GIMP AppImage (continuous integration)

@paperdigits @Fotonut:
Even better, open the folder containing the appimages with your file manager, and double-click on the one you want to run; it will be executed automatically.

I think I will simply disable the installation of the .desktop file, because I find it a bit confusing… starting the appimage from the file browser should be much more familiar for people coming from the dark side of the desktop world :wink:

Putting plugins in the appimage Gimp profile works fine here: Kubuntu 16.04

We are coming from completely different viewpoints here. I think a plugin should be in the appimage gimp profile where it can be easily changed. If it is incorporated in the appimage, any update means the user downloads the complete appimage again. Think appimage = 130MB to update gmic_gimp = 7 MB and gmic updates almost every week.
edit: although I have a feeling that the plugin in the gimp profile will take precedence so maybe not such a problem

A prime example is the Debian package gimp-plugin-repository dozens of scripts/plugins most of which never used, all buried in the root directories never to be (easily) found.

Not needed for me, but the resynthesizer plugin is worth including. As a suggestion liquid-rescale.

If you add the plug-in, line 75 generates a deprecated function warning, should be

pdb.gimp_image_select_item(tempImage, 1, orgSelection)

Anyway a great tool for getting to grips with Gimp 2.9 and still keeping Gimp 2.8 I am a great fan of portable applications, not all have to be bundled as an single file, but it helps.
Much appreciate all the effort.

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Just chmod +x will do, and is arguably easier (no sudo) and safer.

@Carmelo_DrRaw curious, are you bundling resynthesizer-2.0.1 with the AppImage? See Resynthesizer 2.0.1

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I’ll get you ssh/scp access when I get back from my trip! :slight_smile:

That was actually in my funwork plans for today… :wink: compilation was straightforward, I’ll publish an updated package for testing a bit later.

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Ok, here comes the next experimental version:

  • with the resynthesizer plug-ins suite added to the bundle
  • without the annoying dialog that asks to install the desktop file

Here is the new link: Dropbox - gimp-2.9.5-20160808.glibc2.15-x86_64.AppImage - Simplify your life

To run the appimage the first time, go to the folder where you downloaded it with your file manager, right click of the file and open the properties, make the file executable like this:

and then double-click on the file to actually run it.

I’ve just realised that the Mint file manager even recognises the application icon embedded in the appimage… cool!

Next time you want to run the appimage, and until you download a new one, you can simply double-click on the file.


… and I could not resist to immediately test the newly added “heal selection” filter. It’s cool!
See it in action: Dropbox - gimp_appimage_heal_selection_test.mp4 - Simplify your life

Getting the deprecated function warning here.

The solution is in an earlier post.

A quicker fix is an updated plugin in the appimage Gimp profile
~/.config/GIMP-AppImage/2.9/plug-ins/ this will take precedence over the built in plugin. (although I advise deleting the existing ~/.config/GIMP-AppImage/2.9/pluginrc and let gimp create a new one)

FWIW the plugin I fixed up yesterday

unzip, permissions should already be set but check anyway.

On a more permanent solution, is it possible to create the appimage with the gimp –pdb-compat-mode=on
There are plenty of plugins, even some created last week, that use deprecated procedures.

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Out of curiousity, how does one get the appimage to appear in the menu please?


Worked it out. :slight_smile:

Setting permissions for all neither requires sudo nor does it impose the slightest safety or security difference. Just saying …

You’re right, and:


I will add this option to the gimp invocation. I personally prefer this solution instead of manually patching the plug-in scripts…

Thanks for the hint!

And a+x is what the AppImage project recommends.

Here is a new version of the appimage: Dropbox - gimp-2.9.5-20160823.glibc2.15-x86_64.AppImage - Simplify your life

It now accepts image file names as parameters, to it can be used as a command to directly open an image from the terminal.


There was some discussion about better desktop integration on another thread, that I’m linking here for completeness: Gimp + PhF appimage, a few observations - #11 by paperdigits

I’ve tested the AppImage desktop integration and it seems to work quite well.

When enabled, the desktop integration will

  • put an entry in the applications menu, called “GIMP AppImage”
  • add an entry in the “Open with…” context menu of most common file managers
  • let you select the appimage as the default program associated to image files

To test this new functionality, you need to:

New versions of the appimage will automatically detect the presence of an old .desktop file and they will prompt you for installing a new one when needed.

@paperdigits and @Fotonut might be particularly interested by this new functionalities…

EDIT: the only issue I’ve encountered so far is that when running the appimage from the applications menu, GIMP complains with this error message: “Opening ‘/tmp/.mount_2CANTA/usr/%U’ failed: Error opening file: No such file or directory”. It is harmless but a bit annoying, and I have no idea how to get rid of it…


Hey @Carmelo_DrRaw, how can one add the plugin registry to the appimage? is that something I can do, or would that need to be included as part of the appimage?


Are you able to define Plug-In and Scripts folders in the GIMP preferences?

Yes, and both are working fine. I have already downloaded some plugins from, and they seem to be working fine.

What I was hoping to do was use the ‘gimp-registry-plugins’ from the repos. Is this possible to do with an appimage, and if so, how?
