Test of RawTherapee on MacOS 11.1 Big Sur

The command you wrote fails here: error: unrecognized input

With just the curl command I get <html><body>You are being <a href="https://patch-diff.githubusercontent.com/raw/Beep6581/RawTherapee/pull/5786.patch">redirected</a>.</body></html>

Sorry it the correct URL is a redirect…

curl https://patch-diff.githubusercontent.com/raw/Beep6581/RawTherapee/pull/5786.patch | git apply

or set the -L flag on curl to redirect automatically:

curl -L https://github.com/raw/Beep6581/RawTherapee/pull/5786.patch | git apply
1 Like

I’m afraid it’s not better now. Actually now it’s even worse in that there are some missing images/icons when I run rawtherapee.

When I run it form the command prompt:

sguyader@MinideSebastien MacOS % ./rawtherapee
Error: the user's processing profile path doesn't point to a directory or doesn't exist!

Could not open camera constants file "/Applications/RawTherapee.app/Contents/Resources/share/camconst.json": No such file or directory
Error: Can't load css file "/Applications/RawTherapee.app/Contents/Resources/share/themes/RawTherapee-GTK3-20_.css"
Message: <broken file>:1:0Failed to import: Erreur lors de l’ouverture du fichier /Applications/RawTherapee.app/Contents/Resources/share/themes/RawTherapee-GTK3-20_.css : No such file or directory
ERROR: L’ouverture du fichier « /Applications/RawTherapee.app/Contents/Resources/share/images/rawtherapee-logo-16.svg » a échoué : No such file or directory
ERROR: L’ouverture du fichier « /Applications/RawTherapee.app/Contents/Resources/share/images/rawtherapee-logo-24.svg » a échoué : No such file or directory
ERROR: L’ouverture du fichier « /Applications/RawTherapee.app/Contents/Resources/share/images/rawtherapee-logo-48.svg » a échoué : No such file or directory
ERROR: L’ouverture du fichier « /Applications/RawTherapee.app/Contents/Resources/share/images/rawtherapee-logo-128.svg » a échoué : No such file or directory
ERROR: L’ouverture du fichier « /Applications/RawTherapee.app/Contents/Resources/share/images/rawtherapee-logo-256.svg » a échoué : No such file or directory

(rawtherapee:3562): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: 20:09:56.239: invalid cast from 'GtkMenuBar' to 'GtkWindow'

(rawtherapee:3562): Gtk-CRITICAL **: 20:09:56.239: gtk_window_add_accel_group: assertion 'GTK_IS_WINDOW (window)' failed
ERROR: L’ouverture du fichier « /Applications/RawTherapee.app/Contents/Resources/share/images/rawtherapee-logo-16.svg » a échoué : No such file or directory
ERROR: L’ouverture du fichier « /Applications/RawTherapee.app/Contents/Resources/share/images/empty.svg » a échoué : No such file or directory

When I close the app:

rawtherapee(3562,0x105983d40) malloc: *** error for object 0x14b82ef00: pointer being freed was not allocated
rawtherapee(3562,0x105983d40) malloc: *** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
zsh: abort      ./rawtherapee

The command sudo make macosx_bundle:

/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/make  -f CMakeFiles/Makefile2 macosx_bundle
/opt/homebrew/Cellar/cmake/3.19.4/bin/cmake -S/Users/sguyader/PhotoApps/rtrepo -B/Users/sguyader/PhotoApps/rtrepo/build --check-build-system CMakeFiles/Makefile.cmake 0
/opt/homebrew/Cellar/cmake/3.19.4/bin/cmake -E cmake_progress_start /Users/sguyader/PhotoApps/rtrepo/build/CMakeFiles 0
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/make  -f CMakeFiles/Makefile2 rtdata/CMakeFiles/macosx_bundle.dir/all
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/make  -f rtdata/CMakeFiles/macosx_bundle.dir/build.make rtdata/CMakeFiles/macosx_bundle.dir/depend
cd /Users/sguyader/PhotoApps/rtrepo/build && /opt/homebrew/Cellar/cmake/3.19.4/bin/cmake -E cmake_depends "Unix Makefiles" /Users/sguyader/PhotoApps/rtrepo /Users/sguyader/PhotoApps/rtrepo/rtdata /Users/sguyader/PhotoApps/rtrepo/build /Users/sguyader/PhotoApps/rtrepo/build/rtdata /Users/sguyader/PhotoApps/rtrepo/build/rtdata/CMakeFiles/macosx_bundle.dir/DependInfo.cmake --color=
Scanning dependencies of target macosx_bundle
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/make  -f rtdata/CMakeFiles/macosx_bundle.dir/build.make rtdata/CMakeFiles/macosx_bundle.dir/build
Creating macOS bundle
DUMMY_VARIABLE= PROJECT_NAME=RawTherapee PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR="/Users/sguyader/PhotoApps/rtrepo" CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=release GTK_PREFIX="/opt/homebrew/Cellar/gtk+3/3.24.24" PROC_BIT_DEPTH=64 sh /Users/sguyader/PhotoApps/rtrepo/tools/osx/macosx_bundle.sh
PROJECT_NAME:           RawTherapee
PROJECT_VERSION:        5.8.2670
PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR:     /Users/sguyader/PhotoApps/rtrepo
CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:       release
PROC_BIT_DEPTH:         64
GTK_PREFIX:             /opt/homebrew/Cellar/gtk+3/3.24.24
PWD:                    /Users/sguyader/PhotoApps/rtrepo/build

-- Removing old files:

-- Creating bundle container:

-- Copying binary executable files.

-- Copying Resources directory.

-- Copying dependencies from /opt/homebrew/Cellar/gtk+3/3.24.24.
error: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/otool-classic: can't open file: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/libexpat.1.dylib (No such file or directory)
error: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/otool-classic: can't open file: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/libgtkmacintegration-gtk3.4.dylib (No such file or directory)
error: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/otool-classic: can't open file: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/libfftw3f.3.dylib (No such file or directory)
error: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/otool-classic: can't open file: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/libfftw3f_omp.3.dylib (No such file or directory)
error: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/otool-classic: can't open file: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/libgiomm-2.4.1.dylib (No such file or directory)
error: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/otool-classic: can't open file: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/libgio-2.0.0.dylib (No such file or directory)
error: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/otool-classic: can't open file: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/libglibmm-2.4.1.dylib (No such file or directory)
error: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/otool-classic: can't open file: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/libgobject-2.0.0.dylib (No such file or directory)
error: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/otool-classic: can't open file: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/libglib-2.0.0.dylib (No such file or directory)
error: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/otool-classic: can't open file: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/libintl.8.dylib (No such file or directory)
error: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/otool-classic: can't open file: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/libsigc-2.0.0.dylib (No such file or directory)
error: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/otool-classic: can't open file: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/libgthread-2.0.0.dylib (No such file or directory)
error: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/otool-classic: can't open file: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/libgtkmm-3.0.1.dylib (No such file or directory)
error: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/otool-classic: can't open file: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/libatkmm-1.6.1.dylib (No such file or directory)
error: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/otool-classic: can't open file: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/libgdkmm-3.0.1.dylib (No such file or directory)
error: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/otool-classic: can't open file: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/libgtk-3.0.dylib (No such file or directory)
error: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/otool-classic: can't open file: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/libgdk-3.0.dylib (No such file or directory)
error: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/otool-classic: can't open file: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/libatk-1.0.0.dylib (No such file or directory)
error: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/otool-classic: can't open file: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/libcairo-gobject.2.dylib (No such file or directory)
error: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/otool-classic: can't open file: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/libpangomm-1.4.1.dylib (No such file or directory)
error: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/otool-classic: can't open file: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/libcairomm-1.0.1.dylib (No such file or directory)
error: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/otool-classic: can't open file: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/libpangocairo-1.0.0.dylib (No such file or directory)
error: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/otool-classic: can't open file: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/libpango-1.0.0.dylib (No such file or directory)
error: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/otool-classic: can't open file: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/libharfbuzz.0.dylib (No such file or directory)
error: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/otool-classic: can't open file: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/libcairo.2.dylib (No such file or directory)
error: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/otool-classic: can't open file: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/libgdk_pixbuf-2.0.0.dylib (No such file or directory)
error: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/otool-classic: can't open file: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/libiptcdata.0.dylib (No such file or directory)
error: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/otool-classic: can't open file: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/libjpeg.9.dylib (No such file or directory)
error: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/otool-classic: can't open file: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/liblcms2.2.dylib (No such file or directory)
error: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/otool-classic: can't open file: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/libpng16.16.dylib (No such file or directory)
error: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/otool-classic: can't open file: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/libtiff.5.dylib (No such file or directory)
error: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/otool-classic: can't open file: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/librsvg-2.2.dylib (No such file or directory)

