Can I use Raw Therapee with Lumix .RAW2 images?

More informations please. I just pasted the path of my folder Z:/H2/rt54/build/ and RT didn’t crash…

@heckflosse I am not ready to do a backtrace. I tried opening other folders and RT didn’t crash.

Anyway, I just opened the folder without the RW2 and RT crashed. Maybe another file is doing this… I will find the culprit later. Folder contents:


most likely one of the png files

The .pp3 is automatically saved in the same folder as your raw file … together with the raw file the developers can try to figure out whats wrong

OK. I understand that RT creates a .pp3 file when you save a processed .RAW file. However, I have yet to be able to save a processed file from RT, so have no .pp3 files to post.
I used to use Adobe Camera Raw, and there were no .pp3 files to be seen, only .xmp files, which I now believe carried the meta-data. (I hope I’m getting the picture)
Anyway. Unfortunately I still cannot save images from RT.
Any other guidance would be gratefully received.

Good morning (local time),

I just downloaded RT 5.4 WinVista_64 onto a
Win 10 Pro 64b partition, then fetched your RW2
into the Download folder, fired up RT, opened
your image and hit Ctrl-S.

RT suggested to save the image as a JPG in the [User]/Pictures folder.

It worked just fine!
I also tried to change receiving folder to something else, like
…Downloads and I tested to save it as a TIFF as well.
It also worked fine.

Now, how to get out of this soup?
Might you be on a 32bit machine?

Claes in Lund, Sweden

PS: When you get it all working, play with applying
“Auto-matched curve - ISO Low” and see what nice
effects that setting has.


No, you still have not understood what is happening. RT creates the ,pp3 file when you open the raw file, in the same directory as the image file. It does that even if you do no editing. You do not “save a processed raw file” at all. Any edits that you make are saved in the .pp3 file that has been opened.

The only explicit “saving” that you do is when you export the raw file as a finished image as a jepg, tiff ect. file.

Do a test, open a new raw file. Then close RT, you will find a filename.pp3 file in the directory. If you examine the .pps file in a text editor you find it lists all the RT defaults settings.

I have the similar TZ110 camera, and I am using it happily with RT.

Do you mean the protected path in “ProgramData”? Well there RT can’t save a .pp3 file. Put your raw file into “Downloads” or something which belongs to you and then try it again please…

And you don’t need to save a jpeg to get the pp3 …

Thanks for the explanations. As Chasing Shadows predicted a .pp3 file has appeared when I opened a .RAW2 file from Downloads. However, when I open a .RAW2 file from other locations, eg. a new folder on Desktop, and then close RT there is no .pp3 file. How can it work from Downloads but not elsewhere?
Anyway, here’s the .pp3 file I have found:
_1010752.RW2.pp3 (11.2 KB)

Now try to save a jpeg or a tiff from the raw in downloads …I guess it will work then .,.

If I’m right your original problem is, that the pp3 couldn’t be saved …

Yes. A .jpg and .pp3 were saved in Downloads. Thanks.
Any idea why .pp3’s are not being saved elsewhere, in folders where I want them?

Nice catch, Karlheinz!

Now, why did everything work just fine here?
It could be because I installed RT as an admin.

Have fun!
Claes in Lund, Sweden

There are two things related to “ProgrammData” … it is hidden and it is protected. , and you didn’t put your raw files there …

Well, please try to save your jpeg somewhere on the desktop and keep your raw (and pp3) in downloads. I guess it will work

Is there no way I can grant permission for pp3’s to be saved in normal folders? I don’t fancy moving all my old RAW files to my C: drive just so that I can use RT.
PS. This is a 64bit computer. I am administrator.

I think your problem is that ProgrammData is a protected folder which is not meant to store any kind of user data. It is used by a program to save system data files there wich can be updated independent from the program itself. Create a folder like C:\RAW and some additional structure like date and put your raw files there … I’m pretty sure then everything works as expected.

BTW, If Adobe updates the folder all your raws might be gone. I wouldn’t take that risk …

Yes, it works in the new folder you suggest. That’s good.
I also seem to be able to save with .pp3 files successfully to another drive, as I wish, but only in certain places on that drive.
I do not understand the term “ProgrammData”. Is the problem that the folders I was using to store Image files were originally created by Adobe Bridge?

The folder you mentioned earlier “Adobe Camera Raw” is created by Adobe in a hidden and protected system folder called “ProgramData” and it is meant to handle system files provided by Adobe and not any user files. Whenever Adobe thinks that it wants to install new/updated content they might delete the folder upfront. So if you still have all your raw files you are really lucky …

What do you mean with “only in certain places”? A lot of folders (to be exact most folders) on drive C: belong either Microsoft or any software vendor. And these folders are all protected. I’m pretty sure the folders you are talking about ask for administrative privilege when you put something in manually.

Whenever the systems asks that, please do the following:

  • Stop whatever you are doing
  • Switch the brain on and carefully rethink
  • Choose a proper location for the things you are trying to save

Regarding ProgramData , Microsoft indicates that “this folder is used for application data that is not user specific”.

So I should add: never store your valuable data here as it is managed as the app developper decided.

The same holds also for C:\users<username>\Appdata…

Also for security sake, unless required, don’t log under administrator account but under standard account for usual work as with RT.