Canon R7 CR3 files have strange black bars on the sides

All my cr3 photos have weird black bars on the sides of the photos with a pink line. Automatic device setting does not work yet in this format, whereas this problem does not occur with jpgs. When I set the device manually, I still have these bars visible. I use Canon R7 and canon EF 75-300mm f/4-5.6 II with 7artisans adapter.

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Can you share a raw file here?

3R7A1286.CR3 (35.6 MB)

That is how almost all Canon raw files look like. It is called optical black/masked pixels. A raw converter crops that field before you see it, but didn’t do it in your case. darktable users can just hit Passthrough in the module Raw black/white point to see the optical black pixels.

For Rawtherapee you find the settings in the file camconst.json

Does your camconst.json file look the same?

Also see this post Measure black and white levels? - #11 by Peter

No i dont have raw-crop and masked_areas

Then that’s why.

ok so should i put this in my file?

Yes. Or you can just download camconst.json from GitHub and replace the one you have. Take a backup of your old one first.

Do you have latest RawTherapee? Perhaps easier to update RawTherapee?


Could you send me a link to this thread or file? I would be very grateful

oh well, it’s in your first answer, it doesn’t matter

I installed this file and nothing changes

I can try tomorrow.

What version are you running? I recently updated to a Canon R7 and had the same problem with RT 5.9. I was also unable to see any meta data. From this site I learned CR3 files not fully supported on 5.9. The post suggested converting the files to DNG with the Adobe converter. That worked well but the extra step was hassle, so I gave the latest development version a try and that’s been working great for me. I now have full CR3 support and I’ve never had it crash on me. You might want to give one of those solutions a try.

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No problem with RawTherapee exiv2 version Call for testing: RawTherapee metadata handling with Exiv2 (includes CR3 support)

Btw, do you need a lens profile for your EF75-300/4-5.6 III? If that is what you have. Canon has used same LensType nr for different 75-300 models…

I downloaded this version and everything actually works, thank you very much

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I have EF 75-300mm f/4-5.6 II so should I use a different profile than the one automatically assigned to this object? automatically completed as EF 75-300mm f/4-5.6 III

If you have a profile for 70-300/4-5.6 II, then use that profile.

It said version III when I opened your picture because I have forced lens recognition using the LensType nr. But as I wrote, Canon mixes those numbers so the same number is shared by both II and III.