[Capture Challenge] Charge your battery and take some photos

I think yours look great, @Claes!

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I absolutely love that image, @123sg! Great shot!

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Thanks :blush:


This one reminded me of a piece from Zürich’s Christmas decoration, with all the silhouetted, personal stories (sorry, snapped this one with the phone):


Are you referring to this topic?

Swift reply because of dinner:
Yes, that is the one.



@hatsnp oooooh! Envy! :+1::+1::+1:


That first one especially is killer!


My wife complained about my bottle collection the other day. I told her, I didn’t see what the problem was :grinning:


Only problem I can detect is that
they are not full?


Great images!

Nice to see “ancient tech” in the age of drones. You really have to trust your kite and your skills!


Strong wind pushing the North Sea into the Weser, a nearly full moon and good rainfalls for weeks give a bit too much water. Luckily it’s not salty, only river water that can not go into the sea.

(First day I really got my camera out in weeks, so on topic…)


Most probably she is asking for irish whiskey :wink:

There’s not a single bottle in that collection that is available here in Canada. Some product from almost all of those distilleries have been available at some time or other, but never any of yours. Just put your headphones on and enjoy! :smiley:

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That doesn’t surprise me. Some of them are from distilleries that are too small to get themselves into the export trade, others sell all their output to blenders. I am slightly surprised that you can’t get Laphroaig or Talisker though.

Long years ago I sailed in the Swedish and Finnish archipelagos.

The guy who I sailed with told me that if the Swedish authorities could find a street that was one way in both directions, then this is where they would put all the off-licences (liquor shops).

I try to tell her that it is a mood thing, some days you like an Island whisky, other days you like a Speyside…

I am slightly surprised that you can’t get Laphroaig or Talisker though.

But are these the “plain” Talisker or Laphroaig? A long time ago the only “variable” in a distillery output was the age, but now they seem to have read way too much marketing books.

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