GIMP AppImage (continuous integration)

I believe the AppImage would need to be rebuilt to include the new G’MIC version. I don’t think you can just add binaries to an AppImage, as all the libraries are statically linked together.

As @paperdigits already correctly pointed out, the AppImage can only use binary plug-ins that have been bundled into it and compiled together with the rest of the bundled GIMP libraries… at some point I will start including the QT version of G’MIC, but it will still take a few weeks until I will have the time to work on that.

Run the appimage from a terminal and see what is reported.

Two instances, and there might be more with your installation.

There are missing resources, this for gmic_qt

/home/rich/.config/GIMP-AppImage/2.9/plug-ins/gmic_gimp_qt: ./lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `GOMP_4.0' not found (required by /home/rich/.config/GIMP-AppImage/2.9/plug-ins/gmic_gimp_qt)

There are duplicate plugins and the one in your Gimp profile is ignored.

Skipping duplicate plug-in: '/tmp/.mount_V5z6Rq/usr/lib/gimp/2.0/plug-ins/sharpen'

It is also a matter of philosophy. Should the appimage come pre-loaded with scripts and plugins that might or might not be required or should it be a ‘vanilla’ version. There are many existing compiled plugins that do work with an appimage, and of course should work providing it is not too old.

I go for the latter and my homespun Gimp 2.9.5 appimage based on the 'buntu ppa packages will load gmic_gimp_qt, albeit the 2.8 version from


Unfortunately trying and failing to build gmic_gimp_gtk/qt for the last week against the 'buntu 2.9 packages. Starting to hate cmake, qt …etc.

I need to add the plugin myself, I’m compiling the gmic qt and I want to do some tests.

The problem is if I install the GIMP from ppa I get an error when compiling the gmic qt plugin (can’t find the GIMP dev lib), so I’m in trouble.

But for now I can install/uninstall the ppa, I’ve done worst.

A bit of success today.

For the 'buntu Gimp 2.9.5 ppa, it has just updated so that is worth applying.

The packages required to compile plugins are mostly as shown here:

Gimp will pull in libgimp2.0 etc, but also needed some dev packages, libgimp2.0-dev libgegl-dev libbabl-dev, you will need curl as well, Anything missing should show up as an error.

To compile gimp_gimp_qt get qtbase5-dev For some reason I assumed qt4 worked but all I get with that are errors.

The instructions for compiling gmic_gimp_qt are as in the except use the full path to qmake

git clone git clone make -C gmic/src CImg.h gmic_stdlib.h cd gmic-qt /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/bin/qmake HOST=gimp make

Does it work? - it does on my Kubuntu 16.04 Gimp 2.9.5 appimage.

Want to give it a try (remember this is 'ubuntu based) a bit larger than the gtk version this zip is 3 GB remember to unzip it.

edit: First apologies for getting off topic. This will not work with the regular 2.9.5 appimage which needs libgomp incorporating.

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I just prepared a new GIMP AppImage package, using the latest code from GIT:

One of the big new things is the possibility to choose the RAW loader plug-in from the preferences (see this post here on

I have also bundled into the AppImage the latest version of nuFRAW, patched to make it compatible with the new RAW loader chooser in the GIMP preferences (actually only one line of code added).

Thanks to that, the user can now choose among three RAW loaders: nuFRAW, Darktable and PhotoFlow. The last two need external programs (the photoflow plug-in can also use the PhF AppImage, see this post for instructions), while nuFRAW works out-of-the-box.

The only problem is that the latest GIMP requires a version of Glib newer than that available on my build system, and so I had to build Glib from sources an bundle it into the AppImage.
Now being 100% sure of what I did, I would like to ask some of you to test the AppImage before updating the link in the “community software” post. Maybe @probono, @rich2005, @paperdigits or @heckflosse can give it a quick go and see of they get some problems?

For the future, I plan to set-up a full Glib/GTK environment using jhbuild, so that the AppImage will provide up-to-date GTK libraries regardless of what is available on the build system, but it will take some time until his will be fully tested and reliable…


I will give it a go tonight… I don’t expect it to work on Debian 8, but Ubuntu 16.04 should work.

