Darktable 4.6.0 crashes when adding images to library


I installed successfully darktable 4.6.0 on my PC but when I click the button “Add To Library” the application crashes.
OS is Windows 10 Pro
I launched darktable with parameter -d all and this is the resulting log file:
darktable-log.txt (403.1 KB)

Hope you have enough information.

Thank you

this is the result of cltest:

darktable 4.6.0
Copyright (C) 2012-2023 Johannes Hanika and other contributors.

Compile options:
  Bit               -> 64 bit
  Debug                  -> DISABLED
  SSE2 optimizations     -> ENABLED
  OpenMP                 -> ENABLED
  OpenCL                 -> ENABLED
  Lua                    -> ENABLED  - API version 9.2.0
  Colord                 -> DISABLED
  gPhoto2                -> ENABLED
  GMIC                   -> ENABLED  - Compressed LUTs are supported
  GraphicsMagick         -> ENABLED
  ImageMagick            -> DISABLED
  libavif                -> ENABLED
  libheif                -> ENABLED
  libjxl                 -> ENABLED
  OpenJPEG               -> ENABLED
  OpenEXR                -> ENABLED
  WebP                   -> ENABLED

See https://www.darktable.org/resources/ for detailed documentation.
See https://github.com/darktable-org/darktable/issues/new/choose to report bugs.

     0.1445 [dt_get_sysresource_level] switched to 1 as `default'
     0.1483   total mem:       16024MB
     0.1553   mipmap cache:    2003MB
     0.1577   available mem:   8012MB
     0.1602   singlebuff:      125MB
     0.2000 [opencl_init] opencl library 'OpenCL.dll' found on your system and loaded, preference 'default path'
     0.7542 [opencl_init] found 1 platform
[opencl_init] found 1 device

   DEVICE:                   0: 'Intel(R) HD Graphics 620', NEW
   PLATFORM, VENDOR & ID:    Intel(R) OpenCL HD Graphics, Intel(R) Corporation, ID=32902
   CANONICAL NAME:           intelropenclhdgraphicsintelrhdgraphics620
   DEVICE VERSION:           OpenCL 3.0 NEO
   DEVICE_TYPE:              GPU, unified mem
   *** new device is blacklisted ***
[opencl_init] no suitable devices found.
     0.7642 [opencl_init] FINALLY: opencl is NOT AVAILABLE and NOT ENABLED.

Have you tried clearing the config file? Try moving all DT config files to some other dir/folder and then try again.

You have a LUA error. Maybe a script is not compatible.

I usually make also a portable version copying binaries to an external drive and launching It from a batch file in order to set the directory of database and cachedir to a directory of the external drive, but Aldo this portable version doesn’t work

I notice that the time when the Lua error occurs is quite distant from the crash error, do you thin they could be related?

It can be related. Disable Lua and test.

How can i disable LUA?

If I launch version 4.4.2 i have the same LUA error but everything works fine

Check in preferences.

The Lua error is because you don’t have the lua scripts installed. It’s just information, not a problem.

You may want to
try is to run darktable as “admistrator”. That’s a setting on the shortcut or on the .exe .

Why would anyone do that? Darktable should not be allowed to modify system files and settings. I’ve always run it as a user on both Windows and Linux. Running apps as admin is inherently dangerous.


A crash log (backtrace) would be useful.

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Ok fine since I just found out that the error code is associated with a memory access violation. There are different approaches suggested if you Google this or ask Bing AI on how to deal with this. So if there is no backtrace log it may be needed to try these different approaches. I am worried also whether this may be associated with an anti-virus shield app beyond the standard MS Defender which is built-in by default in Windows. There have been a number of false positives by AV-apps reported on the dt 4.5 builds for Windows the recent weeks.

The devs know what the error code means, but it’s a generic one. Knowing what part of the code causes it would be important, which could be deduced from a backtrace. Don’t you get a window like this?
Don’t you get a window like this?

That would give you a backtrace.
(BTW, the image is from https://discuss.pixls.us/t/probleme-avec-dt4-6/41095.)

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Kofa, there is a log posted in the initial OP post.

Yes, but it’s not a backtrace. It ends with:

14.1814 [lighttable] expose took 0.0000 sec
    14.2073 [camera_control] loaded 5 port drivers.
    14.2188 [lighttable] expose took 0.0000 sec
    14.3225 [camera_control] 0 cameras connected
    16.2768 [lighttable] expose took 0.0000 sec
    34.4858 [lighttable] expose took 0.0000 sec
    36.4046 [dt_get_system_gui_ppd] system ppd is 1.000000
    36.4047 [screen resolution] setting the screen resolution to 120.000000 dpi
    36.4156 [sql] C:/msys64/home/Bill/src/darktable-4.6.0/src/libs/tools/timeline.c:673, function _block_get_at_zoom(): prepare "SELECT db.datetime_taken AS dt, col.imgid FROM main.images AS db LEFT JOIN memory.collected_images AS col ON db.id=col.imgid WHERE dt > 0 ORDER BY dt ASC"
    36.4208 [lighttable] expose took 0.0000 sec
    39.0883 [lighttable] expose took 0.0000 sec
Magick: caught exception 0xC0000005 "Access violation"...
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These are the only informations i could collect. In the event manager of Windows there is nothing written about the crash.
I start to think there Is some other stuff installed (maybe antivirus) that causes the crash for some reason, but on my PC version 4.4.2 works fine.

if you’re using AVG as anti-virus you can try and put dt in thé “exceptions list”. Perhaps other AV apps have such a list too. Personally I don’t use an extra AV app but rely on MS Defender (since Win XP when it was called Security Essentials).

Also read these suggestions: [FIXED] Error Code 0xc0000005 in Windows 10 — Auslogics Blog.

Hope some of these work for you.