Head in the Clouds [PlayRaw too]

Raw dcraw: 2 outputs (raw, interpolated)
Play G’MIC: Mask (midtones), Blend (2 gammas), Smoothing (guided by raw), etc.
· Imagemagick: Color morphing (GIF; for @heckflosse :stuck_out_tongue:)


We tend to have fond memories of our outdoor adventures, whether or not we had a good time during the trip, due to the presence of family and friends and being away from home just long enough not to miss it. Our visual memory is also romanticized: the scene is sharp, vibrant, pleasing, inviting and engaging. Our JPEGs and RAWs may disappoint us: What is wrong with this camera! That isn’t how I remembered it! Must PlayRaw! With this in mind, I have made a GIF representing what the camera sees vs what we want the memories to be. Head in the Clouds indeed. —@afre