Took this a couple of hours ago. I’m planning to take this shot again soon, but at an earlier time of day, and when it’s not cloudy either, and when Gamescom isn’t currently happening (there are annoying hoardes of partying gamers all over town this weekend). But I figured maybe some of you would like to play around with this shot, since it has plenty of options to crop. The question of how to crop this image is my personal main focus here, although color adjustments could also yield interesting results (be they realistic or artistic).
A great image!
I feel that the curves of the railway lines are an important part of this composition, so I have only made a slight crop on the left where the lines are leading out of the picture.
Increased the saturation in the areas where it is high and low, leaving the medium saturation regions unchanged.
Adjusted the crop some more. I believe I’m happy with this one, at least for the foreseeable future… (to quote Bill Bailey from Black Books: “I was hoping for maybe five minutes.”)
DSC_5188.NEF.xmp (10.9 KB)
A quick edit. I like how relatively easy Sigmoid and exposure module worked together to recover the bright lights in the image.