[Capture Challenge] People without people

Very good picture!

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I like the way it shouts “Free calls for everyone. Right here”, but then in a small quiet voice, add “Calls to anywhere in Australia.” :smiley: Looks more like a bug and dust convention than a phone booth.

Somehow when I go into an internally-lighted – but externally-visible – place like this (including my car at night after I unlock it), I always feel like I’m on stage. With the internal lighting, once you’re under it you can’t see much outside. It’s a kind of vulnerable feeling, IMO.


I think this can be posted here (came a bit late to my mind) but I didn’t want to double post so I just linked it.


Been trying out a new lens I got almost for free. :slight_smile:

An Asanuma 135mm f2.8 in M42 mount, here adapted to a Sony A7s mk1.

I’ve never heard of Asanuma, so assume it’s one of those generic lenses that were sold under different brands. Anyway, it’s rather better than I expected - nicely sharp stopped down a little, and the bokeh is nice too.


I loved that lottery when semi randomly buying vintage lens … but I seldom resold the one I ended up not using so I stopped before it became a hoarding habit.

But cheap lens hunting is a lot of fun :smiley:

Is that vintage corolla your ride ? (I assume its a Toyota corolla ?)

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Selling?? How does that work? :wink:

But seriously, you have a point!

No, not my ride, a friend’s project. It’s a Honda CRX. Not that common, at least in Australia…

nice, sure more fun than a corolla, hope it’s the v-tech engine :slight_smile: I think the long focal kind of compressed the hood leading to confusion :smiley:

The colors look great and warm, I don’t know if it’s your grading or the lens rendition … I’ve been surprised about how different lens render the color differently. Never got to properly check if the radioactive coating turning yellowish had a lot of impact or not …

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I don’t know, I must confess I’ve never been a Honda person… :sweat_smile:
There’s a few Hondas competing in the local and state level rallys around here though.

I used to be sceptical about this, but now I’ve got more older and ‘interesting’ lenses I’m not so much…
I haven’t noticed anything special with the 135mm, but I haven’t really thought about it tbh.
Here’s the sidecar (from dt 4.7-something…) in case you’d like to take a peek.
DSC00758.ARW.xmp (18.2 KB)


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Mine is the relatively boring Ford Mondeo out of focus on the left!

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A light bulb in an abandoned factory.





Two mammals of different species without two mammals of different species.

Have a nice evening or whatever!



That’s excellent. Love it.

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I have a friend who sees faces everywhere, and she has kind of infected me, too.

This ‘couple’ was spotted by my wife, actually:

And this one is next to our building (sorry about the crappy phone shot – digital zoom):



Does this count? (Kansai Airport… Number three’s my favourite)