-- Modifying install names: RawTherapee.app/Contents/MacOS/rawtherapee-cli

-- Modifying install names: RawTherapee.app/Contents/MacOS/rawtherapee

-- Modifying install names: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/liblensfun.2.dylib
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/install_name_tool: warning: changes being made to the file will invalidate the code signature in: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/liblensfun.2.dylib
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/install_name_tool: warning: changes being made to the file will invalidate the code signature in: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/liblensfun.2.dylib
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/install_name_tool: warning: changes being made to the file will invalidate the code signature in: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/liblensfun.2.dylib
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/install_name_tool: warning: changes being made to the file will invalidate the code signature in: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/liblensfun.2.dylib

-- Modifying install names: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/libomp.dylib
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/install_name_tool: warning: changes being made to the file will invalidate the code signature in: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/libomp.dylib
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/install_name_tool: warning: changes being made to the file will invalidate the code signature in: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/libomp.dylib
ditto: Cannot get the real path for source '/opt/homebrew/lib/libjpeg.62.dylib'
ditto: Cannot get the real path for source 'pkgcfg_lib_EXPAT_expat:FILEPATH=/opt/homebrew/Cellar/expat/2.2.10/lib/libexpat.dylib'
ditto: Cannot get the real path for source '/opt/homebrew/lib/libz.1.dylib'

-- Copying configuration files from /opt/homebrew/Cellar/gtk+3/3.24.24:

-- Copying library modules from /opt/homebrew/Cellar/gtk+3/3.24.24:
ditto: Cannot get the real path for source '/opt/homebrew/Cellar/gtk+3/3.24.24/lib/gdk-pixbuf-2.0'

-- Removing static libraries and cache files:

-- Flattening the Frameworks folder
ditto: Cannot get the real path for source 'RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/gdk-pixbuf-2.0/2*/loaders/*.so'
ditto: Cannot get the real path for source 'RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/gtk-3.0/3*/immodules/*.dylib'
ditto: Cannot get the real path for source 'RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/gtk-3.0/3*/immodules/*.so'
rm: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/gdk-pixbuf-2.0: No such file or directory

-- Copy GTK+3 theme and icon resources:

-- Copy Adwaita icons
gtk-update-icon-cache: Cache file created successfully.
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/install_name_tool: warning: changes being made to the file will invalidate the code signature in: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/liblensfun.2.dylib
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/install_name_tool: warning: changes being made to the file will invalidate the code signature in: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/libomp.dylib
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/install_name_tool: warning: changes being made to the file will invalidate the code signature in: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/libpng16.16.dylib
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/install_name_tool: warning: changes being made to the file will invalidate the code signature in: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/libtiff.5.dylib

-- Build GTK3 databases:
/Users/sguyader/PhotoApps/rtrepo/tools/osx/macosx_bundle.sh: line 252: /opt/homebrew/local/bin/gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders: No such file or directory
Cannot load module /Users/sguyader/PhotoApps/rtrepo/build/RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/im-*: dlopen(/Users/sguyader/PhotoApps/rtrepo/build/RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/im-*.so, 10): image not found
/Users/sguyader/PhotoApps/rtrepo/build/RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/im-* does not export GTK+ IM module API: dlopen(/Users/sguyader/PhotoApps/rtrepo/build/RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/im-*.so, 10): image not found

-- Modifying install names: RawTherapee.app/Contents/MacOS/rawtherapee-cli

-- Modifying install names: RawTherapee.app/Contents/MacOS/rawtherapee

-- Modifying install names: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/liblensfun.2.dylib
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/install_name_tool: warning: changes being made to the file will invalidate the code signature in: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/liblensfun.2.dylib
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/install_name_tool: warning: changes being made to the file will invalidate the code signature in: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/liblensfun.2.dylib
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/install_name_tool: warning: changes being made to the file will invalidate the code signature in: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/liblensfun.2.dylib
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/install_name_tool: warning: changes being made to the file will invalidate the code signature in: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/liblensfun.2.dylib

-- Modifying install names: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/libpng16.16.dylib
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/install_name_tool: warning: changes being made to the file will invalidate the code signature in: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/libpng16.16.dylib
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/install_name_tool: warning: changes being made to the file will invalidate the code signature in: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/libpng16.16.dylib

-- Modifying install names: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/libomp.dylib
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/install_name_tool: warning: changes being made to the file will invalidate the code signature in: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/libomp.dylib
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/install_name_tool: warning: changes being made to the file will invalidate the code signature in: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/libomp.dylib

-- Modifying install names: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/libtiff.5.dylib
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/install_name_tool: warning: changes being made to the file will invalidate the code signature in: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/libtiff.5.dylib
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/install_name_tool: warning: changes being made to the file will invalidate the code signature in: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/libtiff.5.dylib
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/install_name_tool: warning: changes being made to the file will invalidate the code signature in: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/libtiff.5.dylib

-- Copying shared files from /opt/homebrew/Cellar/gtk+3/3.24.24:
ditto: Cannot get the real path for source '/opt/homebrew/share/mime'

-- Installing required application bundle files:
sed: -e: No such file or directory
/Users/sguyader/PhotoApps/rtrepo/tools/osx/macosx_bundle.sh: line 274: update-mime-database: command not found

