Darktable Bottom panel icons

Can someone point me to a help topic on a new icon that has appeared in v4.8, darkroom window, bottom panel, LHS.

I’m not sure what it does or why I’d use it, and can’t find a reference to it in manual 4.9

Hi, take a look at the release notes for 4.8, the last point for The Big Ones:

Implemented a toggle switch for the darkroom mode, forcing the pixel-pipe processing to use the whole image data instead of just the area displayed. This allows the user to inspect processed data without errors introduced via internal scaling, and equals what we get by exporting in “high quality resampling” mode.

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It is mostly explained in the tooltip. When dt is in darkroom, it process a scale down version of the raw data. This is done for speed, so slider changes in the module are displayed fast. But during export, dt will use all the raw data for the best image. This process is slower since it is more data to handle. The button was added to enable you to see the image in full raw data (the same as an export), but it will make your system slower.

I suggest turning it on once you are done with processing to check how the image will look. I would not keep it on all the time.


When I check through my exported pics, outside of dt, I often find that I like them better than I did in dt. I had supposed that this might simply be to do with different viewing software, but I think that this button and its explanation resolves it. And confirms that it wasn’t my imagination.

Somewhere I think it said that there shouldn’t be much difference. Well yes, it’s subtle. And yes, it is also slow (compared to normal view) so the advice to do an occasional check is good. It’s not that slow, but it it too slow when one is making successive small slider changes to find out how much is enough.

On my humble computer it slows it down to buggery, but it does result in a truer rendition of color. It has only affect some high iso shoots taken in predawn lighting for me. And the only module affected for me was denoised profiled with tweaks for high ISO. Normally I see no difference.

see this recent thread

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