Can we talk about the future

I think there is a problem with too many threads. I’m usually on older i7’s myself, no issues there (8 threads).

I have an “old” threadripper (1950 or something) that I never used, might set it up and see where Natron starts to run in to issues.

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See here: Natron crashes when rendering
Limiting threads to 8 helped me a lot!

Feel free to post more system specs and comp files so we can improve documentation on how to setup Naron for 4k exr handling…

I’m will be looking at hiring devs for my studio team for our own blender build and for Natron development as well. We havent started the hiring process yet. Waiting for COVID-19 situation to get better. Maybe we can ask these questions when hiring so we can get an idea of what the issue is.