! my fatal enemy…


Some versions of my edit had it…it was the sharpen module or contrast eq I forget but I did get rid of it…mine was much darker…almost black



here :

_DSF5730.RAF.xmp (41,0 Ko)

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When will the diffuse module get merged do you think?? Soon after 3.6??

If it is related to Possibly a new deconvolution module for Darktable, then it may still take a while. I think the time spent is trying to get it to be fast enough for practical use.

AP why dithering for this image and you modified the defaults to random and -60db…what guides that decision and setting?? Just curious

Perhaps, the dithering is meant to prevent detail loss due to compression… (It isn’t my intention to speak for AP. Sometimes guessing is fun.)

I was struck by the simplicity of this process … and the fine (very fine) result.

Diffuse module will likely be for darktable 3.8 now. Christmas. It has an openCL implementation now so it’s fast enough to be useable.