Fun with prawnsushi

Thanks, moved it.
I still have some sliders to add, and check work to do though, but it works.
mmm, now that i think of it, i don’t remember seeing this filter crash, even when i started it : preloading 100 trees would just be ok. Still, i didn’t want to take the risk of keeping it that way, who knows what’ll happen on high res images. Let’s wait for the days when 32gb of ram will be the standard.

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There might be some bug you have discovered in the interpreter or it has to do with your code. There’s a filter that caused me to see BSOD on my computer every time I run it, but then I had to add a condition to make sure that never happens again.

@prawnsushi Congrats being featured.

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Damn, won’t be able to get out without sunglasses now :open_mouth: :sunglasses:

Don’t worry about that, especially if you walk through the underwoods :slight_smile:

Well it started as a very originally named foo command in a standalone gmic file, no GUI.
Never had any problem until i moved it to gmic_qt in a foreach block, and got this 50 channel bug (and i was using d0 at the end to show the final image, which was standrad 3 channel RGB, as it should). So the error happens after the filter is applied. Anyway, doesn’t happen anymore.

BTW, just added nice bonuses in the sliders… can you spot them?

Just jokin’ :slight_smile:

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I hope so :slight_smile:

I’m already wearing prawnsushi tshirts every single day.

Seed sliders. Usually, I add a button to randomize GUI elements at once. Maybe here, that is useful?

I could just add a button that does nothing, as this will reload the filter anyway?
Don’t really want to jump in the status update abyss right now ^^:

PS : I really wish i could align color boxes in rows instead of columns… that would save a lot of space. Same for checkboxes.

My solution:

permute[-1] yczx

I wish for one input to be defined as one single color. And a new dialog which acts the same as color, but outputs one single integer that represents said color.

Actually I was talking about the GUI layout.

Color 1 color 2

Oh, I agree with that.

Made two issues here -

I think the grid is more likely. I would love to have colorgrid(),buttongrid(),intgrid(),floatgrid() as well.

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Opened in 22 huh.
If there was a grid color input, I wouldn’t hesitate on using color inputs. Imagine multicolor light rays :star_struck:

I am not suggesting you do this, especially for your now featured filter, but there is an inelegant alternative: using a G’MIC popup window with your own custom interface. :nerd_face:

Problems, I smell problems.
I don’t see how i can open a standard color selector from G’MIC? I don’t see myself coding one either… :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Right now my number 1 problem is getting the output to be the same as the preview.
So i finally switched to full preview like @Reptorian said, but it’s pretty boring to wait for it to refresh.
Can be very looooooooo-o-o-o-ong with large images.

Also fixed a problem (i think) where some trees would be wider than the image and cropped. So next version will only allow thinner trees.

Your biggest problem with interactive filter code development is that keys, mouse positions, do…while states and windows adds a layer of complication.

So, it can be easy to exceed 1K+ lines of code.

Couldn’t that be something that could be part of a separate command? Like a library?
Hoiw is it like reinventing the wheel each time?

Well, I did have to make subcommands for my biggest interactive filter. That makes the work so much easier. With the new true subcommands filter, it would be easier to do.

As for improvements, I would love to see menus as options to windows, but I’m not sure how is that possible. Let’s see what David has to say about that. But, custom menu is already possible, but you’d have to code it yourself.