GIMP AppImage (continuous integration)

A new version of the GIMP AppImage is available for download. The main difference with the previous ones is that it now enabled most of the optional GIMP features:

Optional Features:
  Levin matting engine:      yes
  Language selection:        yes
  Vector icons:              yes
  Dr. Mingw (Win32):         no
  Relocatable bundle:        no
  Default ICC directory:     /usr/share/color/icc
  Debug console (Win32):     no
  32-bit DLL folder (Win32): no
  Detailed backtraces:       yes

Optional Plug-Ins:
  Ascii Art:                 no (AA library not found)
  Ghostscript:               yes
  Help Browser:              no (WebKit not found)
  JPEG 2000:                 yes
  MNG:                       yes
  OpenEXR:                   yes
  WebP:                      yes
  Heif:                      yes
  PDF (export):              yes
  Print:                     yes
  Python 2:                  yes
  TWAIN (Win32):             no
  Webpage:                   no (WebKit not found)
  WMF:                       yes
  X11 Mouse Cursor:          yes
  XPM:                       yes
  Email:                     needs runtime dependency: xdg-email

Optional Modules:
  ALSA (MIDI Input):         no (libasound not found or unusable)
  Linux Input:               yes (GUdev support: no (libgudev not found))
  DirectInput (Win32):       no

One known issue, on which I am working at the moment, is internationalisations support, which seems to be broken.

As usual, the up-to-date packages can be downloaded from Releases · aferrero2707/gimp-appimage · GitHub.
