The title kind of sums it up going into darkroom for editing and the photos turn off color way dark low contrast and hard to pull back out… something is different this 3.6 is the first time I have had this problem… DT 3.6.0, scenic, modern
Always been this way…you see the jpg preview initially in Lightable and the raw image when you move to darkroom view to begin editing…you can make a few changes and start with a 1/2 size raw file in the preview which is more accurate representation of the raw image but slower
Yes this is expected, the raw file is flat. Use exposure, then filmic to get it looking decent.
Turn on subtitle
- Use the new way with exposure and filmic
- Use the old way with basecurve
In this thread we are creating SOOC styles for different cameras Do you want a straight out of camera JPEG style in darktable? Here we help each other
The styles available are:
6D - basecurve, filmic or LUT
M5 - basecurve, filmic or LUT
1Ds - LUT
7D - LUT
Here is a side by side. Left is DT lighttable and right is DT darkroom after a double click.
If this is all normal awesome. However, the darktable just seems a darker than what I used to see in DT
It is normal. In your previous version perhaps some modules where activated to brighten your pictures. If you have some old pictures you edited in 3.4 but not 3.6 you can take a look at active modules.
Did you use the basecurve before. I think 3.6 defaults to modern workflow so you might be seeing this as the result
3.6 does default to scene-referred for new installations but if you’ve kept your configuration from darktable 3.4 it shouldn’t change it automatically.
There is always an “if”
Easiest may be that you just upload a raw file, if SOOC look is what you want.
I have gone through all my settings and turned on all defaults for 3.6 with the exception of "auto-apply chromatic adaptation defaults = modern (legacy is default). As far as “auto-apply per camera basecurve presets = unchecked”. However I have gone back and forth on that one with no perceptual changes…
As mentioned above if you could share a file…one or more of us could check what we see and give you feedback…hard to troubleshoot sometimes just from a screenshot and a back and forth…
Here is the RAW CR2 and the XMP created by DT without any adjustments by me:
2021-07-22-10-10-11-0781.CR2 (19.4 MB)
2021-07-22-10-10-11-0781.CR2.xmp (18.6 KB)
Thanks I will take a look…
@kaymann please can you add a license to your Raw. Something like
This file is licensed Creative Commons, By-Attribution, Share-Alike.
I am using ART because they have a feature that will show easily what to expect…The inspector can show the jpg preview and a linear raw render as preview options…see below…jpg first then linear raw…for me linear raw looks like what you see in DT…dark, no dynamic range…so not much to work with on this image…I would try another image as an example…
In the editor neutral profile…
Not much better with ART automatch which usually will bring it up to similar tones of the jpg…
Darktable gives much the same result upon opening…dark… If you add 1.5 to 2 ev you will get something close to your Jpg. In camera your jpg must be getting the same ev bump…
DT 3 shots in LT initially then in darkroom and then with ev bumped to 2.
So first off it looks like my DT config is not out of whack and it is normal what I am seeing. Yes I can bump up the EV and move on from there. I will create a virtual machine with 3.4 installed and see if there is any difference. BTW here is what it looks like in RawTherapee which is in between:
So I guess I have answered my own question It is what it is and I will start the processing from where DT starts me. You all were very gracious to help me out and I really do appreciate it you have saved me a lot of config tweaking that is not necessary.
Thank you all for your time and consideration.
BTW I picked this worst case scenario to make it obvious of what I was experiencing. In other words I know it was a crappy picture.
Noisy and dark, no really difference even with basecurve. Exported to tif, cleaned up the noise, brighten it a bit and added contrast. You have the tif file and its xmp file. (63.2 MB)
2021-07-22-10-10-11-0781.tif.xmp (17.4 KB)
You will likely find that there is a fairly consistent ev bump that you can use as a starting point.