December 3, 2020, 8:33pm
Hi all,
I am trying to compile ART on OSX, but get an error while compiling. My compiler is:
Apple clang version 12.0.0 (clang-1200.0.32.21)
Target: x86_64-apple-darwin19.6.0
Thread model: posix
InstalledDir: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin
I run the following commands:
git checkout master
mkdir build & cd Build
cmake … -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=“release” -DPROC_TARGET_NUMBER=“2” -DCACHE_NAME_SUFFIX=“5.8-dev” -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=“clang” -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=“clang++” -DWITH_LTO=“ON” -DLENSFUNDBDIR=“/Applications/RawTherapee.app/Contents/Resources/share/lensfun” -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DOpenMP_C_FLAGS=-fopenmp=libomp -DOpenMP_CXX_FLAGS=-fopenmp=libomp -DOpenMP_C_LIB_NAMES=“libomp” -DOpenMP_CXX_LIB_NAMES=“libomp” -DOpenMP_libomp_LIBRARY=“/usr/local/lib/libomp.dylib” -DOpenMP_CXX_FLAGS=“-Wno-pass-failed -Wno-deprecated-register -Xpreprocessor -fopenmp /usr/local/lib/libomp.dylib -I/usr/local/include” -DOpenMP_CXX_LIB_NAMES=“libomp” -DOpenMP_C_FLAGS=“-Wno-pass-failed -Wno-deprecated-register -Xpreprocessor -fopenmp /usr/local/lib/libomp.dylib -I/usr/local/include” -DCMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE:BOOL=ON -DCMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS=“-L/usr/local/opt/libffi/lib -L/usr/local/lib” -DCMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET="10.15”
make -j$(sysctl -n hw.ncpu) install
I get the following error:
/Users/myname/programs/code-art/rtengine/rcd_demosaic.cc:195:44: error: value of type ‘attribute ((vector_size (4 *
sizeof(int)))) int’ (vector of 4 ‘int’ values) is not contextually convertible to ‘bool’
const vfloat VH_Disc = vabsf(0.5f - VH_Central_Value) < vabsf(0.5f - VH_Neighbourhood_Value) ? VH_Neighbourhoo…
1 error generated.
Seems similar to what is reported here . Is this a bug? Any clue how to solve this?
Thanks in advance for your help!
(Ingo Weyrich)
December 3, 2020, 8:43pm
In RT this is fixed. Perhaps ART should port the fix from RT…
const float E_Grad = eps + (std::fabs(cfa[indx - 1] - cfa[indx + 1]) + std::fabs(cfai - cfa[indx + 2])) + (std::fabs(cfa[indx + 1] - cfa[indx + 3]) + std::fabs(cfa[indx + 2] - cfa[indx + 4]));
// Cardinal pixel estimations
const float lpfi = lpf[lpindx];
const float N_Est = cfa[indx - w1] * (lpfi + lpfi) / (eps + lpfi + lpf[lpindx - w1]);
const float S_Est = cfa[indx + w1] * (lpfi + lpfi) / (eps + lpfi + lpf[lpindx + w1]);
const float W_Est = cfa[indx - 1] * (lpfi + lpfi) / (eps + lpfi + lpf[lpindx - 1]);
const float E_Est = cfa[indx + 1] * (lpfi + lpfi) / (eps + lpfi + lpf[lpindx + 1]);
// Vertical and horizontal estimations
const float V_Est = (S_Grad * N_Est + N_Grad * S_Est) / (N_Grad + S_Grad);
const float H_Est = (W_Grad * E_Est + E_Grad * W_Est) / (E_Grad + W_Grad);
// G@B and G@R interpolation
// Refined vertical and horizontal local discrimination
const float VH_Central_Value = VH_Dir[indx];
const float VH_Neighbourhood_Value = 0.25f * ((VH_Dir[indx - w1 - 1] + VH_Dir[indx - w1 + 1]) + (VH_Dir[indx + w1 - 1] + VH_Dir[indx + w1 + 1]));
const float VH_Disc = std::fabs(0.5f - VH_Central_Value) < std::fabs(0.5f - VH_Neighbourhood_Value) ? VH_Neighbourhood_Value : VH_Central_Value;
rgb[1][indx] = intp(VH_Disc, H_Est, V_Est);
1 Like
December 3, 2020, 8:57pm
Thanks! added that if statement to the .cc file, but now I get an undeclared variable error for ‘zd5v’. Probably have to change something more in the code? Or can I better copy that full .cc file from RT? Not a programmer myself, so please tell me if I better wait for the whole code to be updated
/Users/myname/programs/code-art/rtengine/rcd_demosaic.cc:196:66: error: use of undeclared identifier ‘zd5v’
const vfloat VH_Disc = vself(vmaskf_lt(vabsf(zd5v - VH_Central_Value), vabsf(zd5v - VH_Neighbourhood_Value)), …
/Users/myname/programs/code-art/rtengine/rcd_demosaic.cc:196:98: error: use of undeclared identifier ‘zd5v’
const vfloat VH_Disc = vself(vmaskf_lt(vabsf(zd5v - VH_Central_Value), vabsf(zd5v - VH_Neighbourhood_Value)), …
2 errors generated.