-- Build glib database:
L’ouverture du fichier « RawTherapee.app/Contents/Resources/share/glib-2.0/schemas/org.gnome.desktop.enums.xml » a échoué : No such file or directory
L’ouverture du fichier « RawTherapee.app/Contents/Resources/share/glib-2.0/schemas/org.gnome.desktop.a11y.applications.gschema.xml » a échoué : No such file or directory
L’ouverture du fichier « RawTherapee.app/Contents/Resources/share/glib-2.0/schemas/org.gnome.desktop.a11y.gschema.xml » a échoué : No such file or directory
L’ouverture du fichier « RawTherapee.app/Contents/Resources/share/glib-2.0/schemas/org.gnome.desktop.a11y.keyboard.gschema.xml » a échoué : No such file or directory
L’ouverture du fichier « RawTherapee.app/Contents/Resources/share/glib-2.0/schemas/org.gnome.desktop.a11y.magnifier.gschema.xml » a échoué : No such file or directory
L’ouverture du fichier « RawTherapee.app/Contents/Resources/share/glib-2.0/schemas/org.gnome.desktop.a11y.mouse.gschema.xml » a échoué : No such file or directory
L’ouverture du fichier « RawTherapee.app/Contents/Resources/share/glib-2.0/schemas/org.gnome.desktop.app-folders.gschema.xml » a échoué : No such file or directory
L’ouverture du fichier « RawTherapee.app/Contents/Resources/share/glib-2.0/schemas/org.gnome.desktop.background.gschema.xml » a échoué : No such file or directory
L’ouverture du fichier « RawTherapee.app/Contents/Resources/share/glib-2.0/schemas/org.gnome.desktop.calendar.gschema.xml » a échoué : No such file or directory
L’ouverture du fichier « RawTherapee.app/Contents/Resources/share/glib-2.0/schemas/org.gnome.desktop.datetime.gschema.xml » a échoué : No such file or directory
L’ouverture du fichier « RawTherapee.app/Contents/Resources/share/glib-2.0/schemas/org.gnome.desktop.default-applications.gschema.xml » a échoué : No such file or directory
L’ouverture du fichier « RawTherapee.app/Contents/Resources/share/glib-2.0/schemas/org.gnome.desktop.input-sources.gschema.xml » a échoué : No such file or directory
L’ouverture du fichier « RawTherapee.app/Contents/Resources/share/glib-2.0/schemas/org.gnome.desktop.interface.gschema.xml » a échoué : No such file or directory
L’ouverture du fichier « RawTherapee.app/Contents/Resources/share/glib-2.0/schemas/org.gnome.desktop.lockdown.gschema.xml » a échoué : No such file or directory
L’ouverture du fichier « RawTherapee.app/Contents/Resources/share/glib-2.0/schemas/org.gnome.desktop.media-handling.gschema.xml » a échoué : No such file or directory
L’ouverture du fichier « RawTherapee.app/Contents/Resources/share/glib-2.0/schemas/org.gnome.desktop.notifications.gschema.xml » a échoué : No such file or directory
L’ouverture du fichier « RawTherapee.app/Contents/Resources/share/glib-2.0/schemas/org.gnome.desktop.peripherals.gschema.xml » a échoué : No such file or directory
L’ouverture du fichier « RawTherapee.app/Contents/Resources/share/glib-2.0/schemas/org.gnome.desktop.privacy.gschema.xml » a échoué : No such file or directory
L’ouverture du fichier « RawTherapee.app/Contents/Resources/share/glib-2.0/schemas/org.gnome.desktop.screensaver.gschema.xml » a échoué : No such file or directory
L’ouverture du fichier « RawTherapee.app/Contents/Resources/share/glib-2.0/schemas/org.gnome.desktop.search-providers.gschema.xml » a échoué : No such file or directory
L’ouverture du fichier « RawTherapee.app/Contents/Resources/share/glib-2.0/schemas/org.gnome.desktop.session.gschema.xml » a échoué : No such file or directory
L’ouverture du fichier « RawTherapee.app/Contents/Resources/share/glib-2.0/schemas/org.gnome.desktop.sound.gschema.xml » a échoué : No such file or directory
L’ouverture du fichier « RawTherapee.app/Contents/Resources/share/glib-2.0/schemas/org.gnome.desktop.thumbnail-cache.gschema.xml » a échoué : No such file or directory
L’ouverture du fichier « RawTherapee.app/Contents/Resources/share/glib-2.0/schemas/org.gnome.desktop.thumbnailers.gschema.xml » a échoué : No such file or directory
L’ouverture du fichier « RawTherapee.app/Contents/Resources/share/glib-2.0/schemas/org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings.gschema.xml » a échoué : No such file or directory
L’ouverture du fichier « RawTherapee.app/Contents/Resources/share/glib-2.0/schemas/org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences.gschema.xml » a échoué : No such file or directory
L’ouverture du fichier « RawTherapee.app/Contents/Resources/share/glib-2.0/schemas/org.gnome.system.locale.gschema.xml » a échoué : No such file or directory
L’ouverture du fichier « RawTherapee.app/Contents/Resources/share/glib-2.0/schemas/org.gnome.system.location.gschema.xml » a échoué : No such file or directory
L’ouverture du fichier « RawTherapee.app/Contents/Resources/share/glib-2.0/schemas/org.gnome.system.proxy.gschema.xml » a échoué : No such file or directory
L’ouverture du fichier « RawTherapee.app/Contents/Resources/share/glib-2.0/schemas/org.gtk.Demo.gschema.xml » a échoué : No such file or directory
L’ouverture du fichier « RawTherapee.app/Contents/Resources/share/glib-2.0/schemas/org.gtk.Settings.ColorChooser.gschema.xml » a échoué : No such file or directory
L’ouverture du fichier « RawTherapee.app/Contents/Resources/share/glib-2.0/schemas/org.gtk.Settings.Debug.gschema.xml » a échoué : No such file or directory
L’ouverture du fichier « RawTherapee.app/Contents/Resources/share/glib-2.0/schemas/org.gtk.Settings.EmojiChooser.gschema.xml » a échoué : No such file or directory
L’ouverture du fichier « RawTherapee.app/Contents/Resources/share/glib-2.0/schemas/org.gtk.Settings.FileChooser.gschema.xml » a échoué : No such file or directory

-- Registering @rpath into the main executable.

-- Modifying install names: RawTherapee.app/Contents/MacOS/rawtherapee-cli

-- Modifying install names: RawTherapee.app/Contents/MacOS/rawtherapee

-- Modifying install names: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/liblensfun.2.dylib
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/install_name_tool: warning: changes being made to the file will invalidate the code signature in: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/liblensfun.2.dylib
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/install_name_tool: warning: changes being made to the file will invalidate the code signature in: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/liblensfun.2.dylib
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/install_name_tool: warning: changes being made to the file will invalidate the code signature in: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/liblensfun.2.dylib
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/install_name_tool: warning: changes being made to the file will invalidate the code signature in: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/liblensfun.2.dylib

-- Modifying install names: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/libpng16.16.dylib
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/install_name_tool: warning: changes being made to the file will invalidate the code signature in: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/libpng16.16.dylib
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/install_name_tool: warning: changes being made to the file will invalidate the code signature in: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/libpng16.16.dylib

-- Modifying install names: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/libomp.dylib
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/install_name_tool: warning: changes being made to the file will invalidate the code signature in: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/libomp.dylib
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/install_name_tool: warning: changes being made to the file will invalidate the code signature in: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/libomp.dylib

-- Modifying install names: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/libtiff.5.dylib
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/install_name_tool: warning: changes being made to the file will invalidate the code signature in: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/libtiff.5.dylib
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/install_name_tool: warning: changes being made to the file will invalidate the code signature in: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/libtiff.5.dylib
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/install_name_tool: warning: changes being made to the file will invalidate the code signature in: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/libtiff.5.dylib

