darktable for Windows

A long time ago there was a post about why we don’t have a Windows port. While I still stand by what I wrote six years ago, the times they are a-changin'.

Then two years ago there was yet another post regarding Windows. The gist of it was that the real blocker for a Windows release isn’t so much a technical one but the lack of a person (or several) dedicated to maintaining it. Not just for the moment until all the patches got merged but for the foreseeable future.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.darktable.org/2017/08/darktable-for-windows/

THANK YOU for doing this!!

Even though I support you reasons for being wary I do appreciate the effort. I’ve got a few friends who are just starting or don’t shoot that much and have no interest or need to pay Adobe forever. They were never going to switch to Mac or Linux so now I can finally teach them how to use darktable on Windows. Thanks again for the efforts!

Congratulations for now supporting the last ~80% of PC users.
It is very cool to get more alternatives to help break Adobe monopoly, definitely going to try this.


Sincere thanks for an excellent, intuitive free raw converter that works really well for Fuji X-Trans files. I’ve been revisiting photos taken four years ago with an X-Pro1 and for the very first time the resulting image files closely resemble the actual landscape scenes I recall. In particular, the rendering of foliage does away with the hideous clingfilm effect that has been evident throughout the interim period with Lightroom in particular. Many congratulations on a job well done, which I assure you is greatly appreciated.

Thanks for this amazing piece of work. Thanks, especially to Peter for taking up the Windows baton.

Thank you a lot, as a former lightroom user a windows version is a life saver.

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that feel when you no longer need to suffer from unhandy lightroom

I am very glad there are LR alternatives on Windows now, thank you so much.

Could anyone tell me where I am able to get help with Darktale though, it doesn’t seem to know where my mouse is.

What I mean is, in Darkroom mode, if I click on the “suspend” button under the histogram, it opens a panel with tint, temperature, red, etc.
Clicking anywhere on the right drags the image in the middle around.

This makes the application unusable.

Any help?

After posting this, I read the article from two years ago (that I had opened in a new tab)

Then I thought about writing this.

I guess I can just laugh.

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I installed darktable on my machine. Scrolling in ligttable mode and switching from lighttable to darktable mode is very slow. Anything I should be doing to improve performance? I am using a Lenovo Yoga 2 Pro.

Slow in the sense that actual scrolling is slow, or that thumbnails are generated slowly?

Nice to have darktable for windows, thanks!
My question with the windows version is, where do I find the place to add input color profiles in windows 7? Could not find anything useful online yet, other than for the linux version, where it is …~/.config/darktable/color/in.
Thank’s in advance!

@Simone You hover over the menus to get a tool tip that tells you. See screenshot (e.g., hover over “system display profile” in lighttable mode), which tells you the location of the out folder.


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@Afre Thank you Afre, this was much helpful. Just had to generate the “…color\in” folders as they where missing in the standard installation.

Windows version 2.4.3 is pretty useless if not importing existing files (see Darktable 2.4.3 Windows built: Bug)

This is fixed now with the release of 2.4.4


YES fixed with 2.4.4


Is there any tutorial to install it on windows 10.
I am not familiar with the tarball process.

You do not want the tarball on windows, but the installer.