Complementary colors. A naked child holds a book for a bishop

Thanks! Yes, it definitely has a bit of a aged look to it. I think why I like it is that it actually obscures some details, which lets one wonder, instead of just seeing…

Your edit is very respectful of the original scene (as always in your edits @Tim) and similar to mine. Thank you.

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I wouldn’t mind giving your style/lut a shot if you dont mind sharing. I agree, very old school film feel.

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Thanks for the image. GIMP. I decided that a couple of distractions had to go! The two people in the foreground and the illuminated signs of the number 22 bus. Local adjustments to contrast and brightness. Then I thought that we have a second image within the frame.


_1010835.RW2.xmp (37.7 KB)

I tried recreating 123sg’s edit in darktable 4.2 w/o lut and all scene referred + a bit of color zones. Close but no cigar?


Nice! I don’t know why the others chose not to remove the two persons… I also removed a pidgeon flying in the sky.
Your colors are better than those in my processing.
Good idea also to take a different crop. Thanks.

I let @123sg to comment on this. Thank you.

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My version… Wow, I see that I have the same frame as @david , coincidence.

_1010835.RW2.xmp (15.9 KB)

Complementary colors.

Captura de pantalla de 2023-02-15 16-05-46.png


Nice! You have hit both the targets that were included in the title. Good work.


My fun in GIMP


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Its funny, I often like people in a scene I feel it brings life and realism but I can see how they could be perceived as a distraction… for me…its less distracting but the building crane which is a minor detail would be something I would remove… :slight_smile:

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No problem!
This is it, a Haldclut file from the big RawTherapee collection here: Film Simulation - RawPedia near the top of the page.
It just applies with the 3D LUT module.

The style I made that uses it is more or less like the xmp, I think just a bit more over the top - if that’s possible!
urban grainy Canberra.dtstyle (3.5 KB)


darktable 4.20

_1010835.RW2.xmp (7,8 Ko)

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This is something new.
Since I frequent this site I have seen that the general trend is to exacerbate tonal contrast, saturation, sharpness. As if everyone was chasing the drama of the scene.

Your interpretation is very delicate (on tiptoe), but at the same time it has a strong character that stands out for the originality of its point of view. I like it very much, it is very harmonious.

I love the soft palette you adopted, it reflects my inside memory of the scene at the time when I took the photo.

I have to study your XMP file. You did a great job.

I think it is not a child, but an angel whose wings have broken off.

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Yes, you are right.

@arturoisilvia Could you please clarify how you made that change of the sky – which is not visible when I open the image in dt with your xmp-file?

(I see that the first watermark instance refers to a Nubes1.svg file that I don’t have and, hence, that could be the explanation. On the other hand I don’t have the simple-text.svg files that the next two instances refers to either, but these texts are displayed. Obviously something I have to learn more about here. – or couldn’t watermark with masks be used at all to achieve this change of sky, and you did it totally outside of dt?)

(With DeepL):
Everything is explained in the manual:

For the case of watermark 1 and watermark 2 it is easy: having chosen simple-text (svg) you can write text in the text field and according to the manual up to a maximum of 63 characters.

For the cloud watermark case, you have to have some cloud image in principle is jpg. Then the manual says that with inkscape you can design them and convert them to svg.

Once you have the svg file you have, following the manual:
User-designed watermarks should be placed into the directory $HOME/.config/darktable/watermarks. Once in place, use the reload button update the list of available watermarks.
In the case of windows, the folder is:
C:\Program Files\darktable\share\darktable\watermarks

And there you have it. You have to put your cloud svg file instead of “Nubes1.svg”.


Todo está explicado en el manual:

Para el caso de marca de agua 1 y marca de agua 2 es fácil: habiendo elegido simple-text (svg) puedes escribir texto en el campo texto y según el manual hasta un máximo de 63 carácteres.

Para el caso de la marca de agua de la nube, tienes que tener alguna imagen de nubes en principio es jpg. Entonces el manual dice que con inkscape puedes diseñarlas y convertirlas en svg.

Una vez tienes el archivo svg tienes, siguiendo el manual:

Las marcas de agua diseñadas por el usuario deben colocarse en el directorio $HOME/.config/darktable/watermarks. Una vez en su lugar, use el botón de recarga para actualizar la lista de marcas de agua disponibles.
En el caso de windows, la carpeta es:
C:\Program Files\darktable\share\darktable\watermarks

Y ya lo tienes. Tienes que poner tu archivo svg de nubes en lugar de “Nubes1.svg”
