A short stroll around Exeter. Taken handheld.
This file is licensed Creative Commons, By-Attribution, Share-Alike.
20231112_PB120700.ORF.xmp (7.9 KB)
20231112_PB120700.ORF (13.4 MB)
A short stroll around Exeter. Taken handheld.
This file is licensed Creative Commons, By-Attribution, Share-Alike.
20231112_PB120700.ORF.xmp (7.9 KB)
20231112_PB120700.ORF (13.4 MB)
Once again, I rather like the image with only a few edits, and none fancy.
dt 4.4.2
Seems like a very cinematic photo to me! Using the new sigmoid ‘smooth’ preset in darktable 4.5.0 dev builds, along with a LUT from IWLTBAP.
Local Variance Normalization and added supernova flare to the bright light. Amplified the colors a bit as well.
I would vote for this one.
The source picture is REALLY good! At many points I felt like “the more I add - the more I hurt”. I tried to make it feel as ‘real’ as possible, and letting details “pop”.
I like the play of light & shadow this edit gave me.