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If you are ready to give me a hand with testing, I’d like to also solve the Debian problems once for all…

Yes sir!

EDIT: Works on Ubuntu MATE 16.04 with the PF AppImage

EDIT II: @Carmelo_DrRaw here is the terminal output from my debian 8.8 machine on Linux hostname 3.16.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.16.43-2 (2017-04-30) x86_64 GNU/Linux and glibc-source/stable 2.19-18+deb8u9

First - No Python Support - I am sure that that can be fixed.

nufraw is the plugin I use in my homespun 'buntu appimage. Dark theme makes the occasional setting difficult to see but easily fixed with a lighter theme. Opens in Gimp as a 16 bit image.

One peculiarity of nufraw is it prevents some .svg (not all) from opening. Not a problem for photographers but as a more general tool could be a nuisance. Same goes for pdf, no ghostscript support

Other linux, a quick run in AntiX (debian sid) and it looks fine.

edit: almost forgot. A couple of external plugins (compiled) that work BIMP and FFT

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Hi @Carmelo_DrRaw, I managed to get this working great on Antergos/Arch, but now it doesn’t launch. The only Antergos update which come through was for nvidia, so I doubt that was the cause.

I’ve deleted the appimage folder under .config, relaunched, still the same problem. Deleted appimage and downloaded a new one. Still the same problem.

Here’s the output when launched via terminal. I hope it helps… It’s rather long.

EDIT: It contained too many characters to post, so attaching it in the text file instead.

Thanks in advance.

gimp.txt (134.5 KB)

Hi! The problem you are having is once again related to gdk-pixbuf… I am currently trying to fix this once for all, and I’ll report back here about my progresses.

Have you tried with older versions of the AppImage? You can find them under



I can use the new appimage in my Ubuntu 16.10 machine.

But I do have a problem. While I can open raw files from GIMP using nufraw and photoflow, the darktable plugin doesn’t seem to work (it’s not available under “preference=>image import” in GIMP), although I can find the plugin file “file-darktable” in the temporary directory /tmp/.mount_92X3K8/usr/lib/gimp/2.0/plug-ins

Do you know what could be cause of the problem? Do I need to export the variable like when I use the photoflow plugin?? i.e. run export PHOTOFLOW_PATH=$HOME/Downloads/PhotoFlow.AppImage

For the record, I did try to run export DARKTABLE_PATH=/usr/bin/darktable and then GIMP but with no success.


Yes, the version from 2016-10 “alterative” works.

Nope, I tried the last appimage where photoflow was included, same problem.

I managed to get DT and Gimp 2.9.5 working in the meantime, so happy to wait for a fix in the meantime.

Thanks again!

@Fotonut @paperdigits: could you please try this new experimental version on Debian and Antergos?

It has no plug-ins for the moment, and the size is quite bigger than usual… however, it should hopefully fix the issues related to gdk-pixbuf, by bundling the library inside the AppImage…

I tested it on a DebianDog LiveCD and it worked, while previous versions where failing on that system.


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Success on Antergos!

Very slow on first start up (2-3 mins to launch), but lightning fast to launch after that.

There will be some additional ‘code’ in the text file below, which was generated after the appimage had launched when I went into preferences to check something out.

Whatever you did, you’re definitely on the right track, great work!


BTW, How do I add the PF plugin to an installed version of GIMP 2.9.5, using an installed version of PF?


gimp-experimental.txt (308.0 KB)

Working on Debian 8 as well. [quote=“Fotonut, post:370, topic:1959”]
How do I add the PF plugin to an installed version of GIMP 2.9.5, using an installed version of PF?

See this post.

Thanks for that @paperdigits,

though that’s specifically for appimages - not already installed versions as per my post.

I need a script for already installed versions of PF & Gimp 2.9.5. I’ve tried various combinations, but not being a coder I’m completely lost!

Thanks anyway.

It’d work the same way with an installed version of Photoflow, something like this:

$ which photoflow
$ export PHOTOFLOW_PATH=/usr/bin/photoflow
$ ./path/to/gimp.appimage