Click the “Register” button
I’ve done it but I haven’t received the email to confirm my account.
Ah, I don’t know how that side of it works. I’m just a user.
Check your spam folder please.
Yes, absolutely, that’s the first thing I did. I also reported it via the platform.
I vaguely remember that it was also in my case when I registered a long time ago. There was some kind of problem on the server side and the email was not actually sent…
@andabata is weblate’s email function working?
First of all I’d also express my thanks to the developers of this fine software.
Using it for some days now on my Debian system.
But I’d like to ask about this message:
I can let this show over and over again or click understood
To be honest I did not understand anything from this message.
Can someone please shed some light into this?
The manual explains it. darktable 4.6 user manual - memory & performance tuning
Yes, the word “understood” is going a little far here, as I didn’t really understand it when I first read it either, but I also didn’t want to see the message again. Perhaps “dismiss” (the message) might have been a more appropriate label for the button.
Is this something like a “master”-version of the manual - as there was no 4.6 on the resources | darktable when I last looked that up last week?
Yes and 4.6 manual is now on
Most of the new feature documentation doesn’t get added (if at all) until fairly close to the next feature release, so don’t expect the “development” user manual to contain much different from the v4.6 one. Also we tend to keep the source English content frozen until a couple of months after the release to allow it to be translated.
Thanks for this update! I tried to to install this version on my M2 Pro, but when using the ARM64 dmg I get an error that the app is broken and should be moved to Bin… When installing the x86_64 dmg the program works fine. ARM64 is optimized for the M2 arch, right? Any clue why I get this error? Should I just use the x86_64?
@RJM I noticed the macOS message for non-AppStore apps changed at some point. I suspect you need to perform the quarantine override as described at link. Also guessing it would need to be done separately for x86/64-rostetta instances and native ARM instances.
The packages aren’t codesigned. That requires a paid developer account none of the packagers has…
I’m back! My wife has been having our house remodeled and I have been without my PC for exactly one month (Dec 23 to Jan 23). When they had me move out of my computer room, I thought it was going to be for three or four days. Silly me!
I installed the upgrades to Arch Linux and I’m now on release 4.6. I’m looking forward to digging in to the new features.
I was wondering!
It never goes like that welcome back
For your information, the French translation of the user manual is now complete.
Greetings from Brussels,