[Capture Challenge] Charge your battery and take some photos

From yesterday’s walk in our neighbourhood.

The German word ‘Angst’ means the same as the English. :slight_smile:
This is actually the sign of a company, Schlüssel-ANGST AG (‘Schlüssel’ means ‘key’, so you could interpret the name as ‘key-worry’, ‘key-anxiety’; here, Angst is probably the surname of the owner or founder). Because of the word ANGST, I went for a gritty, high-contrast B&W, didn’t even bother with noise reduction.


If the situation ever allows it, this might make an interesting shot with the sign in sunlight but the building in shadow.


The building faces northwest. During most of the day, the whole wall, but also the sign, is in shadow. One option would be near noon, with the sun being high. I’m not sure I can solve it.

Then again, having the word ANGST in deep shadow by itself might be more emotionally appropriate! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Some close-ups from today


By the lake

There’s also a B&W version, which one do you prefer?


FYI – I jsaw some more trees like this yesterday in another location and later tried the Google Lens app to find an identifying photo. It did – The tree is a hackberry (celtis occidentalis). This photo on Flickr (not mine) looks exactly like what we have locally. I’ve heard of hackberry trees, but wasn’t aware of their appearance. In fact there’s a small town in Louisiana named Hackberry.

My folks knew a shrimper who lived in Hackberry. He’d call when he arrived with a good catch, and my folks would hop in the truck to go get some. Fresh off the boat…

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Got a red-level alert for northern lights this evening so headed up nearby Calton Hill but a bit too cloudy unfortunately so made do with a few snaps of the last of the distant sunset. Got back home to a message from another local photographer who unbeknownst to me was also wondering around up there in the murk. I wish the Balmoral Hotel didn’t have that blue illumination.


Spring is coming! Testing my new 70-200mm lens.


I like it that you captured it with the pollen on the legs :slight_smile: Very nice!

Sunday morning jazz with Albert Vila Trio


Angry bird
Well - I didn’t have any food for it. According to the leaflets - it is better to leave them fend for themselves. At the end - it is a wild bird - not a domesticated bird.

In a gray day with not much sun, a bird (that does not like me to go near) and the branches (same color as the bird) I resorted to boosting color and contrast. Not sure where the naturally observed scene ends and the liberty of expression begins. Either way - if I wanted it to make the expression for the picture - it wouldn’t so I took it as is - no complains.

Obviously I didn’t shoot this red fellow and some may find it prettier than the one posing for me. Since there is so much similarity in the expression - maybe they are cousins - way distant cousins and if they are not - we can at least pretend they are and appreciate the look :slight_smile:


Some brutalist architecture plus accessories during a short stroll through Brisbane’s cultural centre at Southbank on Saturday

rooflight of the first one is steel-framed behind the planter in the second one:


Yes, pring is getting nearer

And this one got nearer to my lens


Found a little perl in the garden.

Shot with the EF-S STM 35mm macro lens.


Rally day… getting ready.

Roads are closed for the event

Here we go!


Oly capturing video

So hot even cars need hats… :wink:

This is hard on tyres

Time to collect the prizes!

and then relax

…and head for home!


The first one could be titled “You shall not pass.” [Gandalf]


Lovely early evening light in the last couple

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I thought that was, “None shall pass.” [The Black Knight]
