Using the PPA for Ubuntu and the OBS for Debian, the new notes are displayed on the first run. I belive that same summary can be had in the About section.
This does have a link to the changelog on the github repo:
Where do you get that from? The officialdownloads page only lists
RT 4.2.1375 for Windows Vista/7/8/10 64-bit - fast
Uploaded by DrSlony on 2016-11-28 15:36
RT 4.2.1 for Windows Vista/7/8/10 64-bit - fast
Uploaded by michaelezra on 2014-10-25 05:51
Which is roughly a month apart. If you’re curious about up-to-date changelog stuff that isn’t a part of releases (like @sguyader building windows versions in this thread), you’ll need to check with them and rectify the dates + changelog to know what’s been addressed.
When adjusting sliders using shift+scroll wheel it would be great if there was an additional key command to get finer adjustment.
For instance shift+Alt SW, would be great to have .01 adjustment for exposure where shift+SW currently defaults to .1 adjustments. (side note, also slightly funny is the fact that the +&- buttons to the left adjust in increments of .05)
It would be great to have this fine adjustment implemented everywhere. If its 1-100 then shift+SW for increments of 3 or 5, with shift+SW+Alt for base increments of 1 would be fantastic. For float numbers shft+SW for increments of .1, with shft+SW+Alt for base increments of .01 would be fantastic.
Not sure if this is the appropriate place to propose this. If not please let me know where I should move this feedback…
Also, thanks, thanks, thanks, for all your hard work…it really is an amazing tool being developed here.
@PhilipB GTK3 has a fine-tune mode for sliders. I can’t tell you off the top of my head (I’m not at a PC with RT) what it is now - I guess hold Shift when dragging the knob. Play around with the usual modifier keys and you’ll find it. Make sure you’re using a build from the gtk3 or gtk3-bugfix branches.