(Richard E Barber)
March 7, 2019, 11:53am
In re: https://colourise.sg
Not much to say as this is a simple web interface into a powerful auto-colorizer. It is trained on a set of Singaporean images and supposedly works best with humans and nature.
Some examples from my favorite b/w shots and scans:
The first thing that happens once you upload is you get a slider to sweep the before and after.
There is a button to let you download the result by itself. My old Tmax 100 tabby photo shows scant colorization.
Road 22, Cu Chi, Vietnam
Red Trike:
Starry night:
Two-man submarine:
Other technologies we have investigated:
DeOldify is a set of Python/Jupyter/Machine Learning tools to add color and generally try to rescue aging photographs. Fully Open Source and requiring fairly heavy-weight hardware I thing that it is one to keep an eye on.
Some examples from the project link :
Maria Anderson as the Fairy Fleur de farine and Lyubov Rabtsova as her page in the ballet “Sleeping Beauty” at the Imperial Theater, St. Petersburg, Russia, 1890.
Edinburgh from the sky in the 1920s
[Edinburgh from the sky in t…
Interactive Deep Colorization in action.
This is a Low-Quality Unprocessed™ scan from an old Brownie photo (a small 1:1 print) my grandfather took in Guam while he was stationed there during WWII.
To invoke I specify the file to avoid wasting time processing the sample image: python2 ideepcolor.py --cpu_mode --image_file ~/Downloads/store.jpeg The program begins by automatically colorizing your image (deep colorization):
As you can see it is well-trained in sky and cloud f…
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