December 4, 2020, 5:33pm
Should be fixed now, thanks
December 4, 2020, 8:05pm
Thanks so much for fixing that! It worked. Unfortunately, I get another error at a later stage during compiling. Any idea what his going on? It seems the path to ar is set wrong (/opt/local/bin/ar does not exist, should be /usr/bin/ar). I tried to add the following for cmake:
-DCMAKE_AR=“/usr/bin/ar” -DCMAKE_RANLIB=“/usr/bin/ranlib”
But cmake output reports this:
– Binutils version detected as less than 2.29 - setting CMake parameters to enable LTO linking:
Should I with LTO to OFF? Does that hurt?
Original error message:
[ 44%] Linking CXX static library librtengine.a
cd /Users/myname/programs/code-art/build/rtengine && /usr/local/Cellar/cmake/3.19.1/bin/cmake -P CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/cmake_clean_target.cmake
cd /Users/myname/programs/code-art/build/rtengine && /usr/local/Cellar/cmake/3.19.1/bin/cmake -E cmake_link_script CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/link.txt --verbose=1
/opt/local/bin/ar qc librtengine.a CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/badpixels.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/CA_correct_RT.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/FTblockDN.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/PF_correct_RT.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/alpha.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/ahd_demosaic_RT.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/amaze_demosaic_RT.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/cJSON.c.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/calc_distort.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/camconst.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/cfa_linedn_RT.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/ciecam02.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/clutstore.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/color.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/colortemp.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/coord.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/cplx_wavelet_dec.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/curves.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/dcp.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/dcraw.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/dcrop.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/demosaic_algos.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/dfmanager.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/diagonalcurves.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/dual_demosaic_RT.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/dynamicprofile.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/eahd_demosaic.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/fast_demo.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/ffmanager.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/flatcurves.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/gauss.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/green_equil_RT.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/hilite_recon.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/hphd_demosaic_RT.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/iccjpeg.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/iccstore.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/iimage.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/image16.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/image8.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/imagedata.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/imagedimensions.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/imagefloat.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/imageio.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/improccoordinator.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/improcfun.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/impulse_denoise.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/init.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/iplab2rgb.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/ipresize.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/ipsharpen.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/iptransform.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/rtjpeg.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/klt/convolve.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/klt/error.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/klt/klt.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/klt/klt_util.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/klt/pnmio.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/klt/pyramid.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/klt/selectGoodFeatures.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/klt/storeFeatures.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/klt/trackFeatures.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/klt/writeFeatures.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/labimage.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/lcp.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/lmmse_demosaic.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/loadinitial.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/myfile.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/panasonic_decoders.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/pipettebuffer.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/pixelshift.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/previewimage.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/processingjob.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/procparams.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/profilestore.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/rawimage.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/rawimagesource.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/rcd_demosaic.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/refreshmap.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/rt_algo.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/rt_polygon.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/rtthumbnail.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/simpleprocess.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/ipspot.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/slicer.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/stdimagesource.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/utils.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/rtlensfun.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/tmo_fattal02.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/iplocalcontrast.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/histmatching.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/pdaflinesfilter.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/gamutwarning.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/iptoneequalizer.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/ipsoftlight.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/xtrans_demosaic.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/vng4_demosaic_RT.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/guidedfilter.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/ipdehaze.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/ipcolorcorrection.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/lj92.c.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/ipsmoothing.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/iplogenc.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/labmasks.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/ipgrain.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/ipdenoise.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/iptextureboost.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/metadata.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/iplabadjustments.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/perspectivecorrection.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/iphsl.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/ipchmixer.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/ipexposure.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/iprgbcurves.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/ipbw.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/ipsaturation.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/ipfilmsim.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/iptonecurve.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/deconvautoradius.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/filmnegativeproc.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/filmnegativethumb.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/canon_cr3_decoder.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/pyramids.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/rawimage_gainmap.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/subprocess.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/bayer_bilinear_demosaic.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/gainmap.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/base64.cc.o CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/imgiomanager.cc.o
Error running link command: No such file or directory
make[2]: *** [rtengine/librtengine.a] Error 2
make[1]: *** [rtengine/CMakeFiles/rtengine.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2
December 4, 2020, 8:40pm
The following cmake command worked, and I am able to get an executable. Unfortunately, when I move it to /Applications and run it, the executable crashes. I experience the same issue with compiling RT as reported here . Really puzzled why I am able to finish the compiling process, but end up with a faulty executable? Any ideas?
