Darktable Windows nightly build

Published a new release based on 3.1.0+2336~g2a3aef537

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Hello @Quirijn

Thanks a lot for your update: just installed on Windows 10 :slight_smile:

Thank you so much for doing this, @Quirijn!

If I install it as a separate application, how will the library it creates get combined with my original installation’s library when 3.2 is installed?

@Quirijn EDIT: I misunderstood. The bat file you create has the --cachedir in it. The bat file is used to start darktable each time?

EDIT 2: I have it running on my J drive with a .bat file created per the suggestions. All seems well. Am still wondering how the library will get integrated with 3.2. I can import the folders, but will it import xmps from duplicates?

@Quirijn Thank yew. Thank yew. Thank yew very much!

Another update based on 2374~gda0d15763

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I am not completely sure if I understand your second question. Could you please elaborate? When using a bat file you can make a library on any location you want. This should not conflict with your 3.0 install. The new library just uses the new xmp files to read changes, so I think they can be used next to each other. Hope this clarifies things a bit.

I’m thinking about later, when dt 3.2 comes out with filmic v4 in it. I expect that when I install it, it will replace my current, that is v3.0.2, installation on my C drive. Meanwhile, before then, I will be building up a library on my J drive where your dev version is located. I think I would want to combine that library with my original library when 3.2 is installed. My question is how to do that, and maybe that is something Aurelien or one of the other developers will have to answer.

Write xmp files for the Dev version, then import them when the next stable is released.

:+1: Thanks.

Another release:

I don’t know much about using GitHub, so I’m sorry if this is trivial, but all I see are downloads for source code, not an executable. What am I missing?

@Underexposed, it is a bit confusing but there is a zip file you can download. This does not contain source code, but the darktable build. If you download that you should be good :slight_smile:

If that possible better not call it source code. It’s an expandable directory/folder.

I suggest you also add a *.bat file, or actually better, type a *.bat that people can adjust. Otherwise the dev version may damage the installed regular db.

Unless you are very careful it is best also to turn off the creation of sidecar files for your test version…this way you will not accidentally overwrite your edits with often no way to go back from a newer version…its just a safer way to go while you are playing around unless you can be sure to work only on backed up images…

Documented approach for testing here…darktable/README.md at master · darktable-org/darktable · GitHub

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Unfortunately you cannot change any of the links on the Github releases page. I use Github so I can host the releases for free, so I think it is a minor annoyance we have to accept.

I will include a BAT file to make a seperate config directory for the nightly builds. Hope to have some time for that later this week.

I didn’t describe my issue correctly. I have tried to download the two files listed, both called source code, but they just contain a Readme. The first build I downloaded had three assets, one of which was darktable-win-3.1.0+2336~g2a3aef537.zip, the other two were also called source code.

You are right, I just checked and something went wrong with the release. I’ve uploaded the file again. I am in the process of further automating the build process, so hopefully this will not happen anymore in the future.

I am only using it for new work. I did test importing a folder that was a duplicate of one that had an image and some edits. It changed every xmp. Don’t want to touch your older folders with it! Mica said that importing the folders into the new, stable version will work when the time comes, so I’m a happy camper.