Cannot open Darktable (currently 5.0) in Gimp

I’ve searched and searched… uninstalled, reinstalled both under Windows 11.
Is there something that I can add to the plugin settings to allow Gimp to open Darktable?

Hi Joe, more knowledgeable people will answer this in a more informative way, but my understanding is there is a problem from GIMP’s end with communicating with DT to get it to open. In the meantime I would suggest that you open the RAW file in DT and then export the image as an xcf file extension to do further work in GIMP is needed. It may help to let people know your OS as that may be relevant.

What version of gimp?

Just opened this Sony file from a recent playraw…

Gimp 3.0 RC2
DT 5.1 a few days old…

Windows 11

You need Gimp 3.0 RC2 for this to work. RC1 won’t work. See here:

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