darktable YouTube live

@ wallie

A bit off topic, but If I understand you correctly, you mean that in order that have a visually pleasing exposed jpeg SOOC, you have to underexpose the RAW by 1 stop??? So you want to decouple somehow the effect on the jpeg from the RAW exposure.

I am migrating from Fuji to MFT + FF and playing with a Pana GX8. It has what they call image effects. One of them is called low key and underexposes quite a bit. You can also set the contrast curve. By adjusting the highlight and shadows downwards you underexpose the jpeg picture but lose contrast of course.

Other brands have similar settings, but I can’t think of anything else to decouple the jpeg appearance from the RAW exposure.

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I sleep over it another night and than open another thread in order not to hijack this one. Thank you

Hi Aurelien,

I’m watching the stream on a Saturday afternoon.

I really liked how this was done. Thank you so much for taking the time to do this.


Tomorrow, 6 PM UTC+1 (Paris), another live on fast dt workflow for time-sensitive businesses and people on the clock ?


I’m not someone that belongs in the time-sensitive businesses or on the clock category, but I would love to see another live screencast!

Cutting a time-intensive corner in a way that makes sense might be a good thing no matter what your circumstances are :slight_smile:

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If you don’t have enough, I’ll think about sending some of mine as PlayRAWs here and give links :slight_smile:

Live tomorrow will be here : https://youtu.be/vP5m1YmSRw8

Shoooot ! :wink:


I just made sure that this is also promoted on r/darktable on reddit. That is assuming that that is a good thing :wink:

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So it was YOU who caused my This link has already been posted within the last 14 days. error?

I’ll try to find those that are both “pretty” once done and that took me AGES to do :wink:

You gotta go fast!

See you tomorrow! :ok_hand:

Ohh! That’s movie time with the wife for me. If I watch this tutorial instead, I’ll have to sleep on the table, in the dark. :expressionless:
I’ll catch it on YouTube tomm :+1:

Anything is a movie, as long as you have popcorn. Try that… Maybe. :popcorn:

JCS1903710.DNG (74.6 MB) Sorry it is this file with pink color

This is not a raw file. It’s already demosaiced…

I was recommending darktable to my friend. We are both programmers and do photography as a side hobby. He was trying darktable this week but was not really positive about it. As a last effort I proposed him to watch yesterday live. His comment went something like this:

this program have so many options and mostly I heard “ups, not this”

He is back to Lightroom…

Then Lightroom might be the better solution for him. Most images are edited using sliders on a smartphone :wink:


Are you sure your friend is programmer? I’ve rarelly heard about programmer wanting to put LESS options in or have less controll :wink:

Joking aside - yep, darktable has a bunch of stuff going on, but as @anon41087856 showed there’s still room to improve and with current set possibilities to get results “perfect” are there and don’t take much time.

As an aside: I have semi-pro photog friend. Who claims that he hates Adobe with passion and bought Affinity… and still uses lightroom because doesn’t “have time to learn” app he paid $$$ for. It’s a time skunk-cost: why learn something else when what I already know gets me the results I can predict?

Thanks @anon41087856 for the new screencast, again very interesting. I’ve got a follow-up question: Do you consider the edits you did corrective, i.e. setting the baseline for adding a “look” in the next step, or do you consider them final?

You know what? Maybe we are less programmers and more like integration engineers.

After many years of all stuff constantly breaking at the smallest change (MySQL breaking backward compatibility in small update, operating systems breaking after every upgrading, over engineered tools “giving you choice” by having so many configuration options that you need to spend weeks to make it work “acceptably” looking constantly all around docs and internet searching for “why the hell it’s not working?” - OpenStack anyone?) I’m starting to long for simple tools that just works and you don’t need to read enormous manuals and weeks of configuration tinkering to be productive.

More, I’m even more happy to use tools that actively take away my “choices” if this mean I’m more productive (love gofmt or prettier code formatters, code from everyone in every project looking exactly the same and after 3 years fixing bugs in 6M loc in C++ project and trying to understand what “magic from 1234 page of C++ specs” some programmer use this time I run away to Python and then later to Go that give even less “choice” with “only” 120 A4 spec that is understandable by most programmers and not only compiler devs).

Before getting day job I loved tinkering with Linux or programming for myself, now I hate it and I started getting afraid of upgrading Linux to new main versions… Or maybe I’m getting old (34y)?

Sorry for this rant.