current OSX Build

I haven’t tested this. I‘m pretty sure, tweaking the opencl settings is an easier way to improve performance. Building yourself is useful if you want to get rid of some annoying issues in the distributed 3.4 package.

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new build current master + OSX scrolling improvement + vectorscope + experimental diffusion module: darktable-3.5.0+918~gc35effa12.dmg
built with sdk 10.15
be aware there’s stuff that won’t be in 3.4.1 so don’t forget a backup first - there’s no way back…

Thanks for the update. What is the ‘OSX scrolling improvement’?


Many of the preferences have vanish e.g the import module is only showing

while importing there is no option for adding the file types to import or tagging

I think that settings has been move to the lighttable page on your import module as shown below


new build current master + vectorscope + experimental diffusion module: darktable-3.5.0+1006~gd25827e56.dmg
built with sdk 10.15
be aware there’s stuff that’s not in 3.4.1 so don’t forget a backup first - there’s no way back…

Thank you for the new build, I am playing with the diffuse or sharpen module, it is very interesting and I was trying to find info about it but no luck (not even in the commits listing), any hint where to look for ?

Thank you !

new build current master + vectorscope + experimental diffusion + vibrancergb module: darktable-3.5.0+1100~g804b54a77.dmg
built with sdk 10.15
be aware there’s stuff that’s not in 3.4.x so don’t forget a backup first - there’s no way back…

new build current master + vectorscope + experimental diffusion
built with sdk 10.15

new build current master + vectorscope + experimental diffusion
built with sdk 10.15

new build current master + vectorscope + experimental diffusion + sigmoid
built with sdk 10.15


Thanks @MStraeten for this work !

I’m trying to compile myself darktable. I’m using homebrew on Big Sur intel. Almost all packages are installed in /usr/local/ (even the /usr/local/opt). I update the path accordingly in cmake commandline.

For now, I achieve compiling with -DCMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=11.0 without problem (3.5.0+1441) ! I only miss the tango-icon-theme pakage, but it seems there is no visible issue not having it installed. Or is it ?

My problem is packaging. Are missing the curl-ca-bundle cert (/usr/local/share/curl/curl-ca-bundle.crt) and mime (/usr/local/share/mime). None of them are available in homebrew.

What are the modifications I should do to be able to package ? any ideas ?

Thanks !

i build it using the macports descriptions in darktable/BUILD.txt at master · darktable-org/darktable · GitHub

i’m not using homebrew, so i can’t help here. Maybe the ci section can help - this ist based on homebrew:

I created a formula that compiled darktable but it crashed a lot (I didn’t patch the libraries as it’s indicated in the macports build).

If you want to use it as reference: GitHub - rgo/homebrew-darktable: Darktable formula to have a manual/procedure to build it for power-users-who-are-still-not-devs.

Someday, I’ll should spend sometime polishing it.

Thanks I’ll try these. I have almost all of them installed. curl for example doesn’t contain the cert, though.

OK,I’ll have a look too ! I see your formulae compiles but doesn’t packages yet, right ? for now I can compile and run. Not yet package.