Hello - I’m a new user to this forum, a G9M2 owner, and linux (Ubuntu) user. I have enabled the work around above and have also downloaded and used the noise profiles. Have only tested about 20 files for noise removed so far but all tests worked and I love the results. I can confirm the magenta noise preview images bug as well. In my case, the images that exhibited the issue came from a G10.
Is there a way to get the lens corrections to work?
How did you install Darktable? I am using the Appimage for v4.8.1, and the lens corrections work. I believe the Appimage ships with the lensfun DB of correction info, whereas with the apt packages use a version of lensfun from the repos, that may be more out of date.
If running from a native (deb) package, try running the following command at a terminal: lensfun‑update-data
You may have to restart darktable after that.