darktable YouTube live

Same. But how many people here use a masked exposure correction to bring their highlights back ? Nope, you need to give them a single slider labelled “highlights” even though it’s a simple exposure algo going on inside.

Redoing darktable 3 artistic features in a nodal way would be feasible in 9 modules :

  1. gaussian blur
  2. bilateral blur
  3. guided filter
  4. RGB multiplication function
  5. RGB power function
  6. RGB offset function
  7. wavelets frequency separation
  8. local laplacian pyramid
  9. key framing (parametric masks).

Every current module is only a combination of these 9 basic blocs. Wire them together, to process the RGB part or the alpha mask, and you have everything you need. But you won’t have to wait for 2 weeks that people will fill the bugtracker for feature requests about “clarity” or “shadows/highlights” à la Lightroom.

That was all corrective stuff (in cinema, they call that a primary grade).

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Hm, it would be great if you could follow up with some creative grading of some of these images. Maybe there is one where you see some potential. Particularly, the night scenes with fire lose some mood by correction, it would be very interesting what and how you would bring it back.

The thing is I am truly unable to get creative on other people’s pictures.

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Too bad, I think that’s a missing workflow part which is not yet documented well. Maybe with one of your own images then? Excellent examples from popular genres processed end-to-end could certainly be helpful for people to build their own workflow. Of course, covering many genres is not possible for one person, but maybe one or two you feel comfortable with?

Don’t get me wrong, I am not asking for it but am just suggesting what I think would work well and fit well into your excellent live series.

Hi there Aurélien,

do you plan to do another round of video demonstration?
If so and if you are lacking topics, personally I would like to see your take on B&W conversions. That would probably be a nice bridge to the channel mixer topic as well… :wink: