[Capture Challenge] Charge your battery and take some photos

Another from the walk. Maybe I should have left it wider to show the surroundings. However, I wanted to keep the drinks visible, as I think they are important for the mood.


Yes, they are.


Oof these colors are lovely and the image really speaks to me for some reason! Something about that shadowed foreground and the gorgeous sunlight on the buildings…

I may have to drag my camera out again soon. :slight_smile:


Good morning…


Definitely for their mood.

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Hello again
Good set.
Pop that statue doing handstands in the critique thread… I’ll be gentle, promise :smiling_imp:

Particularly like the first shot? Curious to know where it is taken…

A couple of birds from the last weeks:

Two cranes in Halland, Sweden:

A greenfinch from Denmark:


A couple from this morning after an early breakfast at church. I just “happened” to have my camera with me (funny how that happens… sometimes LOL) so I drove out to one of my few semi-photographic locations.

It was a gentle April morning here in Louisiana, just barely (and very comfortably) cool for a while. Much of the US is barely feeling spring-like but down here in the Deep South we’re getting there, finally. Leaves are brilliant green now, but that’ll darken and mute as summer kicks in all too soon, I’m sure.

The sky was happenin’ just as I got there. Unfortunately the sun went behind a big patch of high clouds for a while, muting things quite a bit. But I still like the feel of this.

Dunno if I’m as sure about this one. Kinda busy, although it looked nice in person. It may well be one of those “nice scene, but not much of a photo” things.

Canon T8i / 850D, Sigma 17-70mm f/2.8-4.5 DC Macro, ART 1.19.3, Affinity Photo 2.1 beta


Not sure if using your phone counts - but it’s at least always charged and often the camera I have on me. I did have my main camera with me, but it stayed with the bike as I was carrying the helmet and jacket and didn’t have enough free hands for the extra device.

Having recently got my motorcycle licence at 53, to live the adventure life :wink: I headed off on a three day trip leaving from Canberra staying in Orbost, Corryong and then back home via the Kosciuszko National park.

Taken on day two having left Orbost to have breakfast in Lakes Entrance.

The stillness was broken by a wandering swan just out of shot.

Edited on the phone with Snapseed.


If its a phone camera, yes that counts.

If you’re using your phone to generate images from Mid journey or whatever, then that’s not photography :joy:

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rediscovered older shot


LOL infinity infinities


Went to Castelo Branco, which is close to that town, for a small vacation.


I’m probably pushing my luck with the frequency of my posting, but what the heck… :slight_smile:

I was sitting at home and noticed a brightening to the west (in an otherwise totally overcast sky) 35 minutes before sunset. I grabbed my camera backpack, jumped in the car and drove 15 minutes across town to a small lake. For a few minutes I thought there would be nothing, as the clouds mostly closed up, but there was a little color about five minutes after sunset. The sun must’ve found an opening.

ART 1.19.3, with very minor cleanup (cloning / inpainting) and export in Affinity Photo






Now that’s a lake … Unlike what I posted! LOL



Hi, last Saturday I tried my hand at using my OM-1 and Pro-capture to photograph birds taking up flight… until I found out that some birds just dive bomb before actually starting to fly…! (Taken in Panama)


Particularly the second photo is quite impressive for the action going on. Thank you for sharing.

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