I use the following commands:
cmake … -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=“release” -DPROC_TARGET_NUMBER=“2” -DCACHE_NAME_SUFFIX=“5.8-dev” -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=“clang” -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=“clang++” -DWITH_LTO=“OFF” -DLENSFUNDBDIR=“/Applications/RawTherapee.app/Contents/Resources/share/lensfun” -DOpenMP_C_FLAGS=-fopenmp=libomp -DOpenMP_CXX_FLAGS=-fopenmp=libomp -DOpenMP_C_LIB_NAMES=“libomp” -DOpenMP_CXX_LIB_NAMES=“libomp” -DOpenMP_libomp_LIBRARY=“/usr/local/lib/libomp.dylib” -DOpenMP_CXX_FLAGS=“-Wno-pass-failed -Wno-deprecated-register -Xpreprocessor -fopenmp /usr/local/lib/libomp.dylib -I/usr/local/include” -DOpenMP_CXX_LIB_NAMES=“libomp” -DOpenMP_C_FLAGS=“-Wno-pass-failed -Wno-deprecated-register -Xpreprocessor -fopenmp /usr/local/lib/libomp.dylib -I/usr/local/include” -DCMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE:BOOL=ON -DCMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS=“-L/usr/local/opt/libffi/lib -L/usr/local/lib” -DCMAKE_AR=“/usr/bin/ar” -DCMAKE_RANLIB=“/usr/bin/ranlib” -DCMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=“10.15”
make -j$(sysctl -n hw.ncpu) install
sudo make macosx_bundle
December 4, 2020, 9:04pm
Unfortunately I don’t have access to osx, so I won’t be able to help…
1 Like
(Richard E Barber)
December 6, 2020, 7:27am
Please include a crash report.
December 6, 2020, 5:49pm
Hi Hiram,
Thanks for getting back to me. Here is the crash report:
EXECRASH.txt (77.8 KB)
Other outputs:
CMAKE.txt (4.7 KB)
MAKE.txt (987.5 KB)
BUNDLE.txt (17.6 KB)
Hope this helps you getting some pointers to what could be wrong, as this happens with both RT and ART.
December 6, 2020, 9:25pm
I tried to compile for generic processor, but same thing happens. Did get some errors during sudo make macosx_bundle. Same happens when I use `-DPROC_TARGET_NUMBER=“1” instead of “2”, but they aren’t listed in the BUNDLE.txt in the previous reply:
BUNDLE_ERRORS.txt (132.6 KB)
(Sébastien Guyader)
January 31, 2021, 1:46am
Hi, I just got a new Mac mini (M1 Silicon) and I wouldn’t mind helping for OS X compilation.
For information, I just installed the official RT 5.8 Mac Os build and, while it’s not blazingly fast, at least it works and doesn’t crash.
Is there any pointer as to how what steps I should follow? I’m brand new with Mac OS.
January 31, 2021, 7:26am
That would be great!
I can’t be of any help unfortunately, but maybe @HIRAM has some tips?
(Sébastien Guyader)
January 31, 2021, 5:33pm
I’ve tested the ART v 1.5 build for OSX knot for Big Sur), and placed it in the Applications directory. I also had to force MacOS to allow running.
With those steps ART runs almost fine, except that it doesn’t show any file in the file browser. But if I right click on an image in the Mac OS finder and ask it to open with ART, then I can process and export the file.
(Sébastien Guyader)
January 31, 2021, 7:37pm
An addition to my post above: when an image is exported in a folder, then the images become visible in ART’s file browser. Quite strange…
(Sébastien Guyader)
January 31, 2021, 7:49pm
For information, to allow running ART as it is an unsigned application, I ran this command in the Applications
sudo xattr -rd com.apple.quarantine art.app
February 1, 2021, 6:24am
Hi Sebastien, if you collect more tips and/or manage to make more progress please let me know, it would be good to have this info in the wiki
(Richard E Barber)
February 1, 2021, 8:15am
I’m not sure about installing and running both ART and RT on the same Mac. The Info.plist
s are having some overlapping data which could definitely lead to some undefined results.
February 1, 2021, 1:33pm
Hi, do you have any hints on what should be changed on the ART side to avoid the clash? Thanks!