Iteration #5:
Now that the algorithm has been implemented for most of its aspects, it is time to create the filter GUI!
I’ve named the filter 2.5D Extrusion, and will probably put it in category Rendering
Actually, there is almost nothing special to say here.
I wrote down the list of all parameters I’ve introduced into my rendering algorithm, and created a simple interface for setting them. Here’s how the filter interface looks after this 5th iteration!
(here, the input shape is a simple “Hello World” written in white over a transparent background).
This is the part of creating a filter that I personally enjoy the least, as imagining a graphical interface for a filter isn’t necessarily very varied or interesting (I much prefer to think about the algorithm itself and implement it!
But at the same time, it’s motivating to think that a new filter will land soon in G’MIC-Qt and be used by potentially quite a few users (and even that it will come in handy one day or another, with a bit of luck). So I try to do it well anyway, with attention to detail (here, it took me almost as long as implementing the rendering algorithm itself!).
So now I’m going to push this filter into Rendering/, make an announcement on G’MIC’s Mastodon thread, and see if I get any feedback (and possibly bugs to fix or new features to implement, if it’s not too complicated).
Here we go!
EDIT: I forgot to copy/paste the current version of the filter code:
#@gui 2.5D Extrusion : fx_extrude25d,fx_extrude25d_preview(1)
#@gui : Depth (%) = float(10,0,50)
#@gui : Angle = point(80,60)_0
#@gui : Shear (%) = float(25,0,100)
#@gui : Negate = bool(0)
#@gui : Normal Smoothness = float(10,0,50)
#@gui : sep = separator()
#@gui : Color Shading (%) = float(50,0,100)
#@gui : Top Color = color(255,200,0)
#@gui : Right Color = color(255,128,0)
#@gui : Bottom Color = color(128,64,0)
#@gui : Left Color = color(64,0,0)
#@gui : sep = separator()
#@gui : note = note("<small>Author: <i>David Tschumperlé</i>. Latest Update: <i>2025/01/31</i>.</small>")
__fx_extrude25d :
fx_extrude25d :
__fx_extrude25d $*
foreach {
# Transform input layer as a binary shape (with possible anti-aliasing).
if isin(s,2,4) channels. 100% else norm. fi
if $angle rotate. $angle,1,1 fi
if $shear r. 100%,{max(1,$shear_factor*h)},1,100% fi
if $negate negate. fi
if h>1 autocrop fi
if w
n. 0,1
# Estimate continuous field of normal vectors.
+ge[0] 20% l. {
edgels -1
foreach {
s c,-2 channels. 0,1 f. "arg0(i0,[1,0],[0,1],[-1,0],[0,-1])"
guided. $normal_smoothness,100 orientation. a c
a y
# Render colored sides of shape object.
eval.. "begin(
colr = [ "$Rr,$Gr,$Br" ];
colb = [ "$Rb,$Gb,$Bb" ];
coll = [ "$Rl,$Gl,$Bl" ];
const N = max(1,20*(1 - $shading%^0.5));
ar = max(0,i2)^N;
ab = max(0,i3)^N;
al = max(0,-i2)^N;
col = (ar*colr + ab*colb + al*coll)/max(1e-8,ar + ab + al);
I(#-1,i0,i1) = [ col,1 ]"
s. c,-3 . dilate.. 11 -[-2,-1] inpaint.. .,0,1 rm. # Perform dilation of side colors
# Render 2.5D extruded view.
1,$depth,1,1,">begin(M = crop(#0); S = crop(#1)); draw(#-1,S,0,$depth - y,0,0,w#1,h#1,1,s#1,1,M)" rm.
($Rt^$Gt^$Bt^255) r. [0],[0],1,4 j.. .,0,0,0,0,1,[0] rm. # Add top face
k. c 0,255
if $_is_preview r. $_preview_area_width,$_preview_area_height,1,4,0,0,0.5,0.5
else r. {[max($w,w),max($h,h)]},1,4,0,0,0.5,0.5
fx_extrude25d_preview :
__fx_extrude25d $* _is_preview=1 fx_extrude25d $*
line 50%,50%,$angx%,$angy%,1,0x0F0F0F0F,0
line 50%,50%,$angx%,$angy%,1,0xF0F0F0F0,255
(77 lines of code for implementing such a filter, that is what a call “short”