-- Registering @rpath in Frameworks folder.
error: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/install_name_tool: no LC_RPATH load command with path: /opt/homebrew/lib found in: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/liblensfun.2.dylib (for architecture arm64), required for specified option "-delete_rpath /opt/homebrew/lib"
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/install_name_tool: warning: changes being made to the file will invalidate the code signature in: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/liblensfun.2.dylib
error: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/install_name_tool: no LC_RPATH load command with path: /opt/homebrew/lib found in: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/libomp.dylib (for architecture arm64), required for specified option "-delete_rpath /opt/homebrew/lib"
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/install_name_tool: warning: changes being made to the file will invalidate the code signature in: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/libomp.dylib
error: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/install_name_tool: no LC_RPATH load command with path: /opt/homebrew/lib found in: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/libpng16.16.dylib (for architecture arm64), required for specified option "-delete_rpath /opt/homebrew/lib"
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/install_name_tool: warning: changes being made to the file will invalidate the code signature in: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/libpng16.16.dylib
error: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/install_name_tool: no LC_RPATH load command with path: /opt/homebrew/lib found in: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/libtiff.5.dylib (for architecture arm64), required for specified option "-delete_rpath /opt/homebrew/lib"
/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/install_name_tool: warning: changes being made to the file will invalidate the code signature in: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/libtiff.5.dylib
error: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/install_name_tool: can't open file: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/*so (No such file or directory)
error: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/install_name_tool: can't open file: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/*so (No such file or directory)
error: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/install_name_tool: can't open file: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/*cli (No such file or directory)
error: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/install_name_tool: can't open file: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/*cli (No such file or directory)
error: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/install_name_tool: no LC_RPATH load command with path: RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks found in: RawTherapee.app/Contents/MacOS/rawtherapee-cli (for architecture arm64), required for specified option "-delete_rpath RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks"

-- Preparing disk image sources at /var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n0000000000000/T/4071.XXXXXXXXXXXX.WDvCY6t2:

-- Creating disk image:
created: /Users/sguyader/PhotoApps/rtrepo/build/RawTherapee_OSX_11.2_64_5.8-2751-gd369efb04.dmg

-- Zipping disk image for redistribution:
ditto: Cannot get the real path for source '/Users/sguyader/PhotoApps/rtrepo/tools/osx/INSTALL.readme.rtf'
  adding: RawTherapee_OSX_11.2_64_5.8-2751-gd369efb04_folder/ (stored 0%)
  adding: RawTherapee_OSX_11.2_64_5.8-2751-gd369efb04_folder/rawtherapee-cli (deflated 61%)
  adding: RawTherapee_OSX_11.2_64_5.8-2751-gd369efb04_folder/RawTherapee_OSX_11.2_64_5.8-2751-gd369efb04.dmg (deflated 2%)

-- Finishing build:
Script complete.
Built target macosx_bundle
/opt/homebrew/Cellar/cmake/3.19.4/bin/cmake -E cmake_progress_start /Users/sguyader/PhotoApps/rtrepo/build/CMakeFiles 0

The bundle app crashes and gives this crash report:

Process:               rawtherapee [6199]
Path:                  /Users/USER/*/RawTherapee.app/Contents/MacOS/rawtherapee
Identifier:            com.rawtherapee.RawTherapee
Version:               @shortVersion@ (@shortVersion@)
Code Type:             ARM-64 (Native)
Parent Process:        ??? [1]
Responsible:           rawtherapee [6199]
User ID:               501

Date/Time:             2021-02-07 20:18:52.246 -0400
OS Version:            macOS 11.2 (20D64)
Report Version:        12
Anonymous UUID:        645651DB-3F03-76CF-AC23-A5BF04C101EF

Time Awake Since Boot: 930 seconds

System Integrity Protection: enabled

Crashed Thread:        0

Exception Type:        EXC_CRASH (SIGABRT)
Exception Codes:       0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000
Exception Note:        EXC_CORPSE_NOTIFY

Termination Reason:    DYLD, [0x1] Library missing

Application Specific Information:
dyld: launch, loading dependent libraries

Dyld Error Message:
  dyld: Using shared cache: 65F54A92-D17F-32E9-AF59-FC8A372AD943
Library not loaded: /Applications/RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/libomp.dylib
  Referenced from: /Users/USER/*/RawTherapee.app/Contents/MacOS/rawtherapee
  Reason: image not found

Binary Images:
       0x100bc0000 -        0x101587fff +com.rawtherapee.RawTherapee (@shortVersion@ - @shortVersion@) <0E8AF7A1-8AE9-3A31-BD6D-E624E2F8DF0A> /Users/USER/*/RawTherapee.app/Contents/MacOS/rawtherapee
       0x101c0c000 -        0x101c87fff  dyld (832.7.3) <4AB185B3-DC20-3C03-A193-67C0E6C589D7> /usr/lib/dyld

Model: Macmini9,1, BootROM 6723.81.1, proc 8:4:4 processors, 8 GB, SMC 
Graphics: kHW_AppleM1Item, Apple M1, spdisplays_builtin
Memory Module: lp_ddr4
AirPort: spairport_wireless_card_type_airport_extreme, wl0: Dec 31 2020 21:39:03 version FWID 01-1b2645bc
Bluetooth: Version 8.0.3d9, 3 services, 18 devices, 1 incoming serial ports
Network Service: Wi-Fi, AirPort, en1
USB Device: USB 3.1 Bus
USB Device: USB 3.1 Bus
USB Device: BillBoard Device
USB Device: USB 3.0 Bus
USB Device: USB 2.0 Hub
USB Device: CHERRY Wired Keyboard
USB Device: USB Receiver
USB Device: UMC204HD 192k
Thunderbolt Bus: Mac mini, Apple Inc.
Thunderbolt Bus: Mac mini, Apple Inc.

Running from the command line shell, you need to first export some variables to the environment. They are located in the Info.plist beginning here:

like this:

export XDG_DATA_DIRS=/Applications/RawTherapee.app/Contents/Resources/share

You can also prepend the command with the variable assignments all at once so as to not mess up your shell:

XDG_DATA_DIRS=/Applications/RawTherapee.app/Contents/Resources/share /Applications/RawTherapee.app/Contents/MacOS/rawtherapee

…but with all 15 of them. If needed you would want to alias such a command.

PS the bundle script still doesn’t copy the libomp.

Thanks I’ll try that

Gee, I’ve missed a few posts, here.
I’ve read this thread: Compiling ART on OSX
and I forgot to come back here for news.

Here’s where I am now:

	modified:   CMakeLists.txt
	modified:   ProcessorTargets.cmake
	modified:   tools/osx/macosx_bundle.sh
diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index cc5c2b09b..9f631e3a8 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -507,7 +507,8 @@ endif()
     # Using LTO with older versions of binutils requires setting extra flags
-    execute_process(COMMAND ar --version
+    #execute_process(COMMAND ar --version
+    execute_process(COMMAND bash "-c" "$(brew --prefix llvm)/bin/llvm-ar --version | gawk 'match($0, /version ([0-9.]+)/, VERSION){print VERSION[1]}'"
     string(REGEX REPLACE ".* ([0-9.]+)\n.*" "\\1" BINUTILS_VERSION_DETECTED
diff --git a/ProcessorTargets.cmake b/ProcessorTargets.cmake
index aa06b29ee..b2c35dc53 100644
--- a/ProcessorTargets.cmake
+++ b/ProcessorTargets.cmake
@@ -6,7 +6,8 @@ set(PROC_TARGET_1_FLAGS "-mtune=generic" CACHE STRING "Processor-1 flags")
 # This second choice should be used for your own build only
 set(PROC_TARGET_2_LABEL native CACHE STRING "Processor-2 label - use it for your own build")
-set(PROC_TARGET_2_FLAGS "-march=native" CACHE STRING "Processor-2 flags")
+#set(PROC_TARGET_2_FLAGS "-march=native" CACHE STRING "Processor-2 flags")
+set(PROC_TARGET_2_FLAGS "-mcpu=native" CACHE STRING "Processor-2 flags")
 # The later choices is intended to be used if you want to provide specific builds, but it should match your own processor
 # You can cross compile but you have to know what you're doing, this mechanism has not been designed for that
diff --git a/tools/osx/macosx_bundle.sh b/tools/osx/macosx_bundle.sh
index e3dc61857..787d4cd8f 100644
--- a/tools/osx/macosx_bundle.sh
+++ b/tools/osx/macosx_bundle.sh
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ MACOS="${CONTENTS}/MacOS"
 msg "Removing old files:"
 rm -rf "${APP}" *.dmg *.zip
@@ -165,13 +165,13 @@ echo "Bundle UUID:   $(uuidgen|tr 'A-Z' 'a-z')" >> "${RESOURCES}/AboutThisBuild.
 # Copy the Lensfun database into the app bundle
 mkdir -p "${RESOURCES}/share/lensfun"
-ditto ${LOCAL_PREFIX}/local/share/lensfun/version_2/* "${RESOURCES}/share/lensfun"
+ditto ${LOCAL_PREFIX}/share/lensfun/version_2/* "${RESOURCES}/share/lensfun"
 # Copy liblensfun to Frameworks
-ditto ${LOCAL_PREFIX}/local/lib/liblensfun.2.dylib "${CONTENTS}/Frameworks/liblensfun.2.dylib"
+ditto ${LOCAL_PREFIX}/lib/liblensfun.2.dylib "${CONTENTS}/Frameworks/liblensfun.2.dylib"
 # Copy libomp to Frameworks
-ditto ${LOCAL_PREFIX}/local/lib/libomp.dylib "${CONTENTS}/Frameworks"
+ditto ${LOCAL_PREFIX}/lib/libomp.dylib "${CONTENTS}/Frameworks"
 msg "Copying dependencies from ${GTK_PREFIX}."
 CheckLink "${EXECUTABLE}"
@@ -180,29 +180,29 @@ CheckLink "${EXECUTABLE}"
 # Copy libjpeg-turbo ("62") into the app bundle
-ditto ${LOCAL_PREFIX}/local/lib/libjpeg.62.dylib "${CONTENTS}/Frameworks/libjpeg.62.dylib"
+ditto ${LOCAL_PREFIX}/lib/libjpeg.62.dylib "${CONTENTS}/Frameworks/libjpeg.62.dylib"
 # Copy libexpat into the app bundle (which is keg-only)
 if [[ -d /usr/local/Cellar/expat ]]; then ditto /usr/local/Cellar/expat/*/lib/libexpat.1.dylib "${CONTENTS}/Frameworks"; else ditto "${EXPATLIB}" "${CONTENTS}/Frameworks/libexpat.1.dylib"; fi
 # Copy libz into the app bundle
-ditto ${LOCAL_PREFIX}/local/lib/libz.1.dylib "${CONTENTS}/Frameworks"
+ditto ${LOCAL_PREFIX}/lib/libz.1.dylib "${CONTENTS}/Frameworks"
 # Copy libpng16 to the app bundle
-ditto ${LOCAL_PREFIX}/local/lib/libpng16.16.dylib "${CONTENTS}/Frameworks/libpng16.16.dylib"
+ditto ${LOCAL_PREFIX}/lib/libpng16.16.dylib "${CONTENTS}/Frameworks/libpng16.16.dylib"
 # Copy libtiff 5 into the app bundle
-ditto ${LOCAL_PREFIX}/local/lib/libtiff.5.dylib "${CONTENTS}/Frameworks/libtiff.5.dylib"
+ditto ${LOCAL_PREFIX}/lib/libtiff.5.dylib "${CONTENTS}/Frameworks/libtiff.5.dylib"
 # Copy the Lensfun database into the app bundle
 mkdir -p "${RESOURCES}/share/lensfun"
-ditto ${LOCAL_PREFIX}/local/share/lensfun/version_2/* "${RESOURCES}/share/lensfun"
+ditto ${LOCAL_PREFIX}/share/lensfun/version_2/* "${RESOURCES}/share/lensfun"
 # Copy liblensfun to Frameworks
-ditto ${LOCAL_PREFIX}/local/lib/liblensfun.2.dylib "${CONTENTS}/Frameworks/liblensfun.2.dylib"
+ditto ${LOCAL_PREFIX}/lib/liblensfun.2.dylib "${CONTENTS}/Frameworks/liblensfun.2.dylib"
 # Copy libomp to Frameworks
-ditto ${LOCAL_PREFIX}/local/lib/libomp.dylib "${CONTENTS}/Frameworks"
+ditto ${LOCAL_PREFIX}/lib/libomp.dylib "${CONTENTS}/Frameworks"
 # Prepare GTK+3 installation
 msg "Copying configuration files from ${GTK_PREFIX}:"
@@ -222,19 +222,19 @@ rm -r "${LIB}"/gdk-pixbuf-2.0
 # GTK+3 themes
 msg "Copy GTK+3 theme and icon resources:"
-ditto {"${LOCAL_PREFIX}/local","${RESOURCES}"}/share/themes/Mac/gtk-3.0/gtk-keys.css
-ditto {"${LOCAL_PREFIX}/local","${RESOURCES}"}/share/themes/Default/gtk-3.0/gtk-keys.css
+ditto {"${LOCAL_PREFIX}","${RESOURCES}"}/share/themes/Mac/gtk-3.0/gtk-keys.css
+ditto {"${LOCAL_PREFIX}","${RESOURCES}"}/share/themes/Default/gtk-3.0/gtk-keys.css
 # Adwaita icons
 msg "Copy Adwaita icons"
 iconfolders=("16x16/actions" "16x16/devices" "16x16/mimetypes" "16x16/places" "16x16/status" "48x48/devices")
 for f in "${iconfolders[@]}"; do
     mkdir -p ${RESOURCES}/share/icons/Adwaita/${f}
-    ditto ${LOCAL_PREFIX}/local/share/icons/Adwaita/${f}/* "${RESOURCES}"/share/icons/Adwaita/${f}
+    ditto ${LOCAL_PREFIX}/share/icons/Adwaita/${f}/* "${RESOURCES}"/share/icons/Adwaita/${f}
-ditto {"${LOCAL_PREFIX}/local","${RESOURCES}"}/share/icons/Adwaita/index.theme
-"${LOCAL_PREFIX}/local/bin/gtk-update-icon-cache" "${RESOURCES}/share/icons/Adwaita"
-ditto "${LOCAL_PREFIX}/local/share/icons/hicolor" "${RESOURCES}/share/icons/hicolor"
+ditto {"${LOCAL_PREFIX}","${RESOURCES}"}/share/icons/Adwaita/index.theme
+"${LOCAL_PREFIX}/bin/gtk-update-icon-cache" "${RESOURCES}/share/icons/Adwaita"
+ditto "${LOCAL_PREFIX}/share/icons/hicolor" "${RESOURCES}/share/icons/hicolor"
 # fix libfreetype install name
 for lib in "${LIB}"/*; do
@@ -243,8 +243,8 @@ done
 # pixbuf loaders & immodules
 msg "Build GTK3 databases:"
-"${LOCAL_PREFIX}"/local/bin/gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders "${LIB}"/libpix*.so > "${ETC}"/gtk-3.0/gdk-pixbuf.loaders
-"${LOCAL_PREFIX}"/local/bin/gtk-query-immodules-3.0 "${LIB}"/im-* > "${ETC}"/gtk-3.0/gtk.immodules
+"${LOCAL_PREFIX}/bin/gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders" "${LIB}"/libpix*.so > "${ETC}"/gtk-3.0/gdk-pixbuf.loaders
+"${LOCAL_PREFIX}/bin/gtk-query-immodules-3.0" "${LIB}"/im-* > "${ETC}"/gtk-3.0/gtk.immodules
 sed -i "" -e "s|${PWD}/RawTherapee.app/Contents/|/Applications/RawTherapee.app/Contents/|" "${ETC}/gtk-3.0/gdk-pixbuf.loaders" "${ETC}/gtk-3.0/gtk.immodules"
 sed -i "" -e "s|/opt/local/|/Applications/RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks/|" "${ETC}/gtk-3.0/gtk.immodules"
@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ ModifyInstallNames
 # Mime directory
 msg "Copying shared files from ${GTK_PREFIX}:"
-ditto {"${LOCAL_PREFIX}/local","${RESOURCES}"}/share/mime
+ditto {"${LOCAL_PREFIX}","${RESOURCES}"}/share/mime
 msg "Installing required application bundle files:"
@@ -273,8 +273,8 @@ update-mime-database -V  "${RESOURCES}/share/mime"
 msg "Build glib database:"
 mkdir -p ${RESOURCES}/share/glib-2.0
-ditto {"${LOCAL_PREFIX}/local","${RESOURCES}"}/share/glib-2.0/schemas
-"${LOCAL_PREFIX}/local/bin/glib-compile-schemas" "${RESOURCES}/share/glib-2.0/schemas"
+ditto {"${LOCAL_PREFIX}","${RESOURCES}"}/share/glib-2.0/schemas
+"${LOCAL_PREFIX}/bin/glib-compile-schemas" "${RESOURCES}/share/glib-2.0/schemas"
 # Append an LC_RPATH
 msg "Registering @rpath into the main executable."
@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ ModifyInstallNames
 # fix @rpath in Frameworks
 msg "Registering @rpath in Frameworks folder."
 for frameworklibs in "${LIB}"/*{dylib,so,cli}; do
-    install_name_tool -delete_rpath ${LOCAL_PREFIX}/local/lib "${frameworklibs}"
+    install_name_tool -delete_rpath ${LOCAL_PREFIX}/lib "${frameworklibs}"
     install_name_tool -add_rpath /Applications/"${LIB}" "${frameworklibs}"
 install_name_tool -delete_rpath RawTherapee.app/Contents/Frameworks "${EXECUTABLE}"-cli
  • cmake build: bear with me, I’m reaaally not familiar with this. I’ve tried to simplify the command in Rawpedia when it made sense. But I’m not sure I’m doing things right. :arrow_down:

mkdir -p build 
cd build
sudo rm -r *

which brew || exit 2

export PATH="$(brew --prefix llvm)/bin:$PATH" && echo "PATH: $PATH" 
export CC="$(brew --prefix llvm)/bin/clang" && echo "CC: $CC"
export CXX="${CC}++" && echo "CXX: $CXX"
export CMAKE_AR="$(brew --prefix llvm)/bin/llvm-ar" && echo "CMAKE_AR: $CMAKE_AR" 
export CMAKE_RANLIB="$(brew --prefix llvm)/bin/llvm-ranlib" && echo "CMAKE_RANLIB: $CMAKE_RANLIB" 
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/opt/homebrew/opt/libffi/lib/pkgconfig:/opt/homebrew/opt/expat/lib/pkgconfig"
export LDFLAGS="-L$(brew --prefix llvm)/lib -Wl,-rpath,$(brew --prefix llvm)/lib -L/opt/homebrew/opt/libffi/lib -L/opt/homebrew/opt/expat/lib -L/opt/homebrew/lib" && \
export CPPFLAGS="-I$(brew --prefix llvm)/include -I$(brew --prefix llvm)/include/c++/v1/ -I/opt/homebrew/opt/libffi/include -I/opt/homebrew/opt/expat/include" && \
export XDG_DATA_DIRS="/Applications/RawTherapee.app/Contents/Resources/share /Applications/RawTherapee.app/Contents/MacOS/rawtherapee" && \
cmake  .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE="release" \
          -DLOCAL_PREFIX="$(brew --prefix)" \
          -DPROC_TARGET_NUMBER="2" \
          -DCACHE_NAME_SUFFIX="5.8-dev" \
          -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER="$CC" \
          -DWITH_LTO="ON" \
	  -DOpenMP_C_LIB_NAMES="libomp" \
	  -DOpenMP_CXX_LIB_NAMES="libomp" \
	  -DOpenMP_libomp_LIBRARY="/opt/homebrew/lib/libomp.dylib" \
          -DOpenMP_C_FLAGS="-fopenmp=libomp -Wno-pass-failed -Wno-deprecated-register -Xpreprocessor -fopenmp /opt/homebrew/lib/libomp.dylib -I/opt/homebrew/include/" \
          -DOpenMP_CXX_FLAGS="-fopenmp=libomp -Wno-pass-failed -Wno-deprecated-register -Xpreprocessor -fopenmp /opt/homebrew/lib/libomp.dylib -I/opt/homebrew/include/" \
          -DCMAKE_AR="${CMAKE_AR}" \
	  -DCMAKE_LINKER="$(brew --prefix llvm)/bin/lld"
  • cmake console output: fftw3f multithread test failed. :arrow_down:
PATH: /opt/homebrew/opt/llvm/bin:/opt/homebrew/bin:/opt/homebrew/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Library/Apple/usr/bin
CC: /opt/homebrew/opt/llvm/bin/clang
CXX: /opt/homebrew/opt/llvm/bin/clang++
CMAKE_AR: /opt/homebrew/opt/llvm/bin/llvm-ar
CMAKE_RANLIB: /opt/homebrew/opt/llvm/bin/llvm-ranlib
-- The C compiler identification is Clang 11.0.1
-- The CXX compiler identification is Clang 11.0.1
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
-- Check for working C compiler: /opt/homebrew/opt/llvm/bin/clang - skipped
-- Detecting C compile features
-- Detecting C compile features - done
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /opt/homebrew/opt/llvm/bin/clang++ - skipped
-- Detecting CXX compile features
-- Detecting CXX compile features - done
-- CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE: release
-- Found PkgConfig: /opt/homebrew/bin/pkg-config (found version "0.29.2") 
-- Checking for module 'gtk+-3.0>=3.16'
--   Found gtk+-3.0, version 3.24.24
-- Checking for module 'gtkmm-3.0>=3.16'
--   Found gtkmm-3.0, version 3.24.3
-- Checking for module 'glib-2.0>=2.48'
--   Found glib-2.0, version 2.66.6
-- Checking for module 'glibmm-2.4>=2.48'
--   Found glibmm-2.4, version 2.66.0
-- Checking for module 'cairomm-1.0'
--   Found cairomm-1.0, version 1.14.2
-- Checking for module 'gio-2.0>=2.48'
--   Found gio-2.0, version 2.66.6
-- Checking for module 'giomm-2.4>=2.48'
--   Found giomm-2.4, version 2.66.0
-- Checking for module 'gthread-2.0>=2.48'
--   Found gthread-2.0, version 2.66.6
-- Checking for module 'gobject-2.0>=2.48'
--   Found gobject-2.0, version 2.66.6
-- Checking for module 'sigc++-2.0>=2.3.1'
--   Found sigc++-2.0, version 2.10.6
-- Checking for module 'lensfun>=0.2'
--   Found lensfun, version
-- Checking for module 'librsvg-2.0>=2.40'
--   Found librsvg-2.0, version 2.50.3
-- Checking for module 'lcms2>=2.6'
--   Found lcms2, version 2.12
-- Checking for module 'expat>=2.1'
--   Found expat, version 2.2.10
-- Checking for module 'fftw3f'
--   Found fftw3f, version 3.3.9
-- Checking for module 'libiptcdata'
--   Found libiptcdata, version 1.0.4
-- Checking for module 'libtiff-4>=4.0.4'
--   Found libtiff-4, version 4.2.0
-- Found JPEG: /opt/homebrew/lib/libjpeg.dylib (found version "90") 
-- Found ZLIB: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX11.1.sdk/usr/lib/libz.tbd (found version "1.2.11") 
-- Found PNG: /opt/homebrew/lib/libpng.dylib (found version "1.6.37") 
-- Found OpenMP_C: -fopenmp=libomp -Wno-pass-failed -Wno-deprecated-register -Xpreprocessor -fopenmp /opt/homebrew/lib/libomp.dylib -I/opt/homebrew/include/ (found version "5.0") 
-- Found OpenMP_CXX: -fopenmp=libomp -Wno-pass-failed -Wno-deprecated-register -Xpreprocessor -fopenmp /opt/homebrew/lib/libomp.dylib -I/opt/homebrew/include/ (found version "5.0") 
-- Found OpenMP: TRUE (found version "5.0")  
-- Performing Test _fftw3f_multithread
-- Performing Test _fftw3f_multithread - Failed
-- Performing Test LENSFUN_HAS_LOAD_DIRECTORY - Success
-- Found MacIntegration: /opt/homebrew/lib/libgtkmacintegration-gtk3.dylib  
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /Users/cynamon/programs/code-rawtherapee/build
  • if it helps, here are two CMake log files:
    CMakeError.log.txt (4.5 KB) CMakeOutput.log.txt (36.2 KB)

