Green B/W Moss - Selective color

Been playing with Darktable in this odyssey of learning and I like this B/W sorta look, selective color I believe it is called. A little research tells me this style has fallen out of favor in general. Looking for thoughts and insights please.


Couldn’t quite get any additional blurring done to my liking. Kept losing too much of the fringe details in the subject.


Who cares what is in or out of favor. I feel the effect works very well on this image and I like it.


Its nice…I am not one to provide educated feedback but just doing a personal visual assessment maybe you could blur the background a little more so there is no conflict with the moss/fern and your mask missed a bit of the ends… some combination of feather, opacity of the mask (not the module) and the contrast of the mask might catch that … also the details slider if might help to catch some of the fringe elements…

I’m with Terry…make the art that you like …

Apparently you can pass off thin air as art in the art world so I think you have a pretty wide open license to do whatever you like… :slight_smile:

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Cool! Though, I think the subject is moss, not fern.

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Duh! lol, don’t know where my head was. Thanx.

Thanx. I will adjust and put up an edit later today. Amazing what the art world pushes.

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This is often my experience when I try to add extra blur to a background.