Highlights in the fog

B&W based on the blue channel.
DSC_0359_03.NEF.xmp (18.9 KB)


Or, using the camera’s blue channel (WB multipliers: 0, 0, 1; input profile set to linear Rec2020 to skip the matrix). Notice how using only blue (both here and above) killed the tail light of the bicycle.

DSC_0359_04.NEF.xmp (24.8 KB)

Version 1 with augmented fog

DSC_0359.NEF.xmp (14.8 KB)

Version 2 normal

DSC_0359_b.NEF.xmp (13.0 KB)

Version 3 brighter… not too much

DSC_0359_c.NEF.xmp (14.0 KB)



Very nice picture!
Personally, I use Sigmoid with a preset based on the one called “smooth” and I was pleasantly surprised by the result with my basic settings.
Here is the result obtained with only the addition of a “3200 iso noise reduction” style to the basic processing.

DSC_0359.NEF.xmp (13.7 KB)

For the “edited” version, I tried to highlight the fog in the highlights and play on the contrasts of a night scene.

Dartable 5.1 (master)
DSC_0359_01.NEF.xmp (24.4 KB)

Greetings from Luberon (France)


DSC_0359-11.jpg.out.arp (11.3 KB)


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The point of PlayRaw is to share the sidecar. Please upload yours.

Edit with ART, GIMP and G’MIC:


Can’t. My app GIMP does not provide a sidecar file. Is it permitted to use the GIMP in Play Raw?

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Sorry, I used the wrong reply button
I was responding to Highlights in the fog - #26 by dnlyko, right above my comment.

RT 5.11

DSC_0359.NEFb.jpg.out.pp3 (16.0 KB)


I rarely see people who use programs other than Darktable upload their sidecar files. As a RawTherapee user, I never upload my sidecar files. Nobody has ever asked me for one or told me that I have to post it, and I wouldn’t expect it since most people here are DT users.

You obviously do not have to post the sidecar file, but what’s the point of Play Raw if you’re not sharing your sidecar file?

The whole point of Play Raw (which originated from the Rawtherapee community btw, the broader pixls community just borrowed it because its a great idea) is to share your sidecar so that if people like you edit, they can examine it and learn from it.

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DSC_0359.NEF.xmp (13.7 KB)

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You don’t have to, but it is recommended here:

post your sidecar or other files emitted while you post process so that others can learn from your edit
About the Play Raw category

By posting your sidecars, you can showcase what RawTherapee is capable of, and help people learn it.

At some point it felt awkward being the only one, or one of a very small minority, to post pp3s in PlayRaws and never receiving a single comment about it while the DT users constantly exchange technical details about their editing process and examine each others’ xmps.

So I stopped posting pp3s because I don’t think there’s any interest. And just look around: So far there are 27 xmp files in this thread, vs one single pp3. I’m sorry, but the interest is literally not worth the extra mouseclick, perhaps not least since the majority of users are either-or with regard to DT and RT. Should anyone ever ask me for a specific pp3, I’ll gladly upload it.

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I can tell you the vast majority of traffic to this forum is from people who aren’t logged in. It’s more than 3:1. So maybe the people posting “aren’t interested” but that doesn’t mean everyone is t interested. Just food for thought.

Maybe I’m not taking PlayRaw serious as a learning environment. It’s a free-for-all fun place which in my mind emphasizes a generally playful approach rather than being more ambitiously focused on things like aesthetic qualities vs intent of a capture, about general objective qualities of the edit, like “is it fit for print?”, or about in-depth technical analysis of specific modules and their effects etc.

I promise, in PlayRaw’s sister category SeriousRaw, I’ll always post my sidecar.

Whatever pleases you, I guess.

Even so, I’m usually using darktable I sometimes use RT as well and if someone posts a very pleasant edit made with RT (what you did on this Play RAW) I’m looking into this edit. So I would be happy to have a pp3 attached.

More important:
Even so I understand, that it’s sometimes somewhat frustrating to be the minority, it is even more important to support each other. You are definitely not the only one who uses RT. From the regularly posters, there are at least @Sunhillow and @marter which are coming into my mind. And I think they and some silent viewers would be happy about attached pp3s as well.

DSC_0359 (1).jpg.out.pp3 (15,7 KB)