  • I’m “able” to make install and make bundle, but I still have many warnings and ultimately, launching the app fails.

:arrow_right: @HIRAM, should I patch a few more files? do a comparison with what you’ve shared?


EDIT: I’ve read the patch you suggested we should apply. It seems to lack an important change in order to make use of llvm-ar, instead of Apple ar

+    execute_process(COMMAND bash "-c" "$(brew --prefix llvm)/bin/llvm-ar --version | gawk 'match($0, /version ([0-9.]+)/, VERSION){print VERSION[1]}'"
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When the app fails to launch, does it offer a system report?

My Big Sur Intel :registered: builds are not building correctly in the gtk+3 department… one thing is that CoreFrameworks, &c., are no longer visible to the filesystem. Some of the dependencies rely on the visibility of CoreFrameworks/appleframeworks to determine that they are building for Apple OS_X. Invisible CoreFrameworks in the filesystem makes the new Darwin look like Linux to the dependencies’ configurators unfortunately, and it causes many build errors (Darwin and Linux are not compatible). However, apps’ binaries may still dlopen() and use the CoreFrameworks. Therefore, I have downgraded back to Catalina for the next round of building.

Thanks, Ok, this would also need an if to test for usability/desired use of brew. Or in pseudo:

If using brew

+    execute_process(COMMAND bash "-c" "$(brew --prefix llvm)/bin/llvm-ar --version | gawk 'match($0, /version ([0-9.]+)/, VERSION){print VERSION[1]}'"


The original line.

Thanks for responding.

indeed :slight_smile:

  • here’s the console output build.cmake.log.txt (1.2 MB)
  • after installing the application from dmg and launching it, I get:
Process:               rawtherapee [22119]
Path:                  /Applications/RawTherapee.app/Contents/MacOS/rawtherapee
Identifier:            com.rawtherapee.RawTherapee
Version:               @shortVersion@ (@shortVersion@)
Code Type:             ARM-64 (Native)
Parent Process:        ??? [1]
Responsible:           rawtherapee [22119]
User ID:               501

Date/Time:             2021-02-08 22:42:42.420 +0100
OS Version:            macOS 11.2 (20D64)
Report Version:        12
Anonymous UUID:        5DD05DDD-31F7-D656-CBB3-C61FF4EDDC2F

Time Awake Since Boot: 4600 seconds

System Integrity Protection: enabled

Crashed Thread:        0

Exception Type:        EXC_BAD_ACCESS (Code Signature Invalid)
Exception Codes:       0x0000000000000032, 0x00000001054c4000
Exception Note:        EXC_CORPSE_NOTIFY

Termination Reason:    Namespace CODESIGNING, Code 0x2

kernel messages:

VM Regions Near 0x1054c4000:
    __LINKEDIT                  105310000-1054c4000    [ 1744K] r--/r-- SM=COW  /Applications/RawTherapee.app/Contents/MacOS/rawtherapee
--> mapped file                 1054c4000-1054c8000    [   16K] r--/r-x SM=PRV  Object_id=e9bebd8d
    __TEXT                      10573c000-1057b8000    [  496K] r-x/r-x SM=COW  /usr/lib/dyld

Application Specific Information:
dyld: launch, loading dependent libraries

Thread 0 Crashed:
0   dyld                          	0x0000000105798780 bcmp + 16
1   dyld                          	0x0000000105759408 ImageLoaderMachO::validateFirstPages(linkedit_data_command const*, int, unsigned char const*, unsigned long, long long, ImageLoader::LinkContext const&) + 136
2   dyld                          	0x00000001057603b8 ImageLoaderMachOCompressed::instantiateFromFile(char const*, int, unsigned char const*, unsigned long, unsigned long long, unsigned long long, stat const&, unsigned int, unsigned int, linkedit_data_command const*, encryption_info_command const*, ImageLoader::LinkContext const&) + 268
3   dyld                          	0x0000000105757ffc ImageLoaderMachO::instantiateFromFile(char const*, int, unsigned char const*, unsigned long, unsigned long long, unsigned long long, stat const&, ImageLoader::LinkContext const&) + 172
4   dyld                          	0x0000000105740290 dyld::loadPhase6(int, stat const&, char const*, dyld::LoadContext const&) + 668
5   dyld                          	0x0000000105748dd8 dyld::loadPhase5(char const*, char const*, dyld::LoadContext const&, unsigned int&, std::__1::vector<char const*, std::__1::allocator<char const*> >*) + 1328
6   dyld                          	0x0000000105748824 dyld::loadPhase4(char const*, char const*, dyld::LoadContext const&, unsigned int&, std::__1::vector<char const*, std::__1::allocator<char const*> >*) + 208
7   dyld                          	0x0000000105748530 dyld::loadPhase3(char const*, char const*, dyld::LoadContext const&, unsigned int&, std::__1::vector<char const*, std::__1::allocator<char const*> >*) + 1100
8   dyld                          	0x0000000105747cf0 dyld::loadPhase1(char const*, char const*, dyld::LoadContext const&, unsigned int&, std::__1::vector<char const*, std::__1::allocator<char const*> >*) + 212
9   dyld                          	0x000000010573fe0c dyld::loadPhase0(char const*, char const*, dyld::LoadContext const&, unsigned int&, std::__1::vector<char const*, std::__1::allocator<char const*> >*) + 468
10  dyld                          	0x000000010573f9b0 dyld::load(char const*, dyld::LoadContext const&, unsigned int&) + 196
11  dyld                          	0x000000010574977c dyld::libraryLocator(char const*, bool, char const*, ImageLoader::RPathChain const*, unsigned int&) + 56
12  dyld                          	0x00000001057539d4 ImageLoader::recursiveLoadLibraries(ImageLoader::LinkContext const&, bool, ImageLoader::RPathChain const&, char const*) + 344
13  dyld                          	0x00000001057521ac ImageLoader::link(ImageLoader::LinkContext const&, bool, bool, bool, ImageLoader::RPathChain const&, char const*) + 160
14  dyld                          	0x00000001057425f4 dyld::link(ImageLoader*, bool, bool, ImageLoader::RPathChain const&, unsigned int) + 328
15  dyld                          	0x0000000105744928 dyld::_main(macho_header const*, unsigned long, int, char const**, char const**, char const**, unsigned long*) + 6764
16  dyld                          	0x000000010573d258 dyldbootstrap::start(dyld3::MachOLoaded const*, int, char const**, dyld3::MachOLoaded const*, unsigned long*) + 476
17  dyld                          	0x000000010573d038 _dyld_start + 56

