[Capture Challenge] Charge your battery and take some photos

First edit with RawTherapee 5.10. I didn’t do all that much to the image. The light was nice, but if I went on a cloning spree to get rid of all the people and park benches I’d have to name the image Dolly.


Wow, that is some light @elGordo

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Really, really, nice light. But I think even the people make the image, reminds me of the work of a painter whose name I can’t recall…


Georges Seurat, maybe?

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Yeah, like that, 'cept maybe a bit less people, a bit more landscape.

That’s just me wishing the location was in the country instead of in an urban park. Five minutes before and five minutes after this shot there were probably 50 people in the area covered by the shot.

It’s your aesthetic, don’t mean to question it… however!!!

What I do see is that the people provide a punch of contrast, a dichotomy to the pastel wash of the landscape. That and their placement in the composition add an element that speaks to the purpose of the place. The bench by itself might do the same, but I personally am good with people using it.

I guess what I really mean to say is that I think this is one of the top 3 images in this whole thread, as-is…


Interesting perspective…the whole time I was muttering under my breath: go home, people!

Totally gobsmacked by your last comment. There are some pretty fine images in this thread.

Remember who yer dealin’ with here… :crazy_face:




I was out for a walk and saw this besides a burn

Looks like an evening visit with a long lens might be profitable.

Other pictures from the walk:


So this is likely the work of a beaver, you believe?

There are beavers in the local area, but this is the first I have seen any sign of them in this particular spot. There are also otters on the Tay, but I have yet to see them.

I obviously need to do a guided wildlife walk, with someone who has more idea where to find them.

Another one from yesterday…


Sunset at the cemetery.


Not being familiar with beavers, I thought it might be vandalism from an over-enthusiastic axe owner at first… :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :rofl:

A few snaps from an early morning walk yesterday.

Pentax K10d and 70-300mm


I like the first one enormously. There are a couple of places where you have a tiny amount of what looks like lens flare that could be edited out.

I also wonder if you could lift the face of the larger goat slightly, so that the eye was more visible.

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Thanks! :slight_smile:

I could lift the face a little. The eye is actually hidden by that big ear though… I’m conflicted between leaving her as an almost-silhouette or bringing out more detail.

As to flare - probably should remove it. I actually like it, but that might just make me weird… :smile:

Thanks very much for the thoughts!

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