darktable 4.6.0 released

Hi, did you read my post?

He’s very active though - he manages many packages on a daily basis.

Don’t know about Arch but it’s held up on fedora due to koji build failure for arm64 https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/taskinfo?taskID=110749060

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You can download the PKGBUILD file, make and install it.

Later, when the package gets released, you will have it already and you should remain getting updates.

Thanks to all the developers for this new release of darktable, which (once again) is the best-of-all-times.

To celebrate this new release here’s a photo of a Yellow-throated Warbler that I took just before Christmas:


After installing DT 4.6 on Windows 11 for the first time, the application hung during initial launch. I had no prior DT installs. I waited probably 2 min, but to no avail. There was a blank, white window with nothing on it.

I rebooted the app 3x before it finally started working. Now it works normally, but not sure what caused this.

That could have been due to the compilation of the openCL modules.

As the openCL binary code is dependant on both your main hardware, drivers and graphics card, there are too many possible combinations to provide pre-compiled binaries for the openCL parts. So those are generated on first start, or when a configuration change is detected (e.g. graphics driver update). That means there can be a delay on first start of a new version or after any update.

Once those compilations are done, the results are stored, so further starts of darktable are much faster (unless the openCL parts have to be recompiled, see above).

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Thanks. I think there should be some information about it then.
The app clearly didn’t look right or healthy. It just hung, like a broken piece.

Some info like “Generating OpenCL binaries” would be appreciated to know what’s going on and possibly even a bar from 0-100% to know how much to wait. Though, waiting is not a problem, just not knowing what’s going on is.
Now I don’t even know if it generated everything correctly due to my restarting.

From the manual (darktable 4.6 user manual - activating opencl in darktable):

When darktable starts, it will first try to find and load libOpenCL.so and – on success – checks if the available graphics card comes with OpenCL support. A minimally-sufficient amount of graphics memory (1GB+) needs to be available for darktable to take advantage of the GPU. If that check passes, darktable tries to setup its OpenCL environment: a processing context needs to be initialized, a calculation pipeline to be started, OpenCL source code files (extension is .cl) needs to be read and compiled and the included routines (OpenCL kernels) need to be prepared for darktable’s modules. If all of that completes successfully, the preparation is complete.

I mean on the fly information, not in the manual, websites or anything external. Just direct “Generating OpenCL binaries - Please Wait (the app may appear frozen)” window displaying the information during initial launch.

The app literally hung and the window “Darktable is not responding - end / wait” popped up several times when I decided to wait. I have then quit and restarted it 3 times, as it lasted for too long and nothing was happening.

There is on the fly info in 4.6!

So something completely else was happening…

Huh… unfortunately nothing showed on my screen. It was pure white window.

The problem is I cannot reproduce the issue anymore because it’s sorted now.

Thanks to all contributors!

A special shout out to those who made macOS build (HomeBrew). I followed the overall procedure and macosx folder build scripts (1-4) and it worked flawlessly on my M1 MacBook!

As a new years gift, the English version of the user manual should now be up-to-date with the latest features, and as a bonus, the Ukrainian translation is very nearly complete. See resources | darktable.

We’re always looking for people to help with translating the user manual – to assist, create an account on our weblate instance and dive in.


Nice, thanks for the present @elstoc !

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Thanks fore work guys

Unfortently import does not work on DT 4.6 on Tumbleweed
import runs in 2-3 sec says is all done but no photo in the library.

And the darktablerc is done and still not work. :frowning:

Hope for a fix :slight_smile:

Some sort of runtime virus scanning maybe??

are you importing with recursive option? Then it’s a known issue and already fixed for 4.6.1

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When will 4.6.1 come out??

Normally 1 or 2 months after a major release.

This will be my first contribution to the Darktable project for translation into French.
Unfortunately, I don’t know how to register on the “Weblate” platform.
Greetings from Brussels,