Highlight Bloom and Photoillustration Look

Both scripts are working for me, I’ll add the 2.9 one to the repo!

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Added your scripts here: Added Highlight Bloom and Photoillustration filter. · pixlsus/GIMP-Scripts@febbcab · GitHub


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Hi Boris,

I guess you have the G’MIC gimp plugin installed? Which version do you use?

Yes Sebastien, I’m using G’MIC plugin Version 1.7.9.

I’m still using version 1.7.7, maybe something has changed in the more recent version, but I’m not a G’MIC / script expert… I hope someone more knowledgeable will chime in.

In the mean time, I added another step to my workflow, which consists in a tone mapping step (-gimp_map_tones_fast 15,0.5,11,0) at the beginning of the workflow, which exagerates the illustrated look. Here’s the new version of the script:
hillustrative.scm (2.7 KB)

@s7habo Boris, I ran into the same problem by updating to G’MIC 1.7.9, it happens because the -gmic_anisotropic_smoothing command has been renamed to -gimp_smooth_anisotropic.

So with G’MIC >= 1.7.9, please use the following script:
hillustrative.scm (2.7 KB)

If you think the latest change I made (adding the -gimp_map_tones_fast step) is too strong, you can either comment line 13 in the script, or tweak the settings for this filter.


@sguyader Wow! It works now. Sebastien, thanks a lot for script, help and for clarification!

It is quite strong interference in the picture, I mean the effect looks like a paint :slight_smile:
Here is comparison: https://spls.blue-note.pl:53443/owncloud/index.php/s/zdFQD6I9QIZ5vWI
Thank you for sharing your script, works fine with gimp 2.8!

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Here’s a new version of the script, this time you can select toggle whether you want the tone mapping effect or not, and I changed the tone mapping settings to have a more subtle effect.
hillustrative.scm (3.0 KB)

@paperdigits please upload this new version of the script for the scripts repo.


Aaaaaaaand… I used your script and decreased opacity on the layer named graphic novel to ca 60% and voila https://flic.kr/p/Qwm1YL :slight_smile:
Default was just too much :slight_smile:

@sguyader updated!

I worked on the script again, I set the default opacity of the graphic novel layer to 50%, and I added two more options, so now you can toggle:

  • tone mapping
  • a slight desaturation
  • a vintage toning

Here’s a photo downloaded from pixabay (CC0 Public Domain, https://pixabay.com/en/music-guitar-electric-guitar-sound-890877/):

After running the script, all three options turned OFF:

With tone mapping ON:

With tone mapping + desaturation ON:

And with tone mapping + desaturation + vintage ton ON:

To finish, here’s another neat image (CC0 Public Domain, https://pixabay.com/en/hat-fashion-style-happy-man-591973/):

And after running the script with tone mapping + desaturation, and afterwise turning off the graphic novel layer, and duplicating/masking the detail layer to make the face and clothes grungier:

Pretty cool, isn’t it?

Edit: here’s the updated script:
hillustrative.scm (3.3 KB)


Updated in the repo. :slight_smile:

Hi Sébastien,

I’d be interested to convert your .scm script directly as a G’MIC filter, if you agree with that idea.
We could then have a filter preview, to see the effect of each parameters directly without having to apply the filter on the whole image. Also, it could hit a larger user base.
What do you think ? I’m not an expert in .scm scripting, so maybe I’ll need help at some point :stuck_out_tongue:

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Hello David,

Sure, that would be nice to have it directly in G’MIC, though I don’t know if you the “high pass” (grain extract/merge layer modes) used in my script can be replicated in G’MIC. I know that using a frequencies layer from wavelet decomposition is similar, but it is not exactly the same it looks, in my opinion, slightly less realistic.

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I’m almost sure it can. Those blending modes are also implemented in G’MIC.
I’ll take a look more closely at your script tomorrow and see what I can do.

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For those running the current development version of G’MIC 1.8.0_pre, you should be able to access the Sébastien Guyader’s filter which I’ve just converted as a G’MIC filter.
It is located in the category Artistic/, as shown below:

I’ve made the filter parameters a bit more flexible than with the original .scm script (sliders instead of just checkboxes), and there is a working split preview as well.

Please tell me if that is working for you. You need the development version 1.8.0 of the plug-in that you can find here : http://gmic.eu/files/prerelease/

Also, for curious people, here is the piece of G’MIC code I had to write, to convert the original .scm file into a G’MIC filter : http://pastebin.com/Fvf0BDzz

Any feedback is welcome :slight_smile:


Thanks David, it works great!

@patdavid awesome. Thanks for sharing again. It’s going on my personal Dokuwiki. I’m only sad I didn’t discover it before processing and posting my comic-con images. I ended up going for a film simulation from RT to get a bit more unique than usual. Have you ever thought of combining everything from beginning of site to 2016 into an epub/pdf and then doing one yearly? Allows people to see them if the net is off or something happens to the site. Your tutorials are awesome and worth saving.

@David_Tschumperle your last post here about the Guyader filter - is that filter in Artistic a filter to automatically do all this in one step?

@Morgan_Hardwood could this be achieved in one go in RT?


I hadn’t considered it before, but now I am! @paperdigits was recently working on a print style for the site as well - I guess we could leverage that to produce something.