Thread 0 crashed with ARM Thread State (64-bit):
    x0: 0x00000001054c4000   x1: 0x000000016b4e95e0   x2: 0x0000000000000810   x3: 0x0000000000040001
    x4: 0x0000000000000003   x5: 0x0000000000000000   x6: 0x00000001057c0280   x7: 0x0000000000000000
    x8: 0x0000000000000000   x9: 0x000000016b4e9d28  x10: 0x0000000000000001  x11: 0x0001803000000000
   x12: 0x0000000000000032  x13: 0x0004000000000000  x14: 0x00000000000894a8  x15: 0x000000016b4e9ca8
   x16: 0x00000000000000c5  x17: 0x0000000000000000  x18: 0x0000000000000000  x19: 0x00000001057c5760
   x20: 0x0000000000000820  x21: 0x000000016b4e95e0  x22: 0x00000001054c4000  x23: 0x0000000000000003
   x24: 0x000000016b4e9db0  x25: 0x000000016b4f16f8  x26: 0x000000010490c768  x27: 0x000000016b4e95e0
   x28: 0x0000000000000001   fp: 0x000000016b4e8fe0   lr: 0x0000000105759408
    sp: 0x000000016b4e8fa0   pc: 0x0000000105798780 cpsr: 0x20000000
   far: 0x00000001054c4000  esr: 0x92000007

Binary Images:
       0x10490c000 -        0x1051effff +com.rawtherapee.RawTherapee (@shortVersion@ - @shortVersion@) <BAE4BC58-910B-34A9-932E-5D1C6CCE3C23> /Applications/RawTherapee.app/Contents/MacOS/rawtherapee
       0x10573c000 -        0x1057b7fff  dyld (832.7.3) <4AB185B3-DC20-3C03-A193-67C0E6C589D7> /usr/lib/dyld

External Modification Summary:
  Calls made by other processes targeting this process:
    task_for_pid: 0
    thread_create: 0
    thread_set_state: 0
  Calls made by this process:
    task_for_pid: 0
    thread_create: 0
    thread_set_state: 0
  Calls made by all processes on this machine:
    task_for_pid: 3917
    thread_create: 0
    thread_set_state: 0

VM Region Summary:
ReadOnly portion of Libraries: Total=11.3M resident=0K(0%) swapped_out_or_unallocated=11.3M(100%)
Writable regions: Total=8432K written=0K(0%) resident=0K(0%) swapped_out=0K(0%) unallocated=8432K(100%)
                                VIRTUAL   REGION 
REGION TYPE                        SIZE    COUNT (non-coalesced) 
===========                     =======  ======= 
STACK GUARD                       56.0M        1 
Stack                             8176K        1 
__DATA                             288K        4 
__DATA_CONST                      1120K        2 
__LINKEDIT                        2032K        3 
__TEXT                            9600K        2 
mapped file                         16K        1 
===========                     =======  ======= 
TOTAL                             76.8M       14 

Model: MacBookPro17,1, BootROM 6723.81.1, proc 8:4:4 processors, 16 GB, SMC 
Graphics: kHW_AppleM1Item, Apple M1, spdisplays_builtin
Memory Module: lp_ddr4
AirPort: spairport_wireless_card_type_airport_extreme, wl0: Dec 31 2020 21:39:03 version FWID 01-1b2645bc
Bluetooth: Version 8.0.3d9, 3 services, 25 devices, 1 incoming serial ports
Network Service: Wi-Fi, AirPort, en0
USB Device: USB 3.1 Bus
USB Device: USB 3.1 Bus
Thunderbolt Bus: MacBook Pro, Apple Inc.
Thunderbolt Bus: MacBook Pro, Apple Inc.

Anything I should be looking for?

Could this link be relevent about our libomp issue?

-fopenmp=libomp has always worked for me for the past few minor RT versions at least. I had success with libiomp5 as a drop in replacement at times as well.

Bump :slight_smile:

What can we do to move forward?
Should we investigate CMake errors and warnings first, one by one?


First see if adding libomp to frameworks solves the non-starting issue.

what do you mean by that? (newbie, here, in case that was not obvious enough)

What I should do is go thru with bringing in the cmake cache value for it, and then see what else if anything should go by the cache. Some libraries don’t take to the automated bundling.

Finally migrated to Big Sur this WE. On an Intel MacBook, using Macports(*), RT builds and compiles fine. When running binary, all seems to work (just have the two “classical” warning at startup).

Haven’t tried using an app bundle tho.

(*) For people who wants to try with Macports, there is some issues when installing some package because their installation scripts still expects a minor version number for Big Sur (i.e. 10.16 instead of 11.2). For libiptcdata package only, you should add macosx_deployment_target 10.15 to macports.conf file to build it correctly. Then remove the parameter after.


Hi everyone,
I’m sorry for insisting but I would very much like to get it to work on my m1 mac.

What resources would you recommend so I can ramp up, and start finding the right set of instructions (compilation flags, paths, and other options) and patches to compile RT?

  • I use bash, daily,
  • but I have clearly no experience in CMake…
  • I haven’t played with an IDE in ten years, so XCode is a beast, to me.

→ what are my options?
So far, I’ve been doing “guess-work”, looking into CMakeLists.txt, and other files as well, based on the logs generated when I’m attempting to build and on my intuition…

Let me know if there are obvious discussions I’ve missed, here, or on github.


I’ve commented here: [cmake] Enable native compilation on Apple M1 by stwunsch · Pull Request #6152 · Beep6581/RawTherapee · GitHub

Not sure where the appropriate place is, but not all contributors on github are here, so…

I’ve generated a new build with Intel code for macOS 10.12+

I try to download the zip file for macOS 11.1 and it opens a window with an error “Not found” Help please. And I do have macOS 11.1 Big Sur
Here’s the original thread

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