DMC-G9m2 Support

Been doing a bit more editing on old non-new lumix camera photos and DT began showing blank magenta for a lot of the RAW files. Had to delete the RW2 from that the darktablerc file and then it returned to normal. Still testing the new camera. I guess I can keep reinstating the RW2 and deleting it. Hopefully that won’t f* things up.

It may have been enough to reset the raw black/white point module. If you enable the following setting in darktablerc:


then you’ll see it also contains the definition of the raw crop rectangle (normally hidden):


Thanks. I’ll have a look at this.

@TonyBarrett Let’s move the discussion back to the relevant topic please.

Btw, I see there is no contribution yet for the G9M2 noise profile on GitHub, so that would be useful to have for the next release now that the workaround is confirmed.

Ok. Well, I could try to do that if I have the means but that also depends on whether or not I’ve sent the camera back to Amazon…

And sorry to bother for more information but do these workarounds exist or not, and if they do how do I implement them?

The workaround is described in this thread, and the G9M2 GitHub issue.

Are you referring to this?

If so, this doesn’t seem to do anything for noise profiling (or white balance?) but then I don’t really know what I’m talking about.

To sum up, my questions is simple:

Is there a way to currently or in the near future use Darktable with this camera that isn’t fundamentally crippled?

If not, I will send it back.

Correct, the workaround is only for the “base” support, i.e. ability to decompress the new raw format.

WB you can add manually today if you feel apt, otherwise it’ll be likely shipped for Christmas.

Re noise profile, there is no contribution yet, so no timeline…

Right. That’s clear. Thanks for your time

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If you want to do it yourself drop me a message and I’ll try guiding you through it

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Thanks, yep, that’s the one I saw. I need to check how long I’ve got for the return window and whether it’s likely I’d be able to do this before sending the camera back, which is currently what I now plan to do.

Thanks for the offer

Actually, WB is already included in 4.8.x.


Naturally there are no guarantees, but generally new profiles are added pretty quickly once there is an in interest and someone providing the required raw images.

So, if you otherwise like the camera and got a good price on it, I would consider keeping it.

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Ha. Thanks for feeding my indecisive nature. It was about 30% off current retail offerings, for an otherwise mint open box camera. It’s mainly the profiled denoising that I’m missing. I realise there are other ways to denoise.

You can now test the noise profile as well. @TonyBarrett


Thanks a lot. I’m not sure how to go about that, tbh. I don’t understand GitHub. I’m away for a week or so with some work, also.


I’m the person who contributed the noise profiles for the G9 II. You can test them by right clicking this link and doing a ‘save as.’ You can call it whatever you like, but ‘noiseprofiles.json’ is the name used in the repo, so not a bad one to use. Then, you can launch darktable, and give it --noiseprofiles /path/to/noiseprofiles.json as an argument.

To do this, open a terminal (if you’ve never done this, on many linux distros, if you are viewing the desktop and press ctrl+alt+t, it will open a terminal - if that doesn’t work, you’ll have to search your applications menu to find it). Then, if you are using a flatpak, the command you need should be something like:

flatpak run org.darktable.Darktable --noiseprofiles $HOME/Downloads/noiseprofiles.json

The $HOME is a variable, it will automatically be substituted for the actual path to your home directory. Change the path after that if you saved the file somewhere other than your Downloads folder.

For people running with other install methods - if you installed with your distro packages, it should just be:

darktable --noiseprofiles $HOME/Downloads/noiseprofiles.json

And if you use the AppImage, it should be something like:

/path/to/darktable-<version>.AppImage --noiseprofiles $HOME/Downloads/noiseprofiles.json

Unrelated to the noise profiles, I can also confirm that the libraw fallback (editing the darktablerc file to add ‘rw2’ to the libraw_extensions line) can cause problems for images from the original G9. It is spotty - some images, some of the time, appear to be corrupted (magenta noise). The images are actually fine, and quitting and relaunching darktable, then taking some action to regenerate thumbnails (e.g. open the image to edit, make a change, and close it) seems to resolve it, at least temporarily. I seem to have the most issues when Darktable is taking bulk actions. It is pretty frustrating, but at least it seems to not cause any permanent issues.

Anyway, that’s somewhat off topic (as someone else noted), but I figured there might be another g9 → g9 II user that comes to this topic, and wanted to confirm the behavior, and provide some extra details.


Thanks so much for this. I’m away again shortly but will follow your suggestion here when I get back. Yes, I had the magenta noise issue with the workaround as well, though I’ve managed to reverse it the few times I’ve tried.