[Capture Challenge] Charge your battery and take some photos

Wow. I really wasn’t looking at your post as I prepared my own. :slight_smile:
I really like yours, but the last one… that one I love!

Duplicity of events…someone’s got to be the first one :slight_smile:
I feared the last one would look a bit like a view out of a frozen prison window

Edit: ‘look’ inserted.

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That’s really nice - Simple but beautiful


climbing mountains in the wrong kit

Must be all your references to Scotland, but I read that as “climbing mountains in the wrong kiLt” and started wondering what a mountain kilt would look like.


Utility kilts are a thing

Also, super-hero kilts


This kilt is ideal for people who want to look good and have plenty of space to store valuable items

isn’t that the main difference between kilts and trousers anyway?

If that has the implication I think it does… :crazy_face: :rofl:


The remaining pics from the other day’s walk


But SOOO pretty!
Especially the second withe post and rail fence and the golden sunshine partially peeping through to illuminate the snow-covered trees.

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Anna, that’s really nice. Makes me want to get back out there in the cold mornings, while the snow still decorates the mountain tops…

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Still ploughing through Glencoe pics

Entrance to the “Skyfall” road. Couldn’t find an Aston Martin


We have had a drop or two of rain recently, courtesy of a few storms. I went to Aberfeldy yesterday, and went back with the camera to show the state of the River Tay.

This is in Logierait, the water in the foreground is in a field, the river is behind.

These are in Grandtully, normally one can see numerous exposed rocks, but today they are all covered

Fortunately there is place to get a nice cup of coffee and a cake out of the drizzle

Back to Pitlochry, this is the Tummel from the roadside, the trees in the middle of the river are normally seen on a small island.

This piece of debris would probably have come over the dam in Pitlochry itself.



Wow. I’m guessing your area is probably a little more rocky than mine (mostly alluvial silt). That would, at least to some degree, contribute to run-off being higher.

We’ve had rain for the last couple of days and the thunderstorms that came through last night added another 2.5" / 63mm on top of what we already had. My rain gauge was empty before it all started and ended up with 4.5" / 114mm total.

Normally I’d complain about too much rain, but we’re still recovering from a very dry summer. So I’ll be a little more patient. Plus, as the red clay under our house (indeed, under all of the state, basically) expands with moisture content, we no longer have sticking doors – Close, but not sticking. It’s far from level and never will be. Our foundation guy says our best hope is to just “float more or less level”. But hopefully this moisture will forestall a fourth round of foundation work. Not forever, but at least for a while longer.

Cake and tea (uh, coffee) sounds pretty good right now. :slight_smile:


You can tell I like the Christmas Car :slight_smile:

This one is just a light (or one light of many lights) in the mall


It is, but we have lots of trees, and a number of lochs and rivers have their water managed to keep the hydroelectric dams working to full capacity. In theory, this should mean that the run-off is slowed down.

We just seem to have had a series of storms, one after the other.


Explored Parliament House in Canberra today. I live less than 2 hours drive from it, but haven’t actually visited in years and years. :slight_smile:

Lots of photographic potential…


Son and I drove up to cabin-in-the woods yesterday, not a lot of snow left from last week’s fall. Woke up to this:

A light snowfall overnight, 3-4" accumulation, still failing at 7am. Tried to neck down the aperture to slow the shutter speed to blur the falling snowflakes, but they were too small and just made a light mist.

They added a fire pit since our last visit, called the wife to tell her to bring firewood:

Back in the warm cabin, kept this one a bit dark so as not to blow out the outside:

Supposed to clear out later today, hopefully forest -shafted sunlight tomorrow morn…