Film strip behaving strangely

Hi there, I am processing images and using “culling mode” to browse through images in Lighttable.
I experience a weird behaviour when I perform the following :

  1. Choose one image (call it image 1) in lighttable, press “d” to open darkroom.
  2. In darkroom, I then change to an other image (image 2) using the filmstrip. At that point the right image (=image 2) is loaded.
  3. When I activate a module, say cropping, the filmstrip selected image jumps back to the image 1 originally selected in lighttable.

Is it intended ?

Using Darktable 5.0 on Windows.

It might be linked to the discussion opened juste before, here :

Two separate issues.

Please raise an issue at GitHub · Where software is built

I can not replicate this on the weekly build of DT 5.1. on my Windows 11 computer. It may be worth mentioning your operating system. Also make sure you double click on the next thumbnail in the film strip as recently the required action was changed from a single click to a double click, but this is unlikely to be your issue. Still worth checking if a double click resolves your issue.

I feel like it has already been reported here, and solved.

Thanks for checking, I was double clicking, so it has not solved the issue. For the OS I mentioned it but maybe hidden under the screenshot.

I cannot reproduce with the steps described on Fedora 41 KDE wayland. Maybe post a screen recording.

@Pascal_Obry Apparently, you are the one who checked that the issue is solved on Github, could you please confirm that this is basically the same bug ?

Yes most probably, but as this was a macOS specific issue it is hard to say as I was not able to reproduce on my side (I’m using GNU/Linux only and keep away from anything else).

Thanks !
I understand, we will see if another Windows or MacOS user steps in. Should I still report this to Github ?

I can reproduce with 5.0.0 on Windows 11 and current master on Linux Tumbleweed. Lighttable needs to be in fullscreenmode (f) and then enter darkroom with d.

That is exactly the steps I follow, thanks for confirming.

And this happens only if the 2nd image selected has no edit yet. Please report and I’ll fix.

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You mentioned culling (X keyboard shorcut). Your video shows fullscreen mode.

Indeed but the bug occurs in both, have you tried to reproduce from one of those two modes and going to the darkroom with “d” ?

I appreciate your help, thank you.
Here is the bug report : Filmstrip inconsistency when going back and forth between darkroom and lighttable · Issue #18351 · darktable-org/darktable · GitHub

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I already posted that I cannot reproduce.

Should be fixed. The key point to reproduce is to switch in the filmstrip to a non edited picture.


That was quick ! Great :slight_smile: :+1: