Help me stop fiddling with this

I can’t stop fiddling with this and then reversing what I’ve done and making it worse. Please help…

20230225_0017.CR2 (64.2 MB)
20230225_0017.CR2.xmp (13.9 KB)

This file is licensed Creative Commons, By-Attribution, Share-Alike.


Wow, what a frame!


Nice one, @TonyBarrett!

My development isn’t much better than yours — I did not want that luvvely rainbow disappear, though.

Have fun!
Claes in Lund, Sweden

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What a scene!

20230225_0017.CR2.xmp (11.9 KB)

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Impressive, you managed to find a day when Dunnottar Castle isn’t shrouded by the haar.

I’m jealous…

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It was out there lingering

dt 4.2.1

20230225_0017.CR2.xmp (7.6 KB)


Thanks for sharing your capture! It’s wonderful!

In my edit, in darktable 4.2.1, I’ve added some drama with various modules, including exposure and tone equalizer. I’ve named most modules (especially copies of modules), to explain what each does.

20230225_0017.CR2.xmp (21.7 KB)

For fun, I’ve also made an alternate black and white version based on this edit too. You almost have to go with color due to the rainbow. Even still, I think this take works as well.

20230225_0017_01.CR2.xmp (23.9 KB)


The B&W is like an etching. In a good way

20230225_0017.CR2.xmp (11.7 KB)


Awsome view! I feel your dilemma with processing… there’s a lot of ways of cooking this one somehow.

20230225_0017.CR2.xmp (21.3 KB)
The effect of the color calibration module brightness sliders is pretty impressive - whether it’s good or not how I used it is another :wink:


This is what OpenAI makes out of the image :sunglasses:.

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Tried to bring out the rainbow and give a little drama to the sky but still maintain a reasonably realistic outcome. Having never been there I’m not sure of the actual colors.

Processed in ART 1.18.1, followed by bird removal and spot applications of exposure and chroma in Affinity Photo 2 to bring up the castle environs a bit. I added a little sunlight to the right side of the castle and grounds. That area of white sea foam just offshore to the left bugs me a bit but it’s natural. I’m not sure if the green tint to the sea toward the horizon is accurate but it’s in several renderings so if I’m wrong I have company. :slight_smile:

20230225_0017.CR2.arp (23.0 KB)


The sea was indeed green. My wife and I remarked on it, even though there was a lot of cloud cover.

Very interesting although I’m inclined to say it wasn’t AI but AU - artificial un-intelligence :laughing: Look at that big path that disappears!

I actually like the original also better. But fascinating, nevertheless.

Yes! And sorry if I sounded critical - it wasn’t meant that way :slightly_smiling_face:

No problem, I just still don’t know what to make of these pictures.

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My version…

20230225_0017_01.CR2.xmp (21.4 KB)


Started